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Everything posted by renegadeleader1

  1. What makes you think a name change will do any good? They couldn't do it back then and they aren't going to do it now.
  2. If that was true then we would have never gotten those many many wonderful universal soldiers direct to video sequels. which were oddly enough better than the last theater version with Van Damme (this sucks! )
  3. I was in KB last night when I happened apon a TF energon called Snow Cat. I stared at it for about 20 minutes before I figured out it was based on an old G.I. Joe vehicle from when I was a kid! check out this link! http://www.oafe.net/yo/tfe_snow.php
  4. I think you guys misread me I said nothing about other star wars/star trek craft just not star destroyers or the 3 million reditions of the trek's enterprise.
  5. well lets see hmmm. I like the Starship Troopers movie Rodger Young http://www.starshipmodeler.com/Other/18ryjay.jpg The Sulaco from Aliens http://www.culttvman.com/kyu-woong_lee_s_sulaco.html The TCS concordia class from Wing commander http://www.wcnews.com/encyclopedia/showrecord.php?id=1292 The USS Saratoga from space above and beyond http://www.wildcards.freeserve.co.uk/saratoga.htm hell heres a Dunce one the Battlestar Galactica EDIT: cool saratoga blue print http://www.wildcards.freeserve.co.uk/blprint.htm
  6. First off 1.NO space/starfighters 2.NO pimpmobiles 3.NO light cargo ships(includes the millenium falcon tardies!) 4.NO shuttles/dropships 5.NO space stations 6.in case this isn't clear enough NO macross, southern cross and Mospeada! 7.(I know someone will do this) no star destroyers/USS Enterprises we all know how good they are and I don't want to see 300 pics of them on this thread 8.Finally no damn tech debates AND NO TREK/WARS DEBATES! cap ships from sci-fi/anime/video games are welcome. EDIT:break these rules all you'll join my tardy of the year club and have your name listed in my sig!
  7. its nice but it would be cool if they made one action fleet scale with working hangar.
  8. How about panty shots?
  9. can some one post a pic? For some reason I'm banned from going to E-bay.
  10. Now seeing what a Zeong is full complete I kinda like it! It would have been cool if it had the sword in the show too. A flying fist of death.
  11. What's wrong with her chest? It looks so.....normal. I thought those kits usually had D-cups and fanservice out the whazoo. It looks good to me. and yes I ripped this off much props to the guy who di it though
  12. Its the japanese way of doing things. cheaper, smaller, more efficient, and breaks the second you touch it. EDIT: spelling
  13. Thank you tech heads for killing the thread! The whole point of this thread was to talk about your favorite starfighter designs not bitch and moan about what is realistic or not how physics make things impossible. Remember not that long ago a horseless carriage was considered impossible.
  14. hmmm... new ultra magnus...Ah no I do not beleive I will waste money on this. Not when theres better things out.
  15. Bad Engrish isn't just for Japan alone, check this out. http://hockeydb.com/ihdlogo_file=qsphl/asb...ztecs_2003.gifb there is two things wrong with this. 1.Who the heck names their team the Asbestos Aztecs? 2.Am I the only that is wondering what the hell a team named the aztecs is doing in the QSPHL the quebec semi proffesional hockey league?
  16. Once again I would like to say that EVA wether it is digitally enhanced or not is still a big pile of turds to me. All this new version is, is a enhaced turd pile with 50% more undigested corn.
  17. I used to have a whole bucnh of megaforce stuff both Triax and Vrock. My fav was the ramfist mass assault base.(picture a jawa sand crawler with two giant rotating arms around a command module with 2 16 inch gun turrents on top of it. http://www.toyarchive.com/Megaforce/Stratofortress.html EDIT: heres a link to the stratofortress the plane your asking about. EDIT again heres the guys macross toy page http://www.toyarchive.com/Macross/Macross.html and mainpage with a whole load of toys http://www.toyarchive.com/
  18. Its in the movie http://www.starwars.com/databank/starship/...hter/index.html
  19. Holy crap ask it to smoke a blunt!
  20. I said cluck cluck motha f***** ad he walked up to the screen and did!
  21. okay you put the jedi fighter down as a starfighter yet it can't go on interstellar travel on its own power. Neither can the TIE fighter. yet both can go between stars with the aid of an outside force(the jedi's booster and the TIE's star destroyer) well this is my thread my reality you don't like it make your own and quit nitpicking space or star fighter it all good on this thread.
  22. Notice I said "space only/transatmospheric and of a relativley small size" above also before you go all starwars defitions on me many of the SW novel tech books and guides refer to the TIE as a starfighter. Time to drop the bomb http://www.starwars.com/databank/starship/tiefighter/ even the official site refer to it as a starfighter
  23. I just got an idea from the other thread my starfighter thing. Someone said a TIE design sucked because you only can see straight ahead. in AIR to AIR with UAV's you would have the same problem. Like a flight Sim on a computer. Sure you could could toggle views from different cameras but that would take time. Time and reaction speed are two things most pilots can't afford to waste.(would be easier if you had several monitors for one UAV but this is the US military we are talking about budget cuts and low bidders and such.) Anyways my problem with the UAV's is the argument that it will cut down on human casualties. If anything they will cause more. with cheap to build and easy flyable UAV's that any country could build them and things will become a throw back the WWII hundreds of UAV's going at each other while on the ground soldiers will have to go back to trench warfare due to no good air cover. Basically though In see wars in the future being decided more than now not by how much of the enemy you kill but how much damage you do to their infrastructure.
  24. well since I started this thread its time I weighed in. NO GODDAMNED CAP SHIPS! NO GODDAMNED MACROSS STUFF! (that includes the ghost!) NO GODDAMNED HOVER VEHICLES! NO GODDAMNED F-104's! okay now that thats out of my system heres what is good starfighters-bombers-dropships-gunboats not good cap ships-cars-transformers-gobots-freighters-shuttles-pimpmobiles(centuari's)-repulsor craft-hover tanks-and anything else that isn't space only/transatmospheric and of a relativley small size. EDIT: on futher review I will alow one pimpmobile The homeboys in outer space's Space Hoopty
  25. lol that reminds me of a cobra rattler. I like it though.
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