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Everything posted by renegadeleader1

  1. Sorry guys, I'm usually more articulate than that. It's peak season now and I'm putting in 60+ hours a week so the few times I've been able to post here have been when I'm on break or on the verge of falling asleep. Anyways this is the kit I'm talking about. I've built it and it's not very good. I do have to disagree with Kakarot that if you want a HG Strike Dagger you should get the 105 or Slaughter Dagger instead. The kits while being descended from the Strike have too many different parts, it would be like telling someone who wanted a HGUC ground GM before it was released to build the HGUC Blue Destiny Unit 01. Yeah its close to it, but its not it.
  2. Every time I see someone talk about SEED, I'm reminded they never made any model kits outside of a crappy non grade for the Strike Dagger. That and SEED is a mostly an annoying rehash of Original Gundam from 1979 with more obnoxious characters and idiotic factions.
  3. Yeah... What you said isn't much better especially in today's social climate.
  4. Best MRE's I ever had were the spaghetti ones and one called "buttered noodles". It's been 18 years but I'm still trying to find the buttered noodles ones again. I just haven't found anything like it in grocery stores.
  5. They changed this back when they first launched the website in the early 2000s. It's not anything new. The miniatures game even used the SDF:M.
  6. I don't know man there's something about when non Japanese artists and sculptors try to copy the anime look and can't quite pull it off that turn me off.
  7. Here's the transcript from the HG v FASA lawsuit that spun off from the lawsuit FASA brought against Playmates toys and their Exosquad line, that they also lost. http://www.kaempen.org/alex/harmony_gold_v._fasa.html If you want I can provide context and background if you have any questions about the various lawsuits.
  8. Oda Non has become one of my favorite erotic artists, right up there with Hiroki Yagami, Sei Shoujo, and to a lesser extent Shunya Yamashita.
  9. Yes she comes with an alternate set of legs. At that point they should have just made it a separate figure.
  10. Needs Shunya Yamashita's Poison figure to go with that.
  11. You're not missing anything, just what looks to be a behind the scenes pic of three dudes standing around a work table.
  12. I just finished helping my 9 year old nephew build his first kit! A Petitgguy chocolate version.
  13. Oh god. They went full robotjox with it?
  14. I bought the toy of this thing. It has two left hands.
  15. You know what I would find hilarious? We find out Captain Phasma is Finn's mother in a big reveal during their duel and it's Grace Jones under the helmet. What? Vader was voiced by James Earl Jones and had a white guy under the mask.
  16. Oh look another new age mystical obscure environmental message spewing thing from a guy that really just stick to designing valkyries. I wonder if obnoxious orgasmic transforming preteen idol singers will be in this one? Honestly with all sarcasm aside 90% of what Shoji Kawamori produces outside of Macross ends up being a slog to get through and afterwards I'm left with a hollow "that really wasn't worth it and a waste of my time" feeling.
  17. Name recognition. Most studios aren't willing to take a chance on an original big budget sci fi series. That and the whole "reboot for a new generation!" BS.
  18. Japan likes Moe blobs, harem shows featuring dudes who are obviously in the closet, repetitive 500 episode "AS SEEN IN SHONEN JUMP!" crap, and ultra violent shows with lots of gore or naked giants missing their private parts. Hell even the old staples of mecha and fanservice genres don't move the audiences attention meter anymore.
  19. The interesting thing about that matchbox toy is it was originally meant to transform. There's an old promo demonstration video from the 80s where a rep from matchbox tries to transform it and nearly breaks it. In the end child safety, bad engineering, and the cost of producing the toy did away with the transforming gimmick. You can still see where the toy had joints and parts for transforming on it and given a little mod work you could pull off the gimmick.
  20. Here's the thing. Big West doesn't need Tatsunoko or the original series to release the Macross sequels outside of Japan, and they already get profits from it's sale in Japan. The only thing preventing the sequels from coming over is HG's trademarks. If BW can get their own trademarks in once HG's are expired, voided, or are abandoned then Tatsunoko will have to come to them if they want to do anything with the original series international rights. The only way Tatsunoko could negotiate from a position of strength is if they got a hold of the trademarks themselves and do what HG is doing.
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