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Everything posted by renegadeleader1

  1. I wish people/friends/coworkers would organize a flight for me in a fighter jet. The closest I was going to get was riding in a Chaffee tank at my local museum, but the corona f***ed that for me.
  2. It SHOULD be different from Kenneth McMillian's interpretation. Nothing from Lynch's film is anywhere near accurate to how the Baron is portrayed in the novel. The man was a charismatic master manipulator, not a raving lunatic with puss filled sores. The problem is Villeneuve is referring to the novel version when he calls the Baron a caricature as he feels the Baron is too schemey, and it sounds like he just wants to turn him into Raban by referring to him as a rhino, a menacing beast of a man prone to violence.
  3. I binged watched the Epix channel's War Of The Worlds tv series over the weekend. You ever watch a show that you want to like, but in the end it leaves you disappointed? That's kind of how I feel about this show. The acting and directing are good. The sound design really stands out both in ramping up the eeriness and tension, but the writing just isn't there. This show was at it's best when it was copying Walking Dead's formula of following survivors of the attack trying to reunite and just survive. By episode six(of eight total) the wheels kind of fall off as the writers try to ramp up the tension artificially by having characters enter into conflicts with each other that could have been avoided if you know, just explained things to each other. This episode also has one of the most out of touch self indulgent lines I have ever seen in a show like this. Mild spoilers below...
  4. Why is the Red Skull cosplaying as Raul Julia from the Street Fighter movie?
  5. To be fair this movie is a reboot of two live action tokusatsu shows from the 60-70s that were aimed at kids, Silver Mask and Mach Robot Red Baron. I've never seen Silver Mask, but I've seen quite a bit of the original Red Baron and it's own anime remake from the 90s. Neither really took themselves too seriously.
  6. Yeah. If the original were making this new Animaniacs today they would spend nearly an entire episode subtly mocking CalArts.
  7. So when I clicked on this thread and started to scroll through the pictures of the Minerva and other model kits I thought to myself "It would be nice to see them release a modern Cordoba kit." Then I reached the bottom of the thread and.... OMG! OMG! OMG! YES! YES! YES! MOTHER OF GOD YES!
  8. Girls Frontline Lee Enfield... Due out around my birthday in October(If I survive that long given my "essential" job occupation putting me at high risk). I think I'll get this one.
  9. Since this thread got resurrected I think now would be a good time to share this hilarious review video from stop motion artist DD Puppeteer of the CrossFrame GaoGaiGirl from Kotobukiya.
  10. The plot of the first Mass Effect game involved interacting with things called Prothean beacons, ancient relics from a long extinct species that gave flashes of an impending doom from outside the galaxy should civilisations become too advanced. The main bad guy is special forces intelligence operative corrupted by these visions and brainwashed by coming in contact with a ship left behind by the impending doom into doing their bidding instead of preventing it. You initially try to stop him, but no one in the high council believes you at first until you rescue a mysterious girl and end up with a small ragtag crew on a tiny ship to stop him. There's also a race of people called the Quarian who have lost their homeworld and are bitter no one is helping them with a mysterious connected past to a race called the Geth a synthetic hivemind lifeform who assimilate their enemies, but end up not being so bad in the end. Did I mention yet that true A.I. is banned and punishable by death?
  11. I can't help but wonder if this was hinted at in King of the Monsters. The main bad guy, the Jonah character seemed to have an overly irrational hatred of humanity that goes beyond just his experiences as a mercenary and his obsession with Ghidorah through the film always struck me as odd. The thing that really stands out for me though is the scene in the elevator where he's rubbing his eye as the girl watches him. It seems off to me. Like he does it for a little too long like his skin isn't fitting right. The reaction when he realizes she's staring at him is odd too. He pauses, his expression goes blank, and then after another pause he smiles and makes a face at her. Maybe it's me reading too much into it, but who knows? :P
  12. Seeing that clip again I'm reminded about something I really hate about the sequel triology's film making and cinematography. Flashbacks. The original trilogy and prequels always took place in the present of the events that were happening. The past was talked about, but never actually shown because it never had to be. To a lesser extent we never really saw the force visions either, just the effects it had on the people experiencing them. In the end it's just another stamp on how inconsistent, and bad the sequel trilogy's poor storytelling really is no matter how "badass" the scenes are.
  13. I offended someone last year doing my air combat panel at a con because I featured the Strike Witches Funimation trailer in my presentation. The woman got up and walked out to complain to panel ops about me because she took her five year old to a panel that was rated 16+ in the guide book, online, and the board outside the room. The thing is I specifically asked for that age disclaimer because of the nature of what I would be showing(graphic violence, swearing, nazis, etc) from things like Area 88, The Cockpit, Izetta, Pilot's Love Song. and yes Strike Witches. Con ops said I wasn't in trouble or anything, but after four years of doing the panel with no complaints this really put a damper on my enthusiasm to where I just don't want to do it anymore.
  14. Coming soon to theaters Greyhound. "Inspired by true events" in the way that, yes WWII happened, but everything you see in the trailer is complete B.S. made up from historical fiction from C.S. Forrester. So much wrong with the trailer in regards to real life it's giving me a migraine. If they really wanted an action packed over the top movie about U.S. destroyers that was stranger than fictiom they should have just made a film about Taffy III and the Battle off Samar during the Leyte invasion.
  15. Winter isn't an Organa by birth. She was brought into the household after her mother died when she was one year old. What you're thinking of in regard to Winter in the X-wing novels is her growing close to Leia because they were both adopted and had their original mothers die very young. That gave them a common bond.
  16. I don't think it's an inverted gull wing. It only looks that way with how the wing root is shaped as it meets the fuselage. I think Sildani hit the nail on the head with KI-44. Everything matches from the shape of the wing, the stub nose radial engine, and the cannon emplacement. Makes for interesting imagery and symbolism with planes from the big three Axis nations flying overhead while an allied plane sits on the ground looking up in defiance.
  17. Your instinct would be wrong. Both in the EU and "Canon" Breha died when Alderaan blew up. Leia knowing she had been adopted has never really been an issue because her memory is very vague and in her own words she just remembers "images" and "feelings", and that she was beautiful, kind, but very sad. Never enough detail to compromise her own safety or identity. It wasn't until Obi Wan basically spelled it out to him as a ghost in RoTJ that Luke was able to piece it together and compromise her when he let his guard slip confronting Vader.
  18. Luke asks her "Do you remember your mother, your REAL mother?"
  19. I think you might be right about that. The M6A Seiran lacks the wires the drawing has and the struts attached to the floats don't match either plus you can kind of see the distinctive fish tail the Macchi had. Here's a closer look at the three fighters.
  20. New airplane anime announced from the people that made Girls Und Panzer, Highschool Fleet, Magnificent Kotobuki, and RE:Zero among other things. https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2020-02-29/re-zero-writer-tappei-nagatsuki-nanoha-vivid-artist-takuya-fujima-girls-and-panzer-adviser-takaaki-suzuki-make-warlords-of-sigrdrifa-anime/.156984 Looks like it will feature a Gloster Gladiator. Not sure what the other three planes are, maybe a BF-109, and FW-190? Not sure about the float plane.
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