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Everything posted by renegadeleader1

  1. That Gustav Karl looks like a Chinese knockoff of the RX78GP02 or something that would appear in one of the stand alone Super Robot Wars games that features original designs.
  2. As much as fans wanted a badass Vader moment that scene should have been cut as it doesn't flow well with episode IV. He goes from leading a boarding action busting in like gangbusters flinging fools and doing the dark souls hack and slash to being the last one through the breach looking around like "Meh..."
  3. I always thought Magneto's dynamic was being Malcolm X to Professor Xavier's MLK? Both striving for similar goals but vastly differing views on how to go about it.
  4. This series lost me with the last film when Apocalypse took Eric a jewish man who had his parents killed by the nazis to Auschwitz concentration camp and proceeded to give him a speil about purging the planet of anyone deemed weak or undesirable, mutant or otherwise. Seriously? Look I know his daughter was accidently killed when that stasi guy panicked, but still there's no way in hell a jewish man with the holocaust freah in his mind is going to be "Okay Mr Mutant Hitler, I'll help you with your super powered version of the final solution so your chosen superior race can rule the world!" God that was so poorly handled. Actually there's another thing that bothers me about his potrayal in that film, and how by the end the world regards him as some type of misunderstood hero who actually saved the world. This guy attempts to kill the president, drops RFK stadium into the middle of Pennsylvania avenue, and thanks to Apocalype's scheme has killed thousands if not millions in the cities he leveled, but the movie is like "Yay! Magneto is our saviour!" Never mind the fact he caused most of the destruction. If this were real life the U.N. would have passed a resolution to have him killed on sight for good of all humanity, not forgiven for his crimes and allowed to walk away a free man.
  5. If the Army and the Navy ever look on heaven's scenes, They will find the gates are guarded by United States Marines.
  6. Danth did you even read the wikipedia you linked to about social justice warriors? Topics like being against child slavery, war profiteering, and animal cruelty fall under the umbrella of being social progressive which is a bit scary in its own right given things like manifest destiny, eugenics, colonialism, and ethnic cleansing were also views that used to be held by someone who was considered "socially progressive" at some time. As for what a SJW actually is the wikipedia sums that up nice too with the example of someone who is unreasonable, sanctimonious, biased, and self-aggrandizing. For example a SJW is someone who feels compelled to defend the actions of characters like Rose or Holdo simply because they are women in positions of power despite the vast examples of their incompetence and/or idiocy. To the SJW they are above reproach or critism, and anyone who says otherwise is a Mother's basement dwelling neckbeard that needs to grow up.
  7. It honestly wouldn't surprise me if there was a horse breeding mechanic in the game, or in order to break a horse and ride it you need to have it gelded.
  8. I've posted this elsewhere, but the stupidity of Last Jedi can be summed up with the fact that pretty much the entire third act and the resistance getting nearly wiped out is because two idiots illegally parked on a beach AFTER they were warned not to and ended up getting arrested for it. Yeah you could say they were in a hurry, but they didn't look very hard before giving up and finding a balcony to take in the sights and give the audience a hamfisted attempt at a PSA on animal cruelty and child slavery.
  9. Typical Kawamori non Macross show. Nice mecha, ugly or forgettable character designs, and a mind numbing overly complex yet stupidly simple plot that can't get out of its own way.
  10. Do a google image search for Uguu! Am I cute meme. There is much worse, much MUCH worse out there than Shadow Chronicles.
  11. Question guys. I found my old Intellivision system from Mattel. Do you guys know if there is anyway to get it up and running on a modern flatscreen TV? It's RF switch is one of those really old ones with the prongs you had to screw into the back of the old TVs. Also if I wanted to stream the gameplay or make a recording what would I need to do to capture footage from my TV and put it on my laptop?
  12. Open desert and rocky mountains don't make a compelling film. This franchise needs to return to dense and thick jungles just not modern day. It's time to start playing with the fact the preds have been to earth before and set a movie during the pacific campaign of WWII. I know somebody posted a fan film along these lines but I want you to imagine this.... Guadalcanal 1942. All is quiet when the Predator's ship lands in the jungle at night. As he leaves his ship and readies his gear for the hunt his ship is hit and destroyed by naval artillery fire. Stranded and low on weapons he sends a distress beacon and begins his hunt. He observes the aftermath of a battle and sees a US Marine start to take war trophies and golden teeth from the dead Japanese. He becomes obsessed with this one marine as he shadows his unit and begins collecting skulls from both forces who both think it's the other side commiting the mutilations playing up the demonizing propaganda of the time. In the end it comes down to the marine, and a Japanese soldier who was also collecting trophies from the dead and know they've been hunted. In a climactic battle nobody survives and the Preds body is recovered by other preds and no one knows what really happened. There. I'm now a better writer than Shane Black. Go full Saving Private Ryan/Pacific miniseries with the portrayal of war and brutal violence and you have a classic.
  13. Odd random question, but do scientists have any idea what Halley's comet orbits around to send it back towards the sun every 75-80 years? Exactly how fast and far out into the solar system does it go?
  14. Finished Maoyu this week. Such a great hidden gem worthy of a second season that you know will never happen. Archenemy is so adorable especially the moment she takes off her demon horns and show's Hero they're just for show or how she gets caught preparing for their first meeting by practicing on a hugging pillow of him. Also started three other series. Amagi Brilliant Park which is fun as all hell to watch, but with the flashbacks the main character is having I'm pretty sure there's going to be a pretty dark reveal about why he's afraid of heights. The next show is How Not To Summon a Demonlord. Definately a guilty pleasure, and I like how the main character has this inner monologue about how he really is versus portraying this demonlord character that was his online gaming persona. Finally I'm watching Record of Grancrest War. Good god the pacing of this show is breakneck! I think it accomplishes in five episode what some fantasy shows take three seasons to accomplish!
  15. Both were made by Galoob who went on to make the action fleet line for various properties including Starship Troopers which reused the Xpanders figure molds for the heavy weapon troopers.
  16. Army Gear is what they are called. The canteen was an aircraft carrier.
  17. 99 cents was the "go **** yourself!" offer the prospective buyer made after kajnrig seemingly insulted them. I think what set them off was the lines about not finding it cheaper if you care at all about the box, and being better served elsewhere. I know kajnrig likely thought he was just stating facts but it does come out as standoffish with the "many thanks" at the end looks like a disingenuous F.U. He likely would have been better served saying something along the lines of "I appreciate your interest but the buy it now price is as low as I can go and is non negotiable. Thank you."
  18. The closest thing Victory had to the guncannon was the original Victory's dash pack which gave it two shoulder mounted beam cannons or the V2 assault version which had a shoulder mounted beam rifle. The guncannon suit from F91 is the F71 G-Cannon.
  19. Discotek really is becoming one of my favorite anime companies. They license classics that have never seen the light of day on the States that other studios would pass on for being "too old" or "too obscure". The best part is they are being successful at it and making a pretty good profit that keeps them in the black.
  20. I'm not sure if many of you remember the El-Hazard: Magnificent World OVA's from back in the 90s, but to me it was a classic. It looks like AIC is trying to get funding for a direct sequel to the original OVAs featuring the offspring of several of the original characters plus a new one from the school where the story originally took place. I'll be supporting this one with what I can. https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2018-08-12/aic-plans-crowdfunding-for-el-hazard-sequel-project/.135364
  21. I hate to admit it Old_Nash, but that thought did cross my mind. It would make one hell of a surprise if it was true. Still it probably is Mothra.
  22. So... Safe to say this project what ever it actually was is now dead in the water given what happened?
  23. *cracks knuckles* You know what I want? Robocop VS Terminator. I don't normaly make these types of posts, but here's my pitch. I'd make it a stand alone film using the original classic Robocop design and setting, but the plot would be a corrupted retelling of the original terminator film. The Movie would begin with Murphy and his partner responding to reports of a muscle bound streaker raising havok in the middle of the night. Confronting the streaker Murphy tries to apprehend him when he notices something isn't right. After a brief but brutal fight Murphy manages to disable the Terminator and takes it back to the station as evidence. We then cut to an alley were the classic terminator time warp happen and an old man appears in immense pain with a surgical scar down his chest. A voice off screen says "Kyle Reese?" To which the human replies "Oh god no!" Before being disembowled by another terminator and a futuristic pulse rifle is ripped from his body. We then cut to a news broadcast in typical Robocop fashion about a serial killer on the loose killing anyone named Conner. Watching the broadcast on a tv is a couple of gang bangers outside an electronic store. One tells the other she needs to watch out or she'll be next to which she responds she doesn't give a **** and shoots up some nuke before proceeding to trash the store with her accomplice. Back at the station Murphy and Lewis try to figure out what it was they just took down. After finding maker marks for Cyberdyne industries Murphy decides to use his computer probe to jack into the terminator and is hit with a wave of fragmented information about Sara Conner, John Conner, and Judgement day. Before he can properly sort out the information OCP comes to claim the terminator as they had bought out Cyberdyne in the 90s so its their property. Robocop is powerless to do anything due to his prime Directives. He is also starting to glitch due to his jacking into the terminator. Lewis and Murphy leave then respond to reports of a mutilated body. Identifying the remains as Kyle Reese through his database Murphy notices the ages don't match so they decide to visit Kyle's home address. A young man who matches the database answers leaving Murph and Lewis at a loss. A child starts to cry in the background making Murphy nearly pull his sidearm. Shaken they leave Kyle and his kid behind to return to the station to get Murphy a check up. That's were Sara Conner is being booked for wrecking the electronic store. Skynet starts to take over Murphy and he nearly kills Sara before his human side forces a hard reboot and shut down. While he is down Lewis interrogates Sara, but she acts like a punk and knows nothing. That is when the other terminator attacks the police station and kills Sara in a call back to the original terminator film. Lewis is wounded but aids the other police in fighting off the terminator before an OCP controlled new model of the ED series finishes it off. OCP again claims the terminator remains. A now rebooted and reawakened Murphy protected from skynet and without prime directives decides to track OCP back to an automated factory where OCP is manufacturing the ED and what appears to be endoskeletons. Once again using his probe to access a computer he now realizes what is happening with regards to Skynet, the terminators, and judgement day. The final battle of the film begins with Robocop being discovered and all the terminators and ED series activating. Using heavy firepower like a minigun from the trunk of his patrol car proceeds to destroy the factory and the remaining terminators. The final scene is of young distraught Kyle Reese putting his child down to sleep telling him to "Grow up big and strong John." The post credits sequence will be the old man of OCP looking out his office window. His skin ripples and turns silver for a second and he utters the words "Judgement day will come." Cue Terminator fanfare mashed with Robocops.
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