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Everything posted by renegadeleader1

  1. Speak for yourself. That miniseries and it's sequel had a better understanding of it's material than that autistic idiot from the 80s with bad reading comprehension and fetish for harming small animals ever did.
  2. In original Mospeada the three modes were armo-fighter, armo-diver(gerwalk), and armo-soldier right?
  3. Birds of Prey. Remember people were actually looking forward to it prior to the trailer and how all that enthusiasm deflated like a balloon upon seeing it?
  4. Looking forward to the future Cobi Bricks release of the V-22 Osprey we all know will be forthcomming. They've already worked with Boeing and Bell in the past, and have no problem doing military kits, which is why they've carved out the niche in the market they have.
  5. Didn't they do this already?
  6. I watched some of it, but didn't find worth watching all the way through. It felt hollow and a lot of the characters make really dumb descisions. Remember the dinosaur scene with Wash from Firefly where the Hebivore and Carnivore work together to find new land and the Carnivore has his "Sudden but inevitable betrayal?" Yeah that's pretty much the plot of Gall Force. Revolution.
  7. It's par for the course for the Suicide Squad. Expect half of them to be eaten by King Shark before a third of the movie is up and another third dead before the movie is half over. The rest may or may not survive what looks to be a final battle right out of Commando or the Expendables series.
  8. I swear to god she's channeling Michelle Pfeiffer from Batman Returns for this.
  9. All I really want is an open world sandbox game like Mercenaries 1 & 2 or the Just Cause series with the classic G.I. Joe setting. Call it Assault on Cobra Island or something. You could start out as generic greenshirt or Steel Brigade Trooper and undertake missions to unlock classic characters to play as. You could even milk the formula with character and vehicle DLC.
  10. You want to die of heart attack? Play it in a dark room with headphones on!
  11. The ANN article on the new Genesis Breakers project. https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2020-07-30/genesis-climber-mospeada-gets-new-genesis-breaker-project/.162419?fbclid=IwAR0S3zPZEQuwu7t9iBLemNNpeZZJJDQl_PRQdIMJVtriBtQzODpOJQRKi_o
  12. About 15-20 minutes until splash down. They mentioned the first shots of the re-entry are going to be taken by one of NASA's remaining WB-57 Canberra's which is pretty cool if you ask me.
  13. Nothing beats that photo of the P-47 flying two feet off the ground.
  14. "Nobody's business" as being nobody's in the business of building circuit breakers!
  15. Complaining about package art of Godzilla when the movie posters of the first in this Legendary series had him literally the size of San Francisco...
  16. Okay I did some legal thinking about this situation, and wether you like it or not BW can't do a damned thing to CalWings about this design(albeit with a couple of small caveats). Big West doesn't own the rights to the F-14 Tomcat. Northop-Grumman does. Calwings does indeed have a license from Norththrop Grumman to produce models of the F-14 Tomcat. Big West doesn't own the copyright to the kite symbol or most of the markings(per the patent office any claim they had was abandoned years ago) outside of Japan Harmony Gold does. Calwings does indeed have a license to produce models based on Robotech from Harmony Gold, and can use the markings they own. There for they can essentially create a F-14 Tomcat with an exact identical scheme and markings as the one seen in Macross Zero. What they can't do is make reference to characters, events, and title of the show in question nor can they sell it in Japan. Those are the caveats. Hence the wording they were creating their in their own words a "fictional/fantasy" model of their Dreamcats line and the antagonistic "not MacrossZero" hastags. Big West knows they can't stop them hence their effort into actually putting out their bootleg announcement.
  17. I started losing interest about seven or eight episodes in when Gatlantis warps in a fleet of hundreds of thousands of ships that could easily overwhelm what little existed of the UN Cosmo Fleet at the edge of the solar system and instead just gathered around in a large stationary gun formation in an attempt to deathstar laser earth. This of course gives Kodai enough time to find his missing balls, set aside his peace above all else rhetoric, and fire the wave motion gun. At that point I'm like "Well... That was pretty dumb to watch."
  18. Thanks for the insight. I'm definately leaning that way towards Pearl Harbor. In other news does everyone remember the photo I posted of the JU-87 Stuka that was being restored a couple pages back? It doesn't look like it's going to be finished anytime soon. The museum that was restoring it Paul Allen's Flying Heritage & Combat Armor Museum announced it's permanently closing. Officially it's because of the Covid crisis, but in actuality Allen's family has decided to cut funding to pretty much every museum he was involved with before his death. They also cancelled the expeditions into the pacific to rediscover sunken wrecks.
  19. Question guys. If you were me and had two weeks vacation in september would you go to Pearl Harbor, or tour London and Normandy?
  20. I can respect Maken-Ki. It knew what it was doing and where it wanted to go and did it very well. Still if you want to see a studio's true dedication to panties you should track down Agent Aika or Najica Blitz Tactics. ...(quietly adds uncensored version to watch list.) By the way since we are on the fanservice topic, anybody even know what happened to the US release of HxH Hybrid Heart Magias Academy Ataraxia? It seems like it got the Interspecies Reviewers treatment before Interspecies Reviewers were a thing.
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