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Everything posted by renegadeleader1

  1. What did you expect to get? The U.N. Spacy is a rapid militant expansionist empire that uses pschyological warfare to subvert alien cultures with their own and rule through rampant colonialism. Think about it. In the span of 60-70 years in the Macross timeline they went from a small ragtag group of around 30,000 survivors to imposing their rule on half the know galaxy. Anyone who opposed them were subjugated or put to the sword. The U.N. Spacy is just a fancier version of the borg that uses pop music to achieve assimilation.
  2. Tatsunoko lost nearly half a million US dollars last year. https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2018-06-28/tatsunoko-productions-takes-50-million-net-loss-in-2017/.133507 This is something to keep an eye on as it may have repercussions down the road especially if Tatsunoko sees selling the Macross license as the only way to stay above water financially. There could also be issues if Tatsunoko declares bankruptcy before the arrangement between them and HG runs out.
  3. The Kzinti got mentioned in Star Trek:Beyond, which means a version of them exists in the main universe.
  4. G.L.O.W. season 2 is coming in about a week so I did a bit of a refresher of the first season. The show still holds up well, and I'm still amazed by how well the Ruth/Zoya character is portrayed. At best she is an idiot who seems to be completely oblivious to her actions and how they affect others or at worst she's a horrible self centered b!tch that continues to make the worst possible decisions over and over that she immediately regrets with the exception of when it comes to the wrestling. And yet we still feel for her and hope for the best even if those feelings do get strained by the end of the series. Then you have the Liberty Belle character. She comes off as cold and b****y for most of the series, but I really don't blame her. She stopped a successful acting career to have her baby, her husband is a scumbag, and her best friend sleeps with him behind her back... Twice. But she still manages to find a way to take back her life and reconcile with everything, including her scumbag hubbie who she utterly puts in his place by the final episode. I'm interested to see where season 2 goes with everything.
  5. They wouldn't be that small. Canonically they're taller than the F91 and Victory, and we already got those in HGUC form. If you want something real tiny take a look at the 1/100 scale RXR-44 guntank also from the F91 line. It's the same height in 1/100 as the 1/144 scale Jamesgun. That means in 1/144 scale it would barely reach the knee of regular RGM-79!
  6. All these new F91 kits do is give me hope for a RE/100 Heavygun, Hardygun, or G-Cannon. Actually I'd love them in 1/144 scale instead as the F91 ones would be the only GM's not to have ever had a release in that scale.
  7. I'm guessing you mean the RGM-79[G] Ground GM? Those parentheses make a big difference between the Ground GM and the RGM-79G GM Command type.
  8. The RGM-79C GM Kai space type is indeed a minty green, but those bodies are from the RMS-179 GM II from Zeta gundam. Note the collar camera and lack of carry bars on the shoulders. The heads I believe are from the ground forces release of the GM kai which may have been white as opposed to the brownish color the HG release had.
  9. Queen's Blade is getting a reboot... https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2018-06-01/queen-blade-unlimited-anime-promo-video-highlights-characters-story-reboot/.132312 The crew decided to focus on the worst character from the original series Elina(evil incestuous obnoxious catgirl) this time around and added a generic boy with amnesia named Michel(milk toast) that the audience can self(fist) insert into. The thing is I actually liked the original series and its follow ups. I have a high tolerence for ecchiness and fanservice, and undereath all the T&A the show had a pretty decent story to tell. This though? I'm not feeling it. Even if the tagline is promising more strength and more violence.
  10. https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2018-05-31/mega-man-x-legacy-collection-trailers-streamed/.132278 Mega Man X is getting two legacy editions. The first has X1 to X4 while the second(aka the ones that suck edition) has X5 to X8. Not really worth it if you have the full collection disc from the PS2 era.
  11. Had to have known that was coming.
  12. Great looks like they're going Wolfenstein alternate history with this stuff. Then again they already did that on the last one introducing powerarmor dudes with miniguns in the first world war.
  13. All I know is what I saw in the trailer was a hell of a lot funnier than that fur tv dick joke garbage Old Nash posted.
  14. I have a questionfor those who have seen this before I see this and a simple yes or no will do...
  15. People who whine about Ray annoy me and forget that Star Wars has a long history of strong capable women. If you take out the two Death Stars and Alderaan blowing up you'll find Leia is actually responsible for more kills than anyone else in the original trilogy.
  16. The predator series has so much possibilities for potential films. So many different time eras, locations, and warzones you could set it in and still be compelling. Instead we get this turd. It's much worse for the Alien franchise. After Aliens showed what military grade and some civilian grade(pump action shotgun) weaponry could do to a xenomorph the consensus among the the film makers was "How do we gimp the humans to make the xenomorph a threat again?" They answered this by at first rehashing the original by placing it in a confined setting with little to no weaponry, but that didn't sell so they just decided to make everyone dumb as bricks with as much life preservation as a lemming pretending to be the dumb bimbo that always dies first in a Friday the 13th film.
  17. Reminding people that this film is being directed by the guy who did the one MCU film the other films like to pretend doesn't exist is probably not a good idea. This movie looks like a** and changing the basic Predator plot from alien hunting humans for sport to using humans to advance their own genetic evolution is dumb.
  18. Having just watched Retaliation again the other day I can attest to this. All in all it's not a bad action movie and the plot is 100% GI Joe schlock. The three things it had going against are its connections to the first movie instead of starting fresh, the meager budget it had, and the decision to kill off 99% of the named Joes in a hamfisted attempt at a soft reset 5 minutes into the film.
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