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Everything posted by renegadeleader1

  1. hmmmmm according to the trailer Barbarossa is a privateer now charted to england. Theres something kinda oddly fitting about that. I only hope they don't kill him off again, Him, Norrington, and Jack were my favorite three characters. On a side note I wouldn't mind a sequel featuring Will Turner as long as Norrington ends up as part of the Flying Dutchman's crew. Can you imagine the animosity and the clashing between the two? Could even reuse the "my place is between you two" line. Pirates of the Carribean 5: Mutiny on the Dutchman
  2. I seem to recall in the first one the predator not attacking the girl because she was un-armed.
  3. I just start Sekirei! I have a weakness for these types of shows lol. Hopefully it will be better than "Master of Martial Hearts". Good grief that had one of the most screwed up disturbing endings I have ever seen. I'd explain it but I don't know how to use the spoiler function
  4. I wonder if you can get a gym uniform with knee socks for that figure.
  5. I've got to start uploading my figures to flickr. I have a lot of G-taste figures, but my pride and joy is my Hitomi-figure band girl. I also like my two (nipply) skyblue splash figures. EDIT: I also have a Misa Hayase in her military uniform, that for some odd reason I prefer over the swimsuit one.
  6. Trust me on this you are better off watching the first 3 episodes and thats it. This is one of the biggest train wrecks I've ever seen in anime, coming very close to Evangelion level.
  7. I don't know were exactly to ask this but, I got a aoshima green legioss at a convention a while ago and I haven't opened it. What are peoples opinions of it? I know the MPC had a whole ton of trouble, and this toy is some how related to it I think. Is it a good toy?
  8. Alright guys I was on the rt.com forums and for the hell of it I suggested a kind of "girls of rt" series of figures/statues designed from art drawn by Hiroki Yagami(of g-taste and dear boys fame)and somebody said they read in model graphix that he was actually involved doing stuff for macross frontier. Now I've been out of the loop for a long time now and haven't been able to keep on top of things due to my job, so this knida surprised me for two reasons 1) I hadn't heard of macross frontier prior to that and 2) Yagami is a favorite of mine and a misa hayase statue by him would make my day. So does anyone know if this is true or not?
  9. I still think the price is way too far out of my range and sony is losing my loyalty. if it ever drops to 300-400 with all the bells and whistles I might get it.
  10. STARCOM: united space force
  11. I've seen those colonial marine figures at the toy vault in north attleboro mass. the sculpt isn't bad, I bought a couple and I'm going to paint them and make them look a lot better.
  12. That was quite possibly the dumbest thing I have ever seen, yet I could not look away! EDIT:check this out!
  13. IIRC the planes we used for defoiliators in vietnam were the A-26 invader, C-130 and the C-123. The C-123 looks similar to the C-130 except its smaller, and has two engines.
  14. To put it simply since Roy Focker obviously doesn't know, Rhino entertainment the company that was releasing G.I. Joe lost the rights to the show. right now the property is in limbo, and not likely to be released anytime soon, and if it is they will likely start over from season one. I miss G.I. Joe so much that it gets on my nerves when things like c.o.p.s the animated series, and other obscure shows get DVD releases and joe fans get the shaft.
  15. just one thing. WHAT THE HELL WERE MIG 15's doing trying to saving tokyo? back then the only countries that had them would have helped the aliens blow up tokyo!
  16. I remember begging U.S. Manga corps to release the last part on DVD which they never did. It pissed me off alot when they said only the first part was on dvd and I should go buy the VHS tape to get the last part.
  17. Now why should I care? (for some reason I think I should)
  18. well to answer my own question from IMDB.com he was a writer for both southern cross and mospeada. http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0855381/
  19. first off JsARCLIGHT my bad I should have checked this thread first before making a new one. secondly this is from my post Who is Kenji Terada? Is he some guy that came up with RT's story or was he a writer for one of the orginal shows? (macross southern cross mospeada)
  20. It seems HG finally got a distributor for shadow chronicles http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/article.php?id=9232 apparently they got DR Movie who was involved with macross plus animation to work on it. BTW who is Kenji Terada? Is he some guy that came up with RT's story or was he a writer for one of the orginal shows? (macross southern cross mospeada)
  21. BUMP! anybody see these at anime expo by chance? I'm almost to break down and spend the money
  22. I always thought the worst sci-fi movies where Space Hunter:adventures in the forbidden zone, buckaroo banzai, and what ever begins with a sci fi channel original productions(aside from dune) THE WORST has to be Starship troopers 2 :hero of the federation
  23. I don't think it matters now. I can't see how anyone would prosecute "national heroes"
  24. To me this final was a big letdown you had a team from Italy that has most of its players under investigation for corruption vs. the french which well... I learned from bambi if you can't say anything nice don't say anything at all.
  25. I think the name of the mag was hobbie modler or hobbie figure builder.
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