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Everything posted by renegadeleader1

  1. Include a lead actress demanding her main character be killed off and I would guess you would be talking about Alien 3.
  2. There is a doomguy pop vinyl figure out for about ten bucks.
  3. Its actually simple Apollo. To get a youtube video to embed it has to be the full address for the video. I.E. it has to start with https://www.youtube.com not m.youtube.com or youtu.be
  4. You talk like you expect them to even be rescued at all, you should know better by now. they're going to end up popsicles to be later zombiefied by the white walkers.
  5. Let's not forget it was also co written by Roberto "conspiracy nut" Orci. I picture the planning meeting for the plot going something like this... J.J.- I'm thinking about remaking Wrath of Khan any ideas? Lindelof- Well I do have this kind of vague idea, but I'm not sure where it leads to... Orci- 9/11. J.J.- Huh? Orci- 9/11! J.J.- Okay... Orci-(screaming) 9/11! 9/11! 9/11!!!! J.J.- Yeah...Alrighty I'm out, I'll be back in three weeks to shoot what you guys come up with.(walks out slamming the door behind him) Orci- NINE! ELEVEN! Lindelof- A conspiracy that is vague and leads nowhere...with Khan.... PERFECT!!! Orci-(starts repeatedly slamming his head on the table while mumbling 9/11) Three weeks later... J.J.-The hell is this garbage? Well at least I got Star Wars comming up... cha-ching!
  6. I suggest you read up on the 25 point plan for the National Socialist Party that was co-written by original party leader and noted anti semetic Anton Drexler, Adolf Hitler, and several other founding members. It was delivered in a speech on Feb. 24, 1920 to mark the transition of the original German Worker's Party into the Nazi Party. Take note specifically of point 4. This speech was given barely a year into the original German Workers party's existence, a year before Hitler was made head of the party, and 13 years before he was made Chancellor of Germany. To claim that nazism wasn't about racial purity and anti-semitism from its start or that Hitler corrupted it when he came to power is a complete and utter fallacy.
  7. Do any third party GM's exist?
  8. Michael Bradley hasn't done any work on Robotech since the Sentinels. He isn't even Lancer/Yellow Dancer's regular voice actor, Cam Clarke is. Bradley only provided the lyrics and singing voice for the character for which he was paid a one time lump sum for his work. Because he took that deal HG retained all the rights and can reuse his past work for things like LLA and the anniversary cd without having to pay him. His Robotech work is arguably his most enduring and recognizable work and he is cut off from capitalizing on it. That is why he is so upset and is appealing to fans instead of trying to get compensation from the courts.
  9. It's hard to have sympathy for a guy who took a non union job under an alias for a quick buck working on a "kid's cartoon show". He got paid in full back in the day and has no claims on the work. That is why despite complaining about HG for the last 10 years he's never tried to take them to court. It still it doesn't keep him from from touring South America playing Robotech songs and selling CD's with the music or doing cover performances of Mospeada music he himself has no right to.
  10. 1.I never even knew a mass produced ZZ Gundam GM existed. 2.If that by some miracle ends up the ZZ GM you are looking at a minimum purchase of at least 6 or 7 kits alone. 3.Where the hell is my HGUC RGC-80 GM Cannon and Sniper Custom I?
  11. Its from Bandai and is molded similar to their Gundam kits in that all their parts more or less are what color they are supposed to be. The human figures that come with it on the other hand do require painting.
  12. Was that Sean Bean in the voiceover for the trailer?
  13. Neither and both. The figures went into production with the assumption that a supporting cartoon and comic series would be made, but it never got off the planning stages. The closest they got were mini comics bundled with the figures which were hilarious in their own right since they make mention of the second film and apparently all the marines made it out alive.
  14. Sooooo.... I take it you're not a fan of Bubble Gum Crisis?
  15. Is there a dead roadkill xenomorph on the underside of the APC like the action fleet version?
  16. Why its disliked? Read this thread. Why its anticipated? Because we want to see it fail miserably. There saved everyone from following the click bait.
  17. Basically what happened is the original shows Robotech(Macross, Southern Cross, Mospeada) is based on got remastered, not the actual Robotech footage itself. This meant that to remaster Robotech they needed to re edit the three remastered series footage again like it was back 1985. The problem with this is that while they still had the original voice recordings which included audio from scenes cut from the broadcast version, the music and effects reel was lost in a fire. That's why Robotech Remastered has new intros, eyecatches, and effects.
  18. Save your money its just another online multiplayer generic call of duty knock off. The only fun IE good GiTS game was the original one for the PSX that let you drive the FUCHIKOMA.
  19. Basically its like this. Legacy colllection- Has the original sound effects, but bad visual quality as the masters used were signifigantly degraded. Interesting special feature discs include Robotech II the Sentinels pilot. Protoculture collection- remastered footage, but original classic sound effects have been replaced. The intro and eyecatches were also changed. The special features discs are basically the same as the Legacy set. A&E collection- Basically the same as the Protoculture collection except they altered the Sentinels pilot to remove the parts with Macross flashbacks, and added a 29 minute long version of the Robotech movie without the Megazone 23 footage.
  20. I'm pretty sure you could do the same thing with a lot of franchises. Try asking your coworkers if they like Batman or Superman then ask them to name some villians outside of Lex Luther or the Joker.
  21. There's still the issue of Duke Togo claiming only a small part of the fandom dabbles in the EU when the series as a whole has sold over 160 million copies in addition to routinely cracking the New York times top ten best sellers lists. Hell the Thrawn trilogy alone has sold 15 million copies with Heir to the Empire making it to number one on the list. Even the freaking XXX parody makes reference to Thrawn and the EU.
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