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Everything posted by renegadeleader1

  1. Sentai has been trying to get LotGH for a very long time at least since 2008. It's a passion project for them and not something they scooped up to prevent others from getting it, not that anyone else was chomping at the bit to license it. This isn't some new short 12 episode series made on a computer that the master can be shipped on a USB drive from Japan, have a dub track, and subtittles bolted on and sent on its merry way. This is a 100 episode plus series starting in the later 1980s that was made on film and getting those tapes from Japan and preparing them for release isn't easy.
  2. I know nothing of the book, but keep seeing the trailers and it looks like garbage.
  3. There's a lot of subtext and symbolism in this poster So I wouldn't say they're trying to portray him as evil. Luke representing the light side, but with a look of anger on his face, while Kylo representing the dark side has a look of peace. Both are displaying traits of the opposite sides, and both are left in the shadows while Rey who represents the balance between them is cast in the light holding up a hand to guide the way.
  4. Someone remind me why Riding Bean or Gunsmith Cats hasn't been adapted yet?
  5. Don't expect Alphonse to be in the film very long. These films just don't have the budget for it.
  6. I wonder how GiTS will sustain this coming weekend. Anime Boston took place the same weekend as its debut. That's roughly 30,000 people this film was aimed at that were otherwise indisposed.
  7. Well guys, now that AB is over I have to say AB was a blast and much needed break from things. My panels also went over extremely well with mostly filled rooms and it seemed like I built a small following that made it a point to attend each of my panels over the course of the entire con given how much they enjoyed them. The best compliment I had was from these two brothers from Southern Cal who said they would comeback to AB next year specifically to see my panels. Some guys even wanted me to come to the west coast. The problem is I'm just a local guy, I'm not in the anime industry, and I don't really have the money to buy a round trip ticket & hotel for something like AX. I'd love to go if I could find a way to get sponsored or something like that.
  8. It's alright guys if you can't make the Air combat panel, just belt out a tune for for me okay? I also want to clarify the time of the ecchi panel. Con shedule wise its actually listed on friday after midnight at 1:00am.
  9. The thing that killed Boeing and the X-32 was the plane was incomplete and the company just wasn't ready for the competition against the Lockheed X-35. The plane had to swap parts to make either supercruise or vtol, the special stealth material they wanted to use for the body wasn't ready yet, and they wasted time debating up to the last moment wether it would have a conventional tailplane, pelikan tail, or go full delta. The fact that the plane had a gaping intake that could compromise stealth capability and prove vulnerable to ground fire is the least of their worries. That pretty much sums up the X-plane competition. Lockheed put out a relatively conventional design with some bells and whistles that worked, and boeing just made a bunch of promises and tripped over themselves..
  10. For those of you that are Girls Und Panzer fans and play World of Tanks, WG just announced that next month the Panzer IV H anko Angler team special will be made available for all the platforms WoT is on including PC, mobile, PS4, and Xbone. This tank used to be a PS4 exclusive, and you can be sure I'm purchasing it for my xbone.
  11. Wasn't this the same or similar to mural that was in the publicity for Prometheus? Just less detailed?
  12. For those of you familiar with Twilight Axis, are there any new special GM variants in it like say a RGM-86 GMIII Sniper Custom?
  13. So I did some digging and managed to get some answers from Tim Eldred of ourstarblazers.com as to what Voyager is, who owns it, and what they do. Yoshinobu Nishizaki founded Voyager Entertainment back in the mid 90s when he was working on Yamato 2520 to handle U.S. video distribution of the whole franchise. There was a U.S. office in New Jersey, but that was shut down by the Japanese side in 2012 and the entity as a whole renamed Voyager Holdings. Voyager as it is today is very much a part of the Japanese Yamato 2199/2202 production comittee wholly owned and run by them tasked with distribution and merchandising the various Yamato incarnations in the U.S. This isn't something like the Robotech/Macross situation where some other company is involved, this is owners themselves calling the shots. This pretty much explains a lot like how Voyager's missteps echo other Japanese companies like Aniplex or PonyCanyon in that they don't understand or underestimate the U.S. markets or assume that what worked well in Japan will work well in the States. It's also pretty much the reason they refuse to license the shows out to someone like Funimation or Sentai Filmworks with the exception of the live action movie which I think funi got the rights to from the studio that filmed it and not Voyager themselves.
  14. Good you passed the test. It seems most people these days can't get over themselves to see the great story tying the first gundam series and drop it right away because of the "icky 70s" animation. Once you get engrossed in the story though you'll find yourself largely not caring about the older animation style and actually start to appeciate the aesthetic of it and what they were able to accomplissh at the time.
  15. Alright guys just want to given an update on my panels for Anime Boston. Tankery 101: The weapons and world of Girls Und Panzer will be held in pane 306 of the Hynes on 3/31 at 4:30pm to 5:30pm. My tank is fight!!! A guide to armored combat in anime will be held in the Sheraton's Fens panel on 4/1 from 4:00pm to 5:00pm Air Combat in Anime will also be held in the Sheraton's Fens panel on 4/1 this time from 7:00pm to 800pm All about that ecchi and fanservice, but were afraid to ask will be held in panel 302/304(yes it's a double size room, and yes the panel is that popular) on 4/1 from 1:00am to 2:00am Don't be afraid to drop by and say hello, learn a little history, and generally watch stuff get blown to hell in various entertaining ways!
  16. I got a bit of an odd question for everyone. Aside from obvious shows like Girls Und Panzer or Tank Police can you guys tell me any anime that has an emphasis on tank battles or just really cool scenes with them or armored fighting vehicles?
  17. If they were being 100% faithful to the original manga she'd be wearing a skin tight camo suit. This need to be nude for the thermal camo to work was only introduced in Oshii's film.
  18. I have to strongly agree with this. By the time the Galatea, and the liquid suits are introduced on top everthing going Night of the Living Boomers the show had completely gone off the rails. Still its not the worst mecha show out there, even if it is a sub par reboot of a classic. S
  19. Anime Boston is coming up in little over a month, anyone going? I'm supposed to have four panels I'm hosting this year. All About That Ecchi and Fanservice But Were Afraid to Ask Tankery 101: A guide to Girls Und Panzer Air Combat in Anime My Tank is Fight: Tank Combat in Anime EDIT: Sorry guys for the depressing stuff at the end. Let's focus on the positive! AB is retro themed this year!
  20. WOW! I honestly did not expect them to actually follow through and make the hooters waitress girl! I really like the battle damaged Iowa and 7 virtues figures too. The sonico stuff though? I've never really cared for her character that much and I think she's overplayed at this point so I really could care less.
  21. Who the hell are you kidding? This is the internet, idiots will complain about not having asian actors just because AoT is an anime from Japan regardless of what their races are in the actual show. Another thing, the keyword there in my previous paragraph is "asian actors". SJW's clamoring for more asians don't realize that asian does not equal Japanese and their flavor of the month Chinese, Korean, or Vietnamese actor playing a Japanese role is more likely to offend Japanese people that a white person in that role. That was proven with Memoirs of a Geisha. Finally where was the stinkfest for casting Tom Cruise in Edge of Tomorrow? Did such a drastic name change from All You Need Is Kill turn off all the weeaboos and SJW's whine dectectors?
  22. That reminds me, any good Sei Shoujo figures coming down the pipe? Also that Faith virtue figure reminds of the first large figure I ever bought. Hitomi the band camp girl!
  23. Plastic Little is one of my mainstays for the ecchi and fanservice anime panel I run at conventions along with others like Golden Boy, Agent Aika, Najica, and Cutey Honey.
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