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Everything posted by renegadeleader1

  1. Life is what you make it. It IS all about me. Death is such a primitive concept, I like to think of it as fighting evil in another dimension.
  2. So I finally picked up Super Robot Wars V and T. Haven't gotten far in T, but I'm about a quarter way through V and for my first SRW experiences I am having a blast.
  3. So... The plot of the Lost World novel, but the people trying to steal samples are the protagonists?
  4. How do you know he has some great creative ideas? Where you there?😜 I have no idea how the same man who meticulously made The Duelists on of the most realistic depictions of the Napoleonic Wars could botch Napoleon so badly. Jokes aside, his last good film and the one people will likely remember as his swan song is The Last Duel and that performed terribly at the box office.
  5. Finished building the new Blacktron Renegade and it's alternative walker version. Not a bad build for either one, and much better than the initial skepticism. The rover sits very secure in the middle section even when it's upside down. Let me know if you guys have any questions.
  6. X-29. The BeeDee is at Pima Air & Space Museum.
  7. Not quite anime girl, but it was flown by anime girls in the anime Stratos 4 from Studio Fantasia.
  8. Got the new Galactic Modular Spaceship from Lego's "City Space" line alongside the Science Mech polybag kit. The GMS was a fascinating build as the instructions have you building the individual modules as separate the separate builds and not the main spaceship that graces the box cover. The only down side is with either builds you are going to end up with leftover part you can't store in the other version. Either the walls of the living habitat or the connection bricks that reinforce the pins holding the big ship together. The photos are also a little misleading making you thing two minifigs can fit in the cockpit when there's room for only one and one of the little alien guys with the spacesuit that also came in the Science Lab set. Also despite the airlock system the ship uses you really can't have minifigs pass through the habitat module to the cockpit with some modifications as the build just doesn't allow it. The pilot can't even access the second section of the ship module from the cockpit due to how the ship is designed. All that is just nitpicking. Overall it's a great build and very swooshable.
  9. Guns and grenade launchers are expensive. Why not have a mad lad with a cheap jai alai scoop hucking grenades at nearly 175mph at your enemies?😆
  10. There's a YouTuber named Tiago who has uploaded an interview with the designer. Looks like it was somebody completely different than the Galaxy Explorer designer, a relatively newer guy to lego named Jae Won Lee. The video does a could job giving some insight it why he made the design choices he did.(Not that I 100% agree with them.)
  11. First leaked photo supposedly of the upcoming upcoming Blacktron Renegade. People seem unimpressed.
  12. It's got to be something to do with the Marvel licensing. There is nothing in either the Hoopty or the newer Blackbird release to justify their insane prices.
  13. Super Conny at dusk.
  14. It's all good my friend. Realizing though that we likely both saw the same FB post from the same FB group has me like this... Lol! In other news thanks to Lego's holiday sale I've expanded my starship collection with a Space Hoopty and a Space Bus.🤣
  15. I came here to post this, but you beat me to it. This is a must buy for me.
  16. Unfortunately you'd be wrong there regarding reshoots. Reshoots were done in order to expand the role of Qimir and add Manny Jacinto to more episodes. That's one of the reasons the episodes feel so disjointed. Qimir wasn't supposed to be revealed as the Acolyte until after the final battle, and scenes were cut to insert him.
  17. I checked the team store and it doesn't look like they have the footballs in stock yet, but they do have the jerseys and the hoodies with the Jolly Rogers skull and crossbones insignia and their motto.
  18. Five will get you ten that's a prop for an upcoming movie.
  19. The Navy Midshipmen are going to be wearing uniforms that honor the various Jolly Rogers squadrons that have existed over the years for their Army-Navy game.
  20. Yup! They already introduced orange versions you can get at a Lego store's build a minifigure section, but these upcoming sets will introduce a range of colors.
  21. Leaked image of the upcoming modular spaceship for wave 2 of the new city/space line that is releasing in January. I loved wave 1 so I am very much looking forward to wave 2.
  22. When the Marvel GI Joe comics were released in the UK they were weaved into the pre-existing Action Force comic with the Red Shadow's leader essentially betraying and killing off the original organization then posing as Cobra Commander to start a new faction. EDIT: One of the later reboot/continuation GI Joe comics from either Devil's Due or IDW inserted them into their storyline as well.
  23. Palitoy in the UK licensed G.I. Joe molds for their Action Man line. These guys are from the bad guy "Red Shadows" faction.
  24. Must not have seen The Night The Reindeer Died scene from Scrooged.😆
  25. I'm just glad they're bringing back Hannah John-Kamen back as Ghost. 🥰
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