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Everything posted by renegadeleader1

  1. I keep saying that could still work if you bring in Chris Pratt as Shia's older half brother from the time Indy banged Willie Scott in Temple of Doom. It would make a nice juxtaposition where Chris's character acts more like Indy than Shia's character and Shia acting like you think Willie Scott's kid would act. Potential buddy cop styled theme there.
  2. Going to start the Cobi P-38 Lightning when I get home. I'll upload pictures and give my thoughts when I'm done.
  3. It could very well be the other way around. I can just picture everyone in this forum getting pissy if something like Macross Frontier gets released with a Robotech Frontier label like the Yamato 2199/2202/2205 series getting released as Starblazers 2199/2202/2205 etc even if the original content from Frontier is unaltered and has a faithful translation to the original Japanese version.
  4. They knew of "A" titan in the 1940s and as far as they knew it got nuked to death by the Castle Bravo Bikini atoll test. By 1973 Monarch was on the verge of being defunded until John Goodman's character convinced the senator overlooking the project to fund an expedition to Skull Island. With Kong largely confined to Skull Island and vulnerable to conventional weaponry Monarch likely didn't have a lot to do until the Muto spores in the Godzilla skeleton were discovered and the Janjira attack occured in 1999. It's only from there and the result of the battle in San Fransisco we see "anti-titan" weaponry and containment kick into overdrive resulting in what we see in KoTM and GvK.
  5. This is going to bomb worse than Pearl Harbor.
  6. Not to nitpick, but the original FJ-1 Fury was a navy design. The design was reworked into the F-86 Sabre which provided the basis of the FJ-2 and FJ-3 version of the Fury. The design was reworked again to the FJ-4 Fury which only bears a superficial resemblance to the F-86. All this could be rendered moot if you consider the original FJ-1 Fury started as an attempt to strap a jet engine to a P-51 Mustang airframe.
  7. The shot of two monsters that size fist fighting on the deck of an aircraft carrier without it capsizing or snapping in two is also plain ridiculous... But it's also f'n cool!
  8. The last battleships of the Iowa class were retired, put into mothballs, or made into a museum ship not long after the first Gulf War ended. The last one USS Wisconsin was converted into a partial museum ship with restrictions in case of reactivation up until around 2009 when she was fully retired gifted to the city of Norfolk Va. and any restrictions as a museum ship were lifted.
  9. So far the suggested prices I've seen are 23,000-25,000 yen which is roughly half the price of Kotobukiya Frame Arms Girl or Megami Device kit. Now I know Bandai is an industrial giant and can mass produce these on a level Aoishima and Kotobukiya can't which drives the price down, but it makes me wonder where they'll be cutting costs too. It doesn't seem like there's a lot to go with the base kit so that helps. I'm also a little skeptical on the quality. The early attempts at girl kits in the Build Fighters line were a complete mess full of ill fitting parts and dead soulless eyes right out of the uncanny valley. Things improved drastically with the introduction of Diver Nami and the rest of the girls from the Build Diver line, but things took a step back with figure rise standard line. Asuna from Sword Art Online was bad, but Fumina was okay. Neither were anywhere near a Kotobukiya kit in terms of quality.
  10. Definately a high 8. The nub marks are bad, but the fit is tight and from a distance you likely couldn't tell it wasn't lego. You could do a hell of a lot worse.
  11. I can confirm this. I've built the M26 Pershing, M5 Stuart, M4 Sherman, and M3 Lee. No missing parts, but tracks can be a pain as unlike the megablox Call of Duty battletank sets that use rubber tracks these are all individual links you have to connect to assemble and can be a pain. That being said once assembled they do make a nice clickety clatter sound like a real tank when you roll them, and I haven't had an issue where the tracks randomly snap and break just sitting on shelf like the CoD tank's rubber ones. Edit: As far as brick quality goes you can definately tell they're not quite up to lego quality, but definately much better than megablox's brittle and prone to stress marking if not outright breaking quality.
  12. Looks like Bandai is really trying to play catch up to Kotobukiya, Aoshima, and others on the mecha girl model kit front with this new 30 Minute Sisters companion line to the 30 Minute Missions. I figure this line will live or die based on wether or not they can be relatively affordable, wether the faces are painted or stickers, and wether they use this as a jump off point for gundam crossovers because we all need a Charlotte Aznable Zaku II armor girl.
  13. Almost everybody except most of the ninja's are based on people or characters from martial arts movies. Johnny Cage is Jean Claud VanDamme. Shang Sung is David Lo Pan from Big Trouble in Little China. Raiden is Lighting from Big Trouble in Little China Kitana is Lady Snowblood Liu Kang is Bruce Lee Sonya Blade is Cynthia Rothrock. Kano is O'Hara from Enter The Dragon. Jax is Mr T. The ninjas were originally supposed to be generic enemies with elemental powers as MK was originally supposed to be a brawler like Final Fight or Streets Of Rage before it became a one on one fighter as such they're not really based on anyone except for Rain which is a Prince reference(purple rain...get it?).
  14. You call that low? This is low!
  15. I wish I COULD forget the human characters from KoTM, that mother irritates me so damn much!
  16. You assume he wanted to kill Luke. By this point there's likely a huge bounty on Luke to be taken in alive from the Emperor or Vader themselves.
  17. Five bucks this film ends with Akeem rewriting Zamundan law to let his daughter take the throne, he is the king after all.
  18. Wait... The thing that disabled all dilithium is call Su'kal... Suck all? How Appropriate for ST:D.
  19. No I don't care how she lost her arm. No I don't care about how she learned of the "green place." No I don't care about how she came to work for Immortan Joe. What I do care about would be a sequel featuring "Empress Furiosa" bringing law & order back to the wasteland.
  20. I didn't watch WW1984 because I'm a knuckle dragging hornball like Animal from the Muppets, I watched it because I actually enjoyed the first one and expected the same level of quality in the sequel. Boy was I wrong. That being said I'm still willing to give Patty Jenkins a chance, as even Spielberg has made some stinkers in the past. It's all a question of where she goes from here.
  21. My only complaint is he didn't pry open the doors with the force and say: "I'm Luke Skywalker and I'm here to rescue you."
  22. I never gave even one wet fart about Voyager because it's entire plot of "Will they ever make it home?" was boring and oppressive especially when it devolved into a worse species of the week than ToS or TNG. The refugees searching for home had already been done before better by Space 1999 and original Galactica and Voyager didn't have the interesting cast, or space battles to hook you like those did. As for Enterprise it suffered from the same problem all prequels do, in that we already know how this all ends so why should I care about what happens in the show? The only mildly interesting storylines they touched upon like the Vulcans not being all that truthful about their intentions, or the birth of the federation were either dropped too quickly or addressed far too late to hold interest. A better follow up to Voyager would have been finding a way to establish a wormhole and explore more of the Beta quadrant that Voyager bypassed to get home. The entire show could have been based on territorial expansion and establishing frontier outposts/colonies alongside other nations like the Klingons, Romulans, or Ferengi using the 19th/early 20th century "Dash for Africa" as historical context.
  23. That seems to be out the window now given what actress Letitia Wright did on twitter with going on a long rambling conspiracy rant possibly while high and or drunk like what Mel Gibson did except she replaced jewish people with transgendered people and blamed them for causing/spreading covid.... Yeah.
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