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Everything posted by renegadeleader1

  1. Most Trek fans could tell you the first black female Captain was the captain of the Saratoga from the beginning of Star Trek IV the Voyage Home.
  2. Currently watching Ulysses: Jean D'arc and the Alchemist Knight... Six episodes in and it's not that bad. I expected so much worse from something the Anime New Network viewer called the worst series of 2018.
  3. So the real question is are we going to get a series that's all grimdark, serious, and depressing with unfunny 50s satire like the Bethesda games, or are with going to get something closer to the original games who's lighter tone had more in common with Red Dwarf or Naked Gun?
  4. You about to get yourself the Alexander Hamilton experience.
  5. The pulse rifle props still circulate in hollywood. Last I saw them they were being used as tasers in Godzilla King Of Monsters with the grenade launcher removed.
  6. A lot of these have opening and closing cockpits, but do any of them come with pilots?
  7. You don't need reeducation camps when you can literally convert all future generations of subjects to your cause via forced genetic manipulation.
  8. That's kind of a halmark of the MuvLuv: Alternative franchise as a whole. Solid storytelling that is just plain brutal towards it's cast. It reminds me a bit of vintage Tomino Zeta and Victory Gundam.
  9. It didn't show them because it was too busy extoling the virtues of being a sell out collaborator to genetically superior elvish space nazis who hold a monopoly on space travel.
  10. "Do you really take me for an idiot? I know that's Ghidorah not Mothra!"
  11. That was almost as bad as sitting through the movie itself.
  12. So to sum up what is going on right now... We are about an hour from hatch opening, so Doug & Bob are grabbing a snack as well as cleaning up the module of things like food or empty water bottles.
  13. They've docked with the ISS right now. The camera is being switched off so they can change out of the space suit.
  14. Honestly this might be the hardest part for the crew right now. A few controlled burns to get into position, but mostly just a waiting game for most of the next day.
  15. Allow me to get in touch with my inner Benny. Spaceship Spaceship Spaceship Spaceship Spaceship Spaceship Spaceship Spaceship Spaceship Spaceship Spaceship Spaceship Spaceship Spaceship Spaceship Spaceship Spaceship Spaceship Spaceship Spaceship Spaceship Spaceship Spaceship Spaceship Spaceship Spaceship Spaceship Spaceship SPAAAAAAAAAAAAACCEEEEESHIIIIIIIIIIPPP!!!! Thank you.
  16. Holy cow! I know it's a rocket launch but that thing moved like a bat outta hell!
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