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Everything posted by renegadeleader1

  1. I saw the film this morning and give it a C+. Positives-Effects are amazing, and the monster battles are exellent. There are a lot of tributes and references to the classic Toho Godzilla films, especially the Heisei era. Negative-I have to agree with the critics the human scenes are the weakest part of the film. It's not just boardroom discussions on how how to kill the monsters, that's fine by me as it's a staple of the series. It has more to do with some of these characters having truly grating personalities or just being down right unlikable. One character in particular is possibly the worst person I have ever seen and by the end I plain despised them with a passion.
  2. Sad news guys. Last night a tornado tore through Dayton Ohio and hit the USAF museum. I'm not sure how much damage was done, but the early years hangar has been closed off for repairs for the time being. Here's a list of what was in that hangar. https://www.nationalmuseum.af.mil/Visit/Museum-Exhibits/Early-Years-Gallery/ Some pretty rare stuff like the only remaining Martin B-10, and one of only two remaining original Caprioni Ca.36 WWI bombers.
  3. Well I've seen it. My opinion? It's okay. I was entertained, and didn't feel ripped off. I'd say it's biggest faults are the musical interludes. They tended to have a habit of interrupting the flow of the film with the exception of a couple(friend like me and Prince Ali). The interludes just don't mesh well or as seamlessly as original did, and Jasmine's new song is just bad. Maybe the film should have axed the musical and made a straight up adventure film? The climax doesn't hold up as well as the original either. The best parts were the banter between the Genie and well... Pretty much everyone. If I had to pick the best part it would be the formal introduction of Prince Ali and Jasmine. That scene alone is almost worth the admission. Overall I'd say it's maybe worth a rent or watching with your kids or loved ones when it hits cable.
  4. Anyone that thinks Picard working with section 31 needs to remember he took part in a covert espionage action against the Cardassian Empire whom the Federation was at "peace" with at the time. This event led to his capture and torture(the five lights episode). There was also the time where he faked his own death to infiltrate a mercenary crew who were after a vulcan super weapon. Also he was perfectly fine commiting genocide of the borg until he got talked out of it. He's a good diplomat, but he isn't above getting his hands dirty.
  5. In before the Sister of Battle ends up being the highest seller of the line because we all know how much the Japanese love their sexy yandere girls in loligoth attire.
  6. So I haven't been able to watch much of this, but I have a question. Have they addressed who or what Quaithe was, or did they just drop that entire plot line altogether?
  7. I was having a discussion elsewhere and I really want your guys opinions on the subject of space planes... We really aren't that far off from the point where airlines, corporations, and nations with small economies can afford to start sending up passenger craft, light transports, and generally putting whatever anybody wants into orbit are we? Ten to fifteen years maybe less? Just looking at that stratolaunch on the previous page got me thinking that the relatively low cost of essentially building a space X type space plane and staplegunning two 747's together isn't as insurmountable as say a orbiter shuttle or multi-stage rocket used to be.
  8. Another thing that makes that R1 scene absurd that I've comented on before is how he goes from being the first one through the breach smacking fools to in ANH being the last one through the breach calming surveying all the dead bodies. If this was the ship that blasted away from him just a short time ago you know damn well he would have been the first one through smacking head again. Now he just looks like a lazy chump taking his time boarding ESPECIALLY since the plans managed to make it off the ship. As for this remade duel it is just as dumb as the flippy dippy prequel stuff. This isn't a wushu martial arts exhibition with fancy splits and ribbons flying through the air, it is a DUEL. TO. THE. DEATH. Minimalism is good. Maintaing a solid guard and countering is smart. Attempting those sommersauts, backflips, and spins will just waste energy and get yourself killed.
  9. The narrator on that carrier footage... Was that the same voice as the snowman from the old Rudolph christmas special?
  10. This movie had its moments, but it felt way too much like a muddled mess for my taste. Especially how everything got resolved. Anyways, my question...
  11. They didn't bag one in Alien 4. What they did was reconstruct the xenomorph dna from clones of Ripley taken from dna samples when she was examined on the prison planet in Alien 3 after she was infected. Unfortunately the group doing it(Weyland Yutani is out of business at this point) can't get clean samples of either Ripley or the Xenomorph and their genetic traits are mixed. Hence we end up with superhuman xeno-ripley with acid blood and a queen with a vagina that gives birth to live young... Ugh.
  12. I have hopes now for new kits the RGM-109 Heavygun and RGM-111 Hardygun.
  13. Incorrect. In Dark Empire the clone bodies were just empty shells that his spirit inhabited after his death aboard the second death star. He used the dark side to force his conciousness onto and possess new bodies everytime he died.
  14. You did an amazing job on this GM and I'm a bit envious. Just one tiny nitpick though. None of the pilots in White Dingo team wore the generic yellow pilots uniform. They all wore the white suits similar to Kou Uraki's or the purplish white/grey that South Burning had. Still, amazing work and much better than anything I've ever attempted.
  15. Oh yeah nothing says the definitive version of Captain Marvel quite like the second marvel character(third comic character overall) to bear the name who was just a New Orleans harbor beat cop that gained her powers through a freak accident with no relation to the original Captain Marvel, and has gone on to change her superhero identity at least a half dozen times. At least the Carol Danvers character under the Ms. Marvel moniker was connected to the original Captain Marvel storyline wise. She likely never would have had the Captain Marvel name had people who don't even read comics claimed "Ms" was sexist. So now we get Carol Danvers Captain Marvel and the Ms Marvel name goes the walking contradiction of Kamala Khan, a likable outgoing brash energetic girl who has to dress conservatively and act subdued not because she wants to, but to keep religious conservative nutjobs from send death threats to Marvel headquarters. It doesn't help they wrote her brother to likely be one of them sending death threats and give him jihadist leanings just for drama's sake.
  16. I don't know, ask the dozens of episodes of TNG that involved thieves stealing things like relics and artifacts. Better yet, just ask the Ferengi.
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