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Everything posted by renegadeleader1

  1. I've always liked games like Master of Orion, but always wanted to see it taken a step further. A lot of these games follow the typical 4x policy of explore, expand, exploit, and exterminate. What I want to see less of an emphasis on extermination and exploitation and more on a tactical and political side of things. For example make alliances and treaties actuallly mean something instead of the usual "give me 'x' amount of whatever and I don't attack for this many turns.". I want to see a game where the player benefits more from working alongside another empire(ala USA and England in the 20th century) rather than going expansionist space Hitler or Napoleon on everyone. Also make other nations react realistically to aggresive expansion and conquest so that if you want to be space Hitler you will end up with pretty much every nation allied and pooling their resources to defend against you. Another thing I would like is make it personal and by that I mean make the nations ruler an in game character with a lifespan able to create a family and eventual dynasty. Think something similar to Romance of the three kingdoms where you can set your successor or marry off a son or daughter to ensure an alliance with the end result being wether planets rebel or a rival nation eventually ends up merging with yours into a superpower via the grandchildren. This also opens up the possibility of political assassination and its repercussions. The last thing I would do is simple and make combat an RTS similar to homeworld in that tactics and not always overwhelming numbers play a role in the outcome of a battle which often ends up being the case in a lot of 4X games.
  2. Correct. the closest Kancolle gets to naughty is clothes getting destroyed when the shipgirl takes damage. Even then there isn't any nudity. Plenty of side boob, cleavage, and booty though.
  3. The browser game is Japan only, but the recently released vita game(which includes Iowa in its shipgirls) is all regions.
  4. mechaboner intensifies.
  5. Well there is the Super Fumina HGBC kit and this...
  6. Everytime I see news about this film, I get this scene from Spaceballs playing in my head.
  7. Wait... How the heck can you have a mini F-16? I thought the damn things were tiny as is?
  8. And I'm perfectly fine with it. For every 5 or so Battle Beyond The Stars we got standouts like the two Alien films and cult classics like Last Starfighter or Enemy Mine. So while we will end up with a lot of garbage there's bound to be some gems in that pile. Who knows this might finally trigger the next true Chronicles of Riddick film.
  10. I prefer to think of them as fighting evil in another dimension!
  11. They're Ballerinas. They're wearing those thongs under the tutu leotards.
  12. You know there's a big difference between beer can missile or an Arcadia cameo easter egg and a main character in a worker destroid doing roller boogie electric boogaloo while super fun happy magical girls prance and sing. All this while civilians are dying from an old foe driven insane from music in addition to some random 18th century aristocrats in varible fighter show up unannounced looking for a runaway bride deciding "diplomacy is for dweebs" and start annihiliating the planets defense force. Did I miss anything?
  13. So after watching the preview episode and giving it a lot of thought I have to be honest and say I didn't care for it. To be honest it felt scatterbrained and the tone was all over the place. If I didn't know any better that this was an offical work I'd have assumed this show was parody of Macross on the level of Project A-Ko. I'm not giving up on the show yet as all be told this is just a preview episode, but its not hitting the mark with me.
  14. Since A7 is breaking out the vintage kits, do any of you know where I can find the RGM-79G and GS command GM kits from the old 0080 line? I want to find them so I can do a side by side comparison with the HGUC versions.
  15. All you need to know about Muv-Luv alternative universe is that during the height of the cold war in the 60s the Apollo mission landed on the moon and discovered an aggresive alien species called the BETA. After several failed expeditions by the west and the eastern Soviet bloc to stop them on the moon the BETA invade the earth and overrun a large chunk of it. From here the East and West are forced into an uneasy alliance to save all of humanity.short version: cold war politics with mecha loosely based on real life fighter aircraft piloted by mostly busty girls fighting bug eyed monster brains shooting lasers, albino H.R.Giger crabs, and human eating eyeless Rodger the aliens. If you haven't seen the first two seasons of Muv-Luv Alternative:Total Eclipse don't worry as even though they take place in the same universe Schwarz Marken taked place much earlier in the time line and there aren't really any characters that overlap.
  16. Yeah people that watched the first films trailer swore they heard "It's a lion!" when the guy clearly said "It's alive!" in reference to the monster.
  17. Looks like a new cloverfield movie is on the way called 10 Cloverfield Lane. Apparently it took everyone by surprise with its trailer added unannounced to the 13 Hours film. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gZhtHSXPEtk
  18. Actually that 3 form rumor has pretty much been debunked. What happened was a report from the set stated the suit requires three people to operate that got mistranslated and overblown.
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