Depends on your definition of "slightly."
NCSX is selling it for $65. When it hits the States, it's only going to be $40. I don't know if it's a big deal to you or not, either, but I've had issues with UPS (not to mention that they're over-priced). To me, $65+ shipping to wait around two weeks to see if UPS is going to deliver or if I have to go down to their local distribution center and pick it up myself really can't compare with $40+ sales tax plus the ability to just walk into a store and buy it.
I'm sure the dubbing will be just as bad as it's been for Gundam games/Gundam TV. But, unless UC mode is a huge change from campaign, the Vs. games haven't been the talkiest Gundam games.
as a worker of UPS I can assure you we take exellent *snort* care *heehee* of all packages in our system. BTW we don't ship on weekends.