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Everything posted by renegadeleader1

  1. no one on the carrier is at fault. if anything it would be the fault of the screening ships that escort the carrier.
  2. seeing as how I started this thread I should now chime in. stupidest- ramba ral from gundam "Now see the fate that awaits true warriors!" then jumps into the air with a hand grenade. so the true fate of all warriors is to blow themselves up? no wonder zeon lost the war
  3. does this movie end with the main character dying and the minor character poping up and saving the day? I'm getting sick of seeing this plot effect. vampire effect so close naked weapon and so many other japanese and hong kong films.
  4. I got this idea after watching Megazone 23 part 1 during the part where the enemy pilot gets his harguns head ripped off panics and ejects three feet into the ceiling Alright Roy Focker(fokker) aside what are your picks for best, worst, stupidest, and funniest deaths in anime?
  5. The dinosaur looking dude Jango kills on the balcony
  6. robotech debate in a nutshell after news is released -Man this movie looks great! -What are you kidding it's gonna suck! Macek is on crack! -It looks okay but Macek shouldn't add (insert lame fanfiction ideas here) -protoculture matrix's are lame! -C'mon it wasn't all bad, I mean the cyclones and new mecha were cool! -I want to see Macek die horridly! - I think <insert lame fan title> would make a great title! -Why does the new title suck so badly? -Hey at least it's better than macross 7. -Well at least I'll be able to enjoy the robotech series in DVD finally. -What!? robotech raped my childhood! -C'mon people they are just movies! Just try and enjoy them. -Hey guys look at the latest news! *and the cycle repeats* sound familiar? LOL Its not just star wars
  7. what a contradiction Han Solo capping greedo in cold blood gets edited BUT what about that poor jurassic park jedi that gets lit up like a christmas tree in episode II?
  8. If my memory serves me right one of those games is for the upcoming sony PSP and not the PS2.
  9. aright I'm gonna say it! It looks like a ship straight outta red dwarf!
  10. does anyone know where I can find this film? It was the first Godzilla film I had ever seen and its kinda dear to me and I want to get it on VHS or dvd. Anyone know if it is even released on DVD?
  11. I'm surprised no one has asked this before but why the hell does a spaceship need wings?
  12. you already seem to be avoiding it thats a good thing but let me give you a last warning STAY THE HELL AWAY FROM DUNE: HOUSE CORRINO IF YOU VALUE OR CHERISH ANYTHING ABOUT DUNE!!!!!!
  13. personally that just sounds like Verhoven covering his ass and trying to make his train wreck movie look better. As for in the movie it is possible for the bugs to launch astroids considering enough plasma force could knock an astroid into motion from where it was. they also must have some way of interplanetary trvel for them to colonize other planets.
  14. The only Van Damme movie I ever liked was double impact it was funny and had a psycho lesbian in it. EDIT:anyways heres an odd thing about streetfighter II the movie the game it has akuma in it.
  15. I never said not being a citizen in the book was bad, just that in the movie they gave the impression citizenship means squat
  16. you mean the crap fest that lifts half of Hienliens other book "the puppet masters"? EDIT: theres only one good thing I can say about the movies ship models and props were cool.
  17. Book-Terran Federation movie-Citizen Federation book -service garauntees citizenship was in place to prevent fascist leaders with the thought that those that served would be less likely to put themselves above the whole and less likely to put people through what they went through. movie-citizenship means squat you can make a good living as a civilian and the ruling government never changes and is willing to send people to death for no reason. book-the bugs attacked earth before any provocation from settlers. they feared us becoming the next big power in the galaxy movie-bugs launch astroid for payback of a mormon colony settling in bug space(and the humans didn't know this was a sign of intellegence?!?) book-bugs, have ships, technology, and laser weaponry, highly intellegent warriors make up about 30% of their numbers 60% workers 8% brains and 2% queens take live prisoners movie-bugs no tech no ships no weapons fire plasma turds from butt semi intellegent in pack hunter way(think wolves) 90% warriors 10% others take no prisoners other than brains book-humans pocket nukes, plasma weapons flame throwers, lasers, slug throwers, cannons grenade launchers, and power suits(walking semi-flying tanks) intellegent usefull psychics that can draw maps of bug tunnels. movie- no weapons besides machine guns hand grenades and rocket launchers no power armor dumb psychics that can barely find a single person. book- Rodger young is a small fast corvette holding about a company of MI's that launch in drop pods. It is never destroyed. No Carmen on board. No Barcalow either. movie- Rodger Young large slow fighter carrier/troop ship holding regiments of so called MI that deploy in drop ships. book- mobile infantry are called that because of the ships they ride in and the power suits give them high mobility movie- mobile infantry are called that for no other reason than it was in the book book- Juan Rico- young man who joined the service for two reasons Carmen was joining navy and he had a crush on her (no relationship yet) and all his friends were leaving him behind. Failed every other entrance exam but MI. Also he is not from Buenos Aires though his mother did die during the assault while visting a relative there. movie- Johnny Rico- young man who joined the service to follow his girlfriend into the navy. failed on math scores and was sent to MI. From Buenos Aires loses both parents in the astroid attack book- Razcak a caring LT. that watches over all his troops and is well respected leader. Gave his life saving two troopers before an evac shuttle lifted off. Is not Rico's ex HS teacher.(Mr. Dubois) movie- Razcak a uncaring LT. that cares less about his troopers and often puts them out of their misery Dies leading his company into an ambush. book- Sgt. Zim a gruff soft spoken drill instructor who frowns on using force on trainees asked to be removed from training duties after being assaulted by a trainee. blames himself. movie- Sgt Zim a loud obnoxious DI that takes a perverse pleasure in injuring trainees. wants to be put into a combat unit to make things simpler for him (just kill kill kill) book- Rico's father thought dead along with mother in the BA attack but lived. Hated himself for letting her die and not doing something with his life. Joins the MI and lands with Razcaks roughnecks just as Rico leaves to go to officer school. movie- Rico's father D-E-A-D! book- General Dienes commander of first attack on klendathu. Disaster wan't his fault asked for more men but coucil refused holding back reserves for earth defense. Dies buying time for evac shuttles to get wounded and stragglers. movie- Sky Marshal Dienes mastermind behind Big K attack gets a lot of people killed and gets a simple demotion still in active duty in citizen federation book- Dizzy Flores a guy no sexual relationship to Rico dies in the first chapter is never quoted as saying anything. movie Dizzy Flores a woman sexual relationship with Rico. Says a lot but still dead. book-based on world war II america movie- based on vietnam and world war II nazi germany book- genius writer movie- idiot writers and a retarded kill crazy perv of a director
  18. There was an action figure made too IIRC. I think I saw it in toyfare...It might not have been released though. Toyfare does show a ton of prototypes.
  19. This is what happens when you over saturate the market with too much anime, too fast. everything looks the same the demand goes down people look else where for new highs and the whole thing dies. ITS ATARI 2600 TIME!!!!!
  20. I have a problem whenever I log on to this site I get pop ups that are of adult content I don't seem to have a problem anywhere else on line. Is there a trigger or spy ware thing that trigger this when I go here? I'm not that good at tech stuff.
  21. A few years after it enters service (though with all the delays it may have it when it enters service) it is slated to get a chin gun based on the double barrelled gatling on the Comanche. Beyond that it would be dificult to mount missiles on the thing since there aren't many places to mount them that wouldn't interfere with the tiltrotor (I suppose you could put stub pylons on either side of the cockpit though). The unarmed nature of the Osprey might actually be a problem. Marine corps doctrine for the the aircraft the Osprey is replacing is to have several Cobra gunships escorting them in, but the Osprey would quickly outrun any helicopter escort it might have. considering the V-22 is supposed to be a plane chooper hybrid I doubt you really need choppers protecting it when you could easily put a couple of Av-8's or the new JSF with it as escorts EDIT: Does anyone know if the AV-8 can hover and strafe like a gunship?
  22. anyone know if this adv release is remastered?
  23. I work with a guy named Geoff who is african american and white. He's from south africa his grandfather was scottish grandmother and mother irish father is british so that makes him a White african american of britsh irish scottish decent who is currently married to a latin american woman whose grandmother was of spanish itialian descent married a jamaican man who was the decendant of a black slave that had a son with an native american woman he met while in the US army cav. The son they had married a latin woman. The point he tells me is: We are all connected and the same get used to it. This is no BS. and in truth I envy him at leaset he knows his family history the best I can do is trace back to and irish grandfather. Him along with anyone that knew anything are now dead.
  24. thats only the tip of the iceberg buddy. Battle royale is considered mainstream manga and anime over there but there is a subsect called erojiro trans: erotic horror, esentially what americans consider animated/drawn snuff.
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