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Everything posted by renegadeleader1

  1. So..... how long was the russian dominatrix ballerina teacher in it for?
  2. Orson Scott Card was nine years old when Starship Troopers was published... Thats one hell of a child prodigy!!!
  3. seriously, no sees the chester cheetah resemblance?
  4. Youk's at third? First I've heard it, then again I don't pay much attention to spring training or baseball for that matter untill the hockey season is over with. Hockey will always be my number one.
  5. hmmmm How do I respond to that.... so many choices A-rod kissing himself Clemens crouching behind Jeter questionably the 5 year old redsox fan giving the finger Cartman in a redsox unform giving his opinion of the yankees the "yankees suck shirt in japanese the burning yankees cap hmmmmmm...... seriously though I'm nowhere near as bad as others both in sports and this stuff.
  6. My a$$ they look like lions. More like Chester Cheetah.
  7. He made some valid points, but tying it into this whole Mckeever crap was where he went wrong.
  8. I just want to add a couple more things. 1. In the 25th anniversary of G.I. Joe line, Matt Trakker was one of the figures released. 2. The Matt Trakker that came with the gull wing car had two helmet varaints. One that was just a helmet, and another that had the frill around the shoulders and chest like the rhino pictures above. The one without the frill is rarer.
  9. Nope, no joke here. It was based on a toy line that had vehicles that looked like normal cars untill you pressed a few buttons, and BOOM things like guns start popping up, armored plates slide into place, or another smaller vehicle split away from the main one. A toy line in the 90s called vor-tech had a similar premise. The cartoon is notable because it actually had a character die in the first episode(eventually he was resurrected), this lead to a backlash against it and the second season invovled the M.A.S.K. racing V.E.N.O.M. instead of fighting them.
  10. I see this movie going 4 ways 1. the blonde gets lobotomized, but thats okay because she is happier in her fantasy world (blleccchhh) 2. escapes the institution and kills her step father for the attempted rape and ends up back at the institution 3. the "shutter island" approach. She is insane she did something very bad and actually deserves to be there 4. the fantasy world IS the real world and she wants to be anywhere but near dragons and gatling samurai BTW there are 28 panty shots in the trailer if anybody is wondering
  11. My pick has to be "EARTH: FINAL CONFLICT". a "V" knockoff Supposedly written by Gene Roddenbury before he died, and produced by his wife this show was all over the place. It had two different main characters over several seasons, a weird tech guy that always acted like he was high, creepy bald aliens that would be right at home in san francisco, another set of aliens with raging hormones, and a villianous asian guy who might have out done Char Aznable in number of people screwed over/cheated/lied to/manipulated/backstabbed. The thing that kinda really bothered me was in the fist few episodes the main character is trying to figure out who killed his wife when the asian guy openly tells him he did it to make him fit better as a go between of the aliens, and the guys like "umm okay thanks"
  12. I saw the review on PBS with his show "Ebert at the movies" My first thought was "you're still alive?" and the second was "when exactly were you ever still relevant?" EDIT:soooooooo did Michelle Rodriguez survive the deadpool this time?
  13. The fact that they have sent home 800 of the plant workers and kept only 50 is a very bad thing...
  14. I remember the american godzilla film pulling the same trick in the trailers.
  15. Yeah how exactly was that supposed to show he was a replicant or not? If I recall correctly he was drunk off his ass right before the unicorn scene, people tend to see a lot of screwy things wasted.
  17. Dammit I've been watching Firefly alot lately damn reavers .... anyways
  18. He may be a badass, but he's also kinda oblivious with his "I don't know who they are or what they want" speech. He obviously knows who Shepard is so he should know a little about what Shepard is doing trying to beat the reavers and all. Then there also happens to be that big black squid looking ship called a reaver that tried to blow up the seat of the galactic government... nah doesn't look anything like whats coming down on top of your head.
  19. Elimination Chamber... Good God all those matches sucked! I feel bad for my buddy who ordered the damn event because he seriously believed they would let Jerry "The King" Lawler win the title over the Miz. Its nice they brought Trish Stratus back and all(brunette), but it was painful 2 minutes watching her try and imitate The Rock. Best part of the night was watching Morrison go all spiderman and climb up the chamber and hang from the roof of it. Too bad he did such a s*** job pretending he got a knee injury from it. "Ohhh I kick you...wait my knee is supposed to be hurt arrrrrgh... now watch me climb the ropes and moonsault you!" My last gripe was the retarded Raw GM computer that interupted the last cell match and let pepsi boy come back after elimination by Orton because he supposed got stuck in his chamber. Guess what happens... He eliminates Orton. Stupid crap like that is what killed WCW. That and the NWO coming down to the ring interupting a good match just to talk smack to sting and goldberg.
  20. Speaking of forgotten aircraft exatly how good was the F-20 Tigershark? How well did it compare to its contemporaries, and how would it have fared in combat against say a mig-21 or 23?
  21. one of my favorite moments... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xF7iX868Nzc
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