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Everything posted by renegadeleader1

  1. you know its gotten to where I don't give a crapwhat anybody thinks. anal rententiveness is anal retentitiveness no matter what side your on. people will hate robotech, people will hate macross purists. I'M GETTING F'ING SICK OF THE SAME PEOPLE GOING ON AND ON! by now everybody knows how everybody feels so just shut up and look intellegent for once.
  2. so the AD police taking recruits yet?
  3. RL sings "Going up to that dropship in the sky" "When I delpoy thats when I'll die" "When I die and they lay me to rest I'll have an buster hole in my chest" my spirit in the sky knock off
  4. all hail Sean Bean! Rifleman Sharpe series Clear and Present Danger Troy Lord of the Rings Its all good... except for maybe "The Island"
  5. Does anyone know if this new girl group "Pussycat Dolls" has anything to do with that Burlesque thing Carmen Electra did? Thier song Don't cha is groovy and is perfect for strippers.
  6. Depends on your definition of "slightly." NCSX is selling it for $65. When it hits the States, it's only going to be $40. I don't know if it's a big deal to you or not, either, but I've had issues with UPS (not to mention that they're over-priced). To me, $65+ shipping to wait around two weeks to see if UPS is going to deliver or if I have to go down to their local distribution center and pick it up myself really can't compare with $40+ sales tax plus the ability to just walk into a store and buy it. I'm sure the dubbing will be just as bad as it's been for Gundam games/Gundam TV. But, unless UC mode is a huge change from campaign, the Vs. games haven't been the talkiest Gundam games. as a worker of UPS I can assure you we take exellent *snort* care *heehee* of all packages in our system. BTW we don't ship on weekends.
  7. so Wedge is an alderaanian not a corellian. DAMN YOU LUCAS! RAPED MY CHILDHOOD! In a way it sucks yet its also kinda cool and no matter what the X-wing series of books and comics are still good replace the words Tycho Celchu with the words Wedge Antilles.
  8. I have a question that is pissing me off Is Captain Antilles related to Wedge Antilles? they look alot alike but it makes me angree he would change Wedge.
  9. yes Toyko kid in Harvard Square
  10. I thought I was getting hosed but I said what the hell its my first VALK! At least its a memorable one At least it transforms unlike that ARII crap figure I bought. (my sad attempt to look on the bright side )
  11. I wanna die right now.
  12. it comes in a white box with black and yellow trim and half a mac symbol next to the window. back has pics of the three modes EDIT: this one http://www.menet.umn.edu/~ngo/vf-1s_bandai.html
  13. I don't have a scanner or digi cam
  14. I should have tried to get a yammato I mostly use this site to talk about the anime and the the general I haven't had an interest in the toys till now
  15. hey its my first one and truthfully I don't have a clue what the dif is between a yammato a bandai and a takatoku
  16. I just recently bought a VF-1S Roy Focker valkyrie and I was wondering if you guys could tell me about it. Its the Japanese one not HG's Its a 1/55 It has a head kinda blocky like skyfires not much in the way of extras other than heat shield and missiles paid about $100 american cockpit doesn't open on hindge but has a peg for what I guess is half a pilot (pilot not included) metal parts wheels and legs joints What I want to know is 4 things Who made it? what can I do to customize it? did I over pay? Anyone want it for a VF-1 J,A,S, Brownie or know where I can get a brownie in Boston?
  17. simple fact U-2 isn't as obnoxious as other groups (greenday)
  18. Man what I listen to is pretty messed up. CD's I have anygiven day Johnny Cash AC/DC Aerosmith Johnny Horton Ashlee Simpson various J-pop Alan Jackson Dropkick Murphy's U2 Britney Spears Beethoven Bolero Metallica Waylan Jennings I generally listen to anything if it has most if not all the following good beat a storyline great melody I hate groups that sound like crap smashing together (anything WBCN plays for the most part) And groups that seem to have to hate someone or thing to be popular (greenday) or groups with a political agenda (greenday) or american idiots that hate war yet somehow get stuck in a warzone in africa for a benefit gig for a dictator (greenday) someone should tell greenday the election is over and they lost so shut up and deal with it.
  19. Is that Schmitzer from the zeonic front game?
  20. sounds kinda like megazone 23 but I doubt it. hmmm maybe orguss or orguss 02.
  21. You mean the one episode where the captain remembers when he first bought it or you mean when its first shown? I think he means for its battlestar galactica cameo.
  22. my op: It wasn't a total stinker, not enough to make me leave before its over at lease. Yet I doubt its a movie I'll ever watch again. At the end I was like "What the hell was that? Whats the point? Why do I feel like I wasted brain cells?" despite however good the source was this movie was just inane and boring I give it a meh rating PS: I wanted to kill the pesident character the first time he spoke. EDIT: WTF was up with the crabs? we see two get killed in the movie. One gets crushed by the alien at the begining, the other by the escape shuttle. What was the point of them? It seemed like a running joke that went nowhere.
  23. I recently saw the trailer when I went to see hitchhiker's guide, Is it me or was the shepard not in the trailer? It would kinda suck if the entire cast from the show didn't make it into the movie.
  24. the action fleet also had the cargo area tucked in
  25. I hate the new starfighter designs the new jedi fighter is a kit bashed egg the arc is a german stuka at least the classic trilogy had unique (albiet based off letters) looks and doesn't remind anyone of something else note the republic gunship was based on the MI-24 hind helicopter and the one unique ship the N-1 naboo was ugly and as effective as a poop flavored lolly pop
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