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Everything posted by renegadeleader1

  1. Went to see it today to make up my own mind about and I have to say it was good. Damn good! I liked this one a hell of a lot more than the first one. The trailers didn't do this movie justice, but they at least did succeed in not giving away the plot in them which is kind of surprising. It also really felt like the people that made this really wanted to make it a love letter to mecha anime more so than the first one did.
  2. We'll talk after the results from the Chinese box office come in. That market is the sole reason we even got a sequel in the first place.
  3. I get to interview the woman who sings the opening this Friday.
  4. That was the set I had. Shame that two years after I had it built it rusted out. That's why I always prefered legos or construx to director sets, they last longer.
  5. Hey everyone! Anime Boston is nearly upon us again! I'm looking forward to seeing everyone again! Unlike in the past I'm not hosting many panels this year aside from my Japan, Ice Hockey, and the Asia League one. Funny enough I'm actually working the convention this year so if you see me running errands or working in a guest panel don't be afraid to say hello!
  6. So guys Anime Boston is coming up and I was looking at the guest lists and Asaka is one of the musical guests. Are any of you familiar with her? She seems fairly new and I don't know much about her.
  7. Take the job for a month, hide everything you want the first day in the back, and when everything hits 50% off clearance use that plus employee discount then quit.
  8. This might be a New England thing, but honestly I miss Child World closing more than I do Toys R Us closing.
  9. I just don't care anymore, and this is coming from a guy who took his screen name from the ESB radio drama. Ever since the prequels came out and Lucas started tinkering with the originals to the point of adding Hayden Christensen to RoTJ little bits of the kid in me who looked at Star Wars as something kind of magical has completely eroded away. The Last Jedi was a stupid mess and this Solo film has train wreck written all over it with a guy that doesn't look, act, or sound like Harrison Ford. I'll probably see it and episode IX, but I'm beyond really giving a crap about the franchise anymore.
  10. I see you guys upset about this movie and I would feel for you except for the fact I didn't think the first film was all that good. And the way they controlled the mechs with some metaphysical mental linking B.S. was just dumb as all hell.
  11. But...but...but it looks generic and a bit fugly!
  12. Since we are long past the point of spoilers and nobody really answered the second half of your question I'll take a stab at it. The reason why it was safer for Trevor to explode the plane in the air is the wind will dissipate the poison gas the bomber was carrying and completely reduce its effectiveness. Had it exploded on the ground there's a good chance Trevor, his crew, everyone on the base, and Wonder Woman herself might eventually succumb to the gas. Remember not only is the gas highly explosive its also extremely corrosive. Gas masks would have offered no protection.
  13. That works for me if we end up getting more 1/144 scale GM variants.
  14. The old Bantam novels handled this well. In them he falls in love with a drug addicted slave working for the Hutt's spice processing racket. Thank's to Hutt factional in fighting he is able to free her, but she goes through withdrawal and leaves him ending the relationship badly. She later turns as a member of the rebel alliance and tries to recruit him to take down her former slavers on behalf of the rebels. Still heartbroken and feeling betrayed he only helps on the condition he gets paid. In the end she betrays him and takes all the money to fund her rebel group. Destitute Han takes the smuggling job from Jabba which fails and is why he has a price on his head in ANH and why he has no love for the rebellion. Having explained all that it pretty much brings to light a problem with the current disney canon. So much of the universe had been fleshed out already with many great ideas that Disney's choice to redo everything and cherry picking what they like is leaving us with poorly planned half baked stories that pale in comparison to what came before.
  15. Without spoiling did any of the non Japanese ships like Prinz Eugen or Iowa show up?
  16. What the hell am I looking at? Whatever it is I like it...
  17. Let's see if I can explain this... The old expanded universe when it was under the publisher Bantam had some very good entries with things like Timothy Zahn's Thrawn trilogy and the Rogue/Wraith novels. Even Kevin J. Anderson's books while a little cliched were still enjoyable. The continuity was fairly tight too thanks to the relatively small circle of writers used and their willingness to work together. Then Bantam lost the publishing rights to Del-Rey who tried to mark their take over of the license by going all dark and edgy. They started hiring garbage Star Trek novel writers to write books, killed Chewie, and introduced a new big bad from outside the star wars galaxy to wreck everything. Who were these guys? The Yuzhan Vong, a species that doesn't exist in the force which can best be described as Cobra-La from the G.I. Joe movie mixed with sadomasochistic tendencies and a disturbing interest in body modification. They hate mechanical technology and all their stuff is bioengineered.
  18. The only mention Tannhauser gate got was when Soldier was unconscious and the doctor was reading the names off his tattoos and made it clear they were in reference to battles.
  19. This Mark Hamill thing reminds me of what happened to Shia Lebouf and The Crystal Skull. He was open about his distaste for it and was basically warned to shut up or else by Harrison Ford of all people.
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