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Everything posted by renegadeleader1

  1. I've tried explaining this to people for a while now, but more or less get told to shut up and I don't know what I'm talking about.
  2. Anybody watch Hai Furi yet? Everthing I've read about it leads me to believe its more or less a naval version of Girls Und Panzer.
  3. It really depends on which version of Motoko Kusanagi they intend on playing. The differences of the major between the manga, the Oshii directed movies, the SAC, and the newer shows are pretty huge.
  4. Honestly as far as trailers go its really not that much different than the Return of Godzilla one from 84.
  5. It's based on the early concept art from the 1954 film that represented Godzilla as a survivor of a nuclear bomb test hence why he looks like he does. Google image nuclear bomb survivor. When you are done cleaning up your vomit you will understand.
  6. How old are the kids? These minis are pretty intricate and might be out of the skill level of anyone under 15.
  7. To be honest there's alot I just don't like the Macross version's battroid mode. It just seems too bulky and top heavy. I also don't like how the nose cone splits off and the cockpit area just kind of juts out. Given what I've seen Robotech's YF-4 battloid mode while derivative of the VF-1 just looks more streamlined and better proportioned. All in all not its not that bad of a transformation in its own right.
  8. It's not about watching it, its about loving it enough I want it in my collection.
  9. What I meant by second season of Chaika was actually the second cour "Avenging Battle" part. So far Sentai has only released the first 12 episodes.
  10. So its that time again... another Anime Boston another haul for me that puts me into anime over load for the next few months. Here's what I got. Dragonar Academy Coffin Princess Chaika Ladies VS Butlers Turn A Gundam Lord Marksman and Vanadis Heaven's Lost Property(both seasons) Super Dimensional Century Orguss Since I'm still on vacation I've already breezed through Chaika. The only bad thing I can say about it is I'm not happy that Sentai is dragging their feet on bringing out the second season. Other than that everything about it has been stellar, it really is one of the best shows of the last five years or so. I'm only halfway through Ladies VS Butlers, but its actually been a while since an anime comedy actually got a laugh out of me like this has. I'm actually liking the main character as he's less of whipped limp noodle around the ladies and more of a decent guy sometimes caught in some bad looking situations but a limit to the BS he will take. I've been dabbling with Orguss watching episodes here and there, and its definately pure 80s mecha goodness. Its going to take a while to get through, but the highlight so far was watching Kei pondering the girlfriends he left behind and then realizing he most likely just admitted to banging the bridge bunnies and Minmay. I can also kind of see why this didn't get picked for Robotech like the other shows did. While the character designs and some of the mecha look like they might fit, this show is pretty much straight up a super robot show so far and its tone just wouldn't have worked. Finally I just started watching Turn A Gundam. This is my first time even though I've heard quite a few good things about it. I like the art so far and the setting is interesting. I've heard some detractors complain its boring and doesn't have a lot of battles or major action but I'm actually okay with that. Everything thing else has indicated its a well thought out show with a deliberate pace and I like that. I don't need beam spam mecha fests to keep me entertained.
  11. Yeah guys that's the thing about Cannon films, as bad as a lot of their films are more than a handful at least had some entertainment value. Sure its schlock, but its entertaining schlock with some effort put into it. Unlike Asylum who produces garbage with no effort put into it and tries to bite on the trend of whatever movie is popular at the time with half baked knock offs.
  12. Hey you aren't the only one.
  13. sI honest wouldn't mind bringing back Shia Lebouf, except for one condition. Make him the sidekick to his older more mature half brother that Indy concieved with Willie Scott the singer from Temple of Doom. Imagine Mutt on the verge of recovering an old relic when the other guy snatches it from him and a chase squence occurs that ends up being stopped by the main antagonist who addresses them... Bad Guy: "Indiana..." Both: "Yeah?" (before looking at each other awkwardly) Bad Guy: "...Scott we meet at last." cue Indiana Jones theme. This would open up some great call backs to the original trilogy like Last Crusade's two Jones. I'd also try to set it in China and bring back Short Round while picking up from temple's Lao Che gangsters and the gem Indy failed to recove in the opening.
  14. AB just gave me the schedule for my panels. FRIDAY Girls Und Panzer panel friday 12:30pm to 1:30pm SATURDAY Hockey panel 2:30pm to 3:30pm Kancolle panel 6:00pm to 7:00pm
  15. LOL teddy bear toss! I still remember when the Manchester Monarchs did their toss a couple years back. Someone had a 15 foot tall stuffed Snoopy that required nearly 30 people working in unison to heave over the glass. The Asia league has its own goofiness like that namely the now defunct Kokudo Bunnies who's team logo looked like hitler bunny after snorting a line of coke. Anyways say hello to Nana Fujimoto. Starting goalie for the NWHL's New York Riveters and Japan's first professional women's hockey player!
  16. So I'm looking at this figure of Mustu from Kancolle over at Jlist and I have some questions. What exactly is a figFix figure and how big are they? https://jlist.com/pre6473 Some of the Kancolle figures are out of my price range, but this seems decent. Is it worth getting?
  17. International trailer... It actually makes the film look worse and more obnoxious.
  18. I'm back again this year too. I'm running my panel on Kancolle again in addition to one on Girls Und Panzer too. Because this year's them is field day and sports events my panel on ice hockey in Japan also got accepted. The hockey panel was the first I ever hosted and I'm thankful for the chance to revist and expand on it given the extra time I now have to play with. Originally I had only 30min to do it in, but this year I have an hour.
  19. I'm looking for vintage stuff keep me in mind when you want to sell.
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