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Everything posted by renegadeleader1

  1. As far as I know from people that owned the discs the subs are the same on Yamato and Starblazers 2199. What GabrieIV might be thinking of when he mentions the preview is the one off Voyager did for their panel presentations at cons.
  2. The marketing for this movie has been atrocious. Aside from the talk in this thread I've only seen the trailer in theaters once and maybe the tv spots 3 or 4 times during the Olympics coverage and that's it.
  3. So... Aliens master FTL travel and come millions of lightyears across the galaxy to play Pictionary? I hope they're not sore losers.
  4. My problem with DS9 and a lot of its story arcs was that Babylon 5 did them first and did them better.
  5. Did it occur to anyone that the missile in the trailer might not have done any real damage and that the AT-AT is going to turn back torwards the soldiers that fired it then mow them all down?
  6. Why did I hate the film? BECAUSE I COULDN'T GIVE A RATS ASS IF THEY WERE MALE OR FEMALE, THE HUMOR WAS COMPLETELY UNFUNNY DOG CRAP! Every character was crass, obnoxious, grating or stupid to level they insult people with real mental retardations! The plot was paper thin and incoherent with enough plot holes to drive multiple Ecto-1's through! There is no internal logic! Every bit of nostalgia piece that paid tribute to the original films was forced, out of place and felt like blatant pandering! The effects looked stupid! Hemsworth's character is an insult not only to Annie Pott's Janine character from the origina, but a major insult to anyone who has ever held a personal assistant/secretarial/receptionist job in their lives male or female! THE. MOVIE. WAS. CRAP.
  7. McG is doing He-man and its a Sony production? No good can come of this.
  8. That's a trademark of a PBandai kit. Often if the kit in question shares parts with another kit they just shove the entire runner its on into the box.
  9. Wait we are getting an early type Guncannon and Ground GM? Count me in! It will be interesting to compare the old GM ground from 08th MS to this new one. Will it be an improvement or will it make me hope for the old kits to be rereleased like what happened with the 0080 GM's?
  10. Maybe because my taste in women runs a little higher than drowned rat goth girl with skank tattoos?
  11. I would like to state for the record that many Bothans died obtaining information on the SECOND Death Star, not the first. All we know now about how the first Death Star's plans came into Leia's possession is that rebel spaceships striking from a hidden base have won their first victory against the evil Galactic Empire. We also know that during the fighting rebel spies managed to steal plans to the space station and then transmitted said plans to the Tantive IV and Princess Leia who was under the cover of a diplomatic mercy mission.
  12. Did it occur to you guys the tank in the picture is resting on the ground? If its normal hover height is 2-3 feet then the forward guns are at a normally perfect height.
  13. Sort of. I'm interested, but my gut tells me this will be one of those games that promises so much and ends up being a disappointment. It looks like it might get repetitive very quickly.
  14. My Homegirl! I met her twice without realizing it back in the day when NECW/WWW did special events at the Lowell Spinners and Lowell Devils my local minor league baseball & hockey teams respectively. She had something special back then and I'm so glad to see her suceed at the top! I also have a picture with Carmella too, but I didn't know it at the time as she was a New England Patriots cheerleader. Shocked the hell out of me when I found out who she was.
  15. Hell I'm just glad that Queen's Blade is still a thing!
  16. I now proudly present.... DAT AZZ!!! THE ANIMATION!
  17. I was at the Smackdown show tonight, and either WWE are the biggest trolls ever or Bayley was supposed to debut tonight then dropped at the last minute. Being one of the first people in the door I noticed there were "Hugger Section" signs left on all the tv side ringside seats. Then there was the way Sasha's 2 on 1 match ended so quickly and awkwardly. I'm pretty sure Bayley was supposed to make a run in to save Sasha, but now they are saving the mystery partner reveal for sunday's Battleground.
  18. RT also gave 10 Cloverfield Lane 90%. To be honest that really wasn't much better than a two hour long episode of the Outer Limits and not something I really feel like ever watching again.
  19. Hey guys I want to order the Prinz Eugen figma. Any recommendations on who I should order from?
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