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Everything posted by renegadeleader1

  1. As long as Lady Armaroid and Cobra are still the drivers!
  2. Having been to San Francisco, it won't be the city workers, but the zombie horde level of homeless people there that will strip that stuff down for what ever they can get at the recycling center.
  3. You're complaining about this when Dr. Strange had a single origin film, then a small cameo in Thor Ragnarok, and yet went on to play a massive part in Infinity War?
  4. You want Silver Surfer? That means introducing one of the worst and most annoying of Marvel's villans, Galactus! Me hungy! Me eat planet om nom nom! Me invincible! Yeah no thank you.
  5. I have an interesting theory/idea for people that have seen Infinity War that a friend pointed out for me after he watched it.
  6. I strongly disagree that Char is some type of "noble demon" If anything he has always been presented as a twisted evil sociopath. From the way he deals with Garma to dropping his Zabi feud to go after Amuro only to go back and kill Kycillia on a whim. By Zeta he basically goes out of his way to sabotage and abandon the AEUG cause all over a petty grudge with Haman. The way he treats Mineva is creepy at best and you get the feeling he'll put a bullet in her head given the chance. By Char's Counterattack he's dropping asteroids on earth killing thousands if not millions. Not because he truly believes in his father's cause of moving humanity into space or to take revenge for Lahlah's death, but just to draw Amuro out into a final battle just to see who has the bigger balls. There's also the fact he basically nudges and manipulates selfish brat Quess into becoming a new type weapon just because he can.
  7. The safe bet would be that HG did send Hasbro a cease and desist back in the 80s given what we know from the 90s Playmates/HG vs Fasa case. In that case Fasa had tried to claim HG didn't do due diligence in defending its rights until HG produced evidence of them sending cease and desist letters since 1985 and having a long term correspondence about not using the designs. If they had been going after Fasa since 1985 there's little doubt in my mind they went after Hasbro in the same time period.
  8. I don't have the exact number off hand, but I do know it's not a lot. It's basically the same as what the original deal was for without any adjustments for inflation. This is pretty much the real reason behind behind the HG Tatsunoko rift. Tatsunoko is basically given away the rights for peanuts and the new owners there aren't happy because they know they can get more just shopping it around.
  9. Per the recent court settlement between HG and Tatsunoko, Tats gets everything including the copyrights. The only exception is the word Robotech.
  10. No. The Eva references are only superficial homages. If anything this film feels closer to Getter Robo, Mazinger, and Dai Guard than NGE.
  11. I plan on buying some of the HG kits Bandai just put out after seeing them at Anime Boston. I especially like the Braver Phoenix the big bulky brawler he is.
  12. This sounds more like Sucker Punch knockoff than anything else.
  14. And embarrassing! I just froze because I could remember the lyrics. Bless her heart. She then asked me to sing anything and I told her blushing deep red at this point I'm more a rapper than a singer which got her to say something in Japanese ending with "yo baby yo baby yo!"
  15. So remember when I mentioned I was interviewing the singer of the opening of Yurucamp? Well the panel is over and I found out she's something of a Macross fan, and absolutely adores May'n and she's the reason she became an anisong singer in the first place. She started breaking out into singing songs from Frontier and Delta, then she asked me what Macross song I liked. I told with a a blush Mari's My boyfriend is a pilot because I couldn't think of anything else to say. She then tries to get me to sing it with her. She's a sweetheart!
  16. Well my hockey panel is set for Friday at 11:00pm to midnight in room 206 if anyone is interested. Also I'll be moderating/interviewing new singer Asaka who did the ending theme for Occultic Nine, and the opening song to Yurucamp at 2:00pm Friday also in the same room 206. Saturday I'm moderating/interviewing the InuYasha Retrospective panel at 10:00am featuring Japanese producers Hideyuki Tomioka, Michihiko Suwa, writer Katsuyuki Sumizawa, and musician Kaoru Wada in the constitution room A of the Sheraton hotel. Don't be afraid to stop by and say hi or ask some questions!
  17. Watching InuYasha, Keijo, Valkyrie Drive and Hundred currently. Only one of those is for legit research purposes.
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