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Everything posted by renegadeleader1

  1. hehehehe The Rock is going to single handedly destroy half these jabroni's careers in one night! only The Rock could get away with something like this... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YF-uS420w-Q You can't make it out well but that's over 30,000 people giving the people's champion the finger.
  2. The macross compared with hollywood movies remind me of something I noticed awhile back. battle scenes especially from VT-8's torpedo attack on the japanese in the movie midway(1976) are almost scene for scene lifted to star wars(1977) for the battle of yavin.
  3. Nah man see dis is a Handcannon, Blow yo ass back to Jersey!
  4. hmmmm lets see Sharpe's Rifles book series Lord of the Rings Cannon God Exxaxion A Feast for Crows Illustrated Directory of Warships Sun Tzu's Art of War The Shadow of Sagami 2liter bottle of mountain dew Neo Geo Pocket various remotes lube...
  5. At the risk of being bannned I post a link to this and this EDIT: FORGET IT! I thought about it and I don't want to get banned. Just look up what Booker T calls Hulk Hogan, and in a seperat video what Vince says to John Cena in front of Booker T check this instead...
  6. Somehow I feel thats not a bad thing
  7. I was looking up speilberg's E.T. for the heck of it and it mentioned a project that was called "watch the skies" or "night skies" pretty much about a bunch of small aliens terrorizing a midwestern family. eventually one befriends the son and saves them. This is the film project that the idea for E.T. came from. It was apparently far along in pre production before speilberg scrapped it. This might be the project resurrected.
  8. I was looking at getting a new Iron kong and I've been seeing these legendary blox ones. I know its not the same as a regular iron kong, but how big is it? It doesn't have any powered features does it?
  9. GODZILLA 2012!!!
  10. Which Zoid was it that was based on Godzilla?
  11. I would love a season 3 too! I'm still a little disturbed over some of season 2's episodes like the one with the killer kids, what made them that way, and how it ended.
  12. Suze Randall shot a set with Taylor St Claire as wonder woman. She did a convincing job portraying Lynda Carter
  13. This tread makes me sad. I had a Iron Kong from the Techno-zoids version that broke during an earth quake. It fell off the shelf and nailed me in the head.
  14. Yeah but the problem is they took out Einstein before he took out Hitler.
  15. I started playing red alert 3 recently, and something about the intro bugs me. It shows the soviets going back in time to the 1920's and eliminating Einstein. What bugs me is in the original red alert Einstein went back in time from the 1950's and eliminated Hitler thus creating the red alert timeline. If the soviets elminated Einstein from the timeline before he himself went back in time wouldn't Hitler still exist? I don't see Einstien disappearing in the 1920's having all that much of an effect on his rise to power and the timeline would be closer to real life.
  16. Wasn't it Weaver's idea to kill off Ripley in the first place because she was tired of the series and being typcast? I also recall the studio giving her choice of director for ressurection to get her to come back to the series and she chose the french surrealist Jeunet(who couldn't speak enlish at the time)?
  17. I liked the first movie too, but I've come to realize that for people to enjoy it you have to be an auto racing fan, otherwise it can be boring. I'm looking forward to the sequel, but the trailer reminds me a little of that Speed Racer film from a couple years back, and not in a good way. Oh well... Is anybody else hoping that a cameo is made by a certain silver volkswagon beetle with red, white, and blue stripes?
  18. bingo! you hit the nail right on the head with me Merry christmas and Happy Holidays!
  19. Anybody else own the old PS one game of ghost in the shell? the game was a blast to play, and the innovative ability to drive the fuchikoma up a wall and hang around upside down on the ceiling blew my mind. prior to that I had never seen a game allow that kind of mobility, and haven't seen much like it since.
  20. I'm not expecting much for christmas, but someone is going to be amazed when I give them the G.I.Joe Rise of Cobra Pit command center I picked up for $40 new! That thing was almost $200 when it first came out.
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