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Everything posted by renegadeleader1

  1. A bit of aircraft humor.
  2. Remove the words planetary and interstellar, and you basically have everything the US Navy has at least done once this past year... With the exception of colonization. You'll have to look at the Royal Navy circa 1600-1800s for that.
  3. Here's the offical announcement trailer they put out. If you want to know why you have a bad feeling about this just pause it at the 1:23 mark and read what the idiots in the Star Wars Story Group have brainstormed for this.
  4. Avro Vulcan? EDIT: wait nevermind, it's a Victor. I always confuse Britian's "V" planes in my head.
  5. It will be interesting to see how huge. In lore the average Space Marine is around 8 1/2 feet tall, and a Primaris Marine is a bit taller than that.
  6. Not Firefly. This whole thing reeks of a poor Blake's 7 knockoff.
  7. The B-17 vignette from the original will always be stuck in my head.
  8. Look on the bright side guys. With a second run these will be over 9000.
  9. Question. Do model kits of girls like Frame Arms or Megami Device go in this thread or should I start a new one if an appropriate one doesn't already exist?
  10. I'm going to withhold judgement until I see a trailer at least. I remember when people took a dump on Gal Gadot for her casting and that turned out great. Meanwhile Margot Robbie is amazing as Harley, but both her movies are turds.
  11. The thing about that Iron Mask movie with Arnold Schwarzenegger and Jackie Chan? It's actually a sequel to a Russian film called Viy which is roughly their version of Pirates of the Caribbean about a cartographer traveling to unknown regions of the world fantasy Marco Polo style to make maps. The thing is neither Jackie or Arnold are the main characters in this series which makes me wonder how long they'll actually be in it. I wouldn't be surprised if this film pulled the same thing Executive Decision did. People went in expecting a Steven Seagal and got a Kurt Russell and John Leguizamo film instead. Not that that was a bad thing as ED wasn't that bad and seeing Leguizamo nailing a serious role is an eye opener, but it wasn't what people were expecting.
  12. Stopped watching Hundred at around episode 8 or 9. It's not bad, but its not great either. I did start watching Frame Arms Girl, and I'm shocked at how good it is. For a tie in show of model kit line it's better than it has any right to be. It kind of knows its an advertisment for kits and pokes fun at that fact. For example a character will randomly start schilling for Kotobukiya(the company that makes the frame arms kits) and their cutting nippers, while the person they're talking to gets more and more annoyed, or bored looks for ways to make the person shut up or off themselves. The main character Ao is also refreshing. Unlike other shows like this where the main character wants to be the best, collect them all, or win tournaments, she really doesn't want any of that. She's just random girl Kotobukiya picked to play test their line of frame arms girls. She's only motivated to do anything with the girls once she finds out the company will pay her to have them battle. From there they kind of grow on her to the point she treats them like dysfunctional but well intended children. I'd definately give this show a recommedation. Especially if you build model kits/gunpla as some of the humor is directly at that.
  13. If I'm not mistaken that's the 1989 movie tie in toy without the decals.
  14. A bit. Otherwise they're rather sticker intensive. This video will give you a good idea of what you're getting as he shows all the runners prebuild. His end result is just him panel lining, adding the stickers, and water side decals to it/them/her. EDIT:the only thing he painted was the swimsuit apparently.
  15. Well unless you're like me and don't really want to break up sets etc. I wouldn't mind taking them off your hands. My home is always open for a few stay kittens.
  16. This is what I know him best from. I can still hear the air raid siren from the opening in my head. Rest in peace.
  17. I know nothing has been said, but I'm almost certain this movie is going to have a Deadpool cameo and show how he gets integrated into the MCU.
  18. And some people just don't want to deal with a real grade period.
  19. I was thinking about buying one of these VFG's and decided to look through the previous pages to see what people think, and I think I'll still get one. I noticed a common complaint I see people asking "Why swimsuits?" I think it might have something to do with invoking the Race Queen look or corporate sponsor "Budweiser girl" type look.
  20. Rest in peace. I know many people will say Spartacus was his most notable film, but I'll always believe Paths of Glory was his best performance.
  21. Yeah... Give me Miyatake's original design over the crappy BMX bike pads any day.
  22. Watching Hundred. Why? Busty girls in tight leotards and partial scifi armor. No other reason. Honestly it reminds me of Infinite Stratos maybe a little too much.
  23. RX-78-4 unit 4. A reminder I can never beat that Thoroughbred mission in Encounters In Space with an S rank so he can stay alive and get the alternate happy ending. And this is from a guy who S ranked every mission in Zeonic Front.
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