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Everything posted by renegadeleader1

  1. The weather actually looks better than it did the other day. We'll know more in about 10 minutes of so.
  2. Just under an hour to go. I think they're gonna try and make the launch regardless of weather.
  3. I hope so too. I don't really want to talk about the last time I watched a live launch. Good luck guys!
  4. With Zahn I'd start with Icarus Hunt. It's a nice little self contained sci-fi mystery book.
  5. How does one get an incentive ride period let alone a fighter jet? Hell I'd take one on a C-130 or a C-5 if I could get it.
  6. They lost their public affairs officer in the crash, but the pilot managed to eject with non life threating injuries.
  7. I've said this for the longest time, but there is nothing actually wrong with the over arching story of The Phantom Menace or the rest of the prequels. The directing and script dialog are its weak spots. The Sequel Trilogy have almost the complete opposite problem. There's no question the films were at least competently directed and the three films had nowhere near the same amount of cringy lines the Phantom Menace did. The sequel trilogy's problem is the story itself is so inherently flawed, contradictory, incoherent and dysfunctional not just from film to film, but internally in the single films themselves. They're a broken mess and it shows the had no game plan or thought of an overarching storyline when they began the project. When your new "canon" novels and comics waste most of their time trying to either explain the story or retcon parts of the film leading to even more contradictions and retcons, you know you've screwed up.
  8. Will there be Catapults invloved?
  9. I'm almost certain the "Viper" nickname rose with the release of the reimagined Galactica series. My dad was a 20 year air force veteran and I used to go on base with him alot growing up in 80s and no one ever called it a viper, it was always the falcon or occasionally from the maintainence crews the "electric jet" or "electrojet".
  10. Last time I had seen them together was when I was very young. The Blue Angels still had the A-4 Skyhawks and the Thunderbirds had already transitioned to the F-16.
  11. So I'm sure you guys have heard the news the last couple of days about the DoD and Navy confirming the authenticity of three hud videos supposedly capturing UFO's on film. I have a pretty good idea of what a couple of them actually are, but I want your guys take.
  12. For the record Looney Tunes wasn't a children's cartoon back when they first came out. They were very much the South Park of their day.
  13. They look nice, but Japan has priced me out of the toy collecting game. I just can't justify paying $100+ before shipping on something slightly taller than a GI Joe with similar points of articulation no matter how nice the paint app is.
  14. Yeah you guys have hit the nail on the head. With Anakin/Vader there always was the compelling question of what made the good man that Obi Wan talked about fall? How did he become twisted and evil, more machine now than man? It's a shame Lucas botched it with ham fisted storytelling, ugly dialogue, and poor directing. With Cassian what is there to tell? He lived as a cynical rebel operative, and died as a slightly less cynical one. I'm guessing his background involves something cliche like the empire killed his family, or he witnessed/took part in Imperial atrocities so he joined the rebels? The only thing to really look forward to is seeing K-2S0 again.
  15. Yup! Youtube and google algorithms. Kind of creepy, but it kind of makes sense. We likely share similar tastes being on this forum and all in addition to watching similar youtube channels so it's no surprise that recommendation would trigger.
  16. Considering the anniversary of the Doolittle raid was a few days ago, I think I'll be building this kit from Cobi Bricks over the weekend.
  17. Out of curiosity you didn't watch Dragon's Heaven because a random recommendation popped up on your youtube feed with a guy reviewing it and comparing it to scifi artist Mobius' work did you?
  18. I have to ask this, because I'm sure a lot of other people are thinking it, but what's the point of a Cassian Andor prequel to Rogue One? Why should I care or get emotionally involved in a character that we know is going to end up dead on a beach? You could just as easily go the Mandalorian and hand us a bunch of new characters that are rebel operatives/commandos we can get invested in. There's plenty of more interesting tales you could tell post ANH too. Things like the scramble to evacuate Yavin IV, the search for a new base, establishing Echo Base on Hoth, missions to acquire weapons for the rebellion, or even seeing how the "many bothans died" in order to acquire the second death star's plans. Imagine a commando series that ends with Han Solo picking them for the raid on the Endor shield generator, or even recreating the battle from their point of view! EDIT: The only way I think they could hook an audience for this show is if the opening moments are of him surviving Rogue One and being interrogated by Imperials, and the pre Rogue One material is him giving up information. The audience would then be hooked by wondering how did he survive, did Jyn Erso survive, and can he be rescued from imperial hands?
  19. Not exactly Gundam plamo here, but DD Puppeteer does a lot of model kit reviews of mostly frame arms girls/kotobukiya kits with humorous elaborate stop motion intros. I posted his awesome review of GaoGaiGirl in another thread, but this time he takes on Zelfikar with an elaborate tribute to Norris Packard's last stand from 08th MS Team. Even if you have zero interest in the kits he reviews, they are worth watching for sheer entertainment value.
  20. Indeed. Indeed. Unfortunately Klan Klan has nothing on the pinacle of mecha girl model kit boooty that is Megami Device Jeanne from Phantasy Star Online 2.
  21. One of the things that came to mind when this board starting discussing this incident was what the process is for reloading an ejector seat . Now I'm not sure there is one?
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