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Everything posted by renegadeleader1

  1. Ever since Kathleen Kennedy took charge every single Star Wars project has been a disaster production wise with the exception of TFA and maybe The Mandalorian the latter of which she had little control over.
  2. He already said no to that, but to be honest a show about a former stormtrooper breaking his conditioning and finding his way in the galaxy would be a cool idea... As long as he doesn't act like an emotionally stunted ten year old that goes "WOW!" at everything and everyone. Actually I'm begining to wonder if that last part was intentional for his character. He was pretty much kidnapped as a child and programmed to be a soldier so he has all these military skills, but no maturity once the programing is broken. So all his dopy actions kind of make sense.
  3. Try Rian Johnson's ass. This dyad dynamic got introduced in The Last Jedi with Snoke who is apparently being forced controlled by the Emperor now gloating about creating a link in the force connecting the two which the Emperor in Rise Of Skywalker was oblivious to. It's also the film that introduced the space teleportation gimmick during the scene where Luke interrupted their force mind meld and Kylo ended up back on his ship soaking wet from the rain.
  4. I can attest to this. Years ago the American Hockey League, the hockey minor league right below the NHL used to run a mascot of the year contest fans could vote on. It's since been cancelled because somebody paid a group in India less than a hundred dollars to stuff the ballot box with over two million votes. :P
  5. I'm no conspiracy theorist, but it does raise an eyebrow when the audience Rotten Tomatoes score hasn't budged at all since release. It's currently sitting at 86% with over 80,000 reviews, the same 86% it was at with 8,000 reviews, 800 reviews, etc. Logic dictates that it should have fluctuated at some point, but it hasn't. As for all the one line indentical reviews? It's almost as if in all those accusations by studios that incel neckbeard basement dwellers were review bombing to affect scores they found out they could hire PR companies to game the system in their favor instead.
  6. I debated with my brother about paying extra for the cockpit tour back in September and ended up doing it. It was well worth the experience if you can afford it as they let you sit in the pilots seat and touch the controls. One of the best memories of the trip. As for the ME262 there, yes it's a replica. A good one at that. I think the only real one I've ever seen is the one at the USAF Museum in Dayton.
  7. No. It's pretty simple they were blockading Naboo to make an example and force an end to the tax dispute in their favor. That's all you really need to know to set the table for the film.
  8. No. If anything he regresses in TLJ. In TFA he goes from coward running from the First Order to finding something worth fighting for to the point he was willing to take up a lightsaber to defend Rey. TLJ sees him spending the entire movie either trying to run away like a coward or bumbling around like an idiot. The two times he gets to stand up on his own he gets upstaged by BB-8 in an ATST shell and by his forced tacked on romantic interest Rose. Yes. The romance between Rose and Finn was forced. The entire film he just wants to reunite with Rey meanwhile Rose is just constantly fangirling for his former FO BBC.
  9. That or "Baby Yoda" is playing everyone for a fool similar to what actual Yoda did to Luke in ESB when they first met.
  10. This is a good series, but I'll be blunt. The short 20ish minute length is starting to hurt the series. Everything happens too quick and not enough is fleshed out so it really hurts the storytelling. This really should have gotten the TNG nearly hour long episodes so things don't seem so rushed.
  11. Well, that's like your opinion man, you'd be wrong, but it's your opinion. See you post this.... Then you post this. I can't tell if you're trying to knock the EU or Disney's sequel trilogy, because with the exception of Luke losing his farmboy optimisim that's exactly what the house of mouse gave us. Leia's back to leading some rebellion against something and Han is a failed smuggler again. At least with the EU books published under Bantam the characters grew and changed. One of the first chapters of The Courtship of Princess Leia involves returning home from a campaign against an Imperial warlord and being shaken by the war crimes the Empire. He admits to himself he can no longer go back to being a carefree smuggler and rededicates himself to the New Republic cause. The only time he really goes back to being a smuggler and a scoundrel is in the later EU when Chewie's death breaks him mentally.
  12. What it comes down to is this... Back in a time before the EU, before the prequels we had a a guy in cool armor being singled out by the neck snapper himself Vader about not disintegrating the target, he also talked back to Vader damaging his bounty, and beat Han Solo at his own game of hide in the garbage. Granted he did go out like a b**** in ROTJ after his jetpack malfunctions, but that scene also made him cool because he showcased his suits weapons and established him as a walking arsenal. With some imagination all those scenes pretty much establish him as a cunning badass that doesn't take crap from anyone even the emperor's right hand man, and may be prone to excessive violence with a bunch of weapons at his disposal like jetpacks, flamethrowers, harpoon darts, and missile launchers. That foundation is essentially what makes the Mandalorian the Mandalorian in this new show.
  13. You guys are arguing about Rey using a blaster, and I'm sitting like why the hell(besides the obvious merchandising) does the First Order have sandmobiles that launch jetpack troopers when speederbikes are a thing.
  14. It gets worse as far as the Mig-15 is concerned. I can't relate the story of how the US got their hands on one without someone chuckling. First at the planes Nato name then at the North Korean's name who defected in it, No Kum-sok.
  15. I'll admit this is the films biggest problem, the pacing is breakneck. Two hours and ten minutes was not enough time to tell the events of Pearl Harbor to Midway in a truly coherent way. It really should have gotten the three plus hours that that abomination Pearl Harbor got. As for Yammato's sleeping giant speech there is debate even among Japanese historians as to wether he said something to it's sentiment or not. The problem is he never wrote it down and the people he could confide in to tell likely like him died in the war. The main plot of the movie is split between the intelligence officers of Station Hypo in Hawaii, the carrier air group of Enterprise, and the Japanese high command planning the war. Showing the outcome of the first major strike back against the Japanese after Pearl Harbor that the Enterprise escorted and it's repercussions is very much in line with the theme of the film especially since the Doolittle raid was what prompted the Japanese to target Midway. We wouldn't even be having this conversation if those Chinese film credits weren't in the opening. Tom Garth and father Matt Garth didn't appear in the 2019 because they didn't exist. They were made up hollywood inserts to give Charlton Heston a bigger lead role and tack on a pointless love story/address Japanese-American internment reparations which was a hot button political topic in the mid 70s. The Matt Garth character in the 1976 film actually replaced real life people Edwin Layton and Dick Best who are the main focus of this 2019 film. As for the US Navy being "homogenously pigmented"... yes this was a time when the military was segregated. African Americans weren't allowed to be pilots, and asian americans weren't allowed to serve in the Pacific theater.
  16. You know, there's a saying. It's better to let people assume you are fool than to open your mouth and prove them correct. Maybe you should actually pay attention to those documentaries you mentioned and you might learn something, especially in regards to the " racist & nationalist propaganda". I've spent a lot of time and effort researching this subject over the years, and there's no sugarcoating it, the Japanese during WWII were b*****ds especially to the Chinese. That "token China scene" as you put it comes directly from Jimmy Doolittle's memoirs, and the reprisals against the Chinese civilians who aided in the aircrews escape. The Japanese military even summarily executed one of the crews they caught. The later scene where Bruno Gaido and his pilot are executed is also known to be true, as the source for it comes from the Captain of the IJN Makigumo's own log book. Do I even need to bring up Unit 731? The Bataan death march? The order to execute all allied pows in the Philippines during its liberation? The Manila Massacre? The bombing of Shanghai? Nanking? The Japanese news papers running stories of competitions between soldiers to see who can kill the most civilians? The Hellships? Comfort women? Human experimentation? Forced labor and starvation?
  17. Not really surprised surplus AH-1's made it into civilian use given the parts commonality between it and the Huey.
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