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Everything posted by shinkirou

  1. oh noez is ranka evolving to vajra? hehehehe joke! XD
  2. luca in contact with sms quarter prior to attacking them *click for bigger pic lol video resolution information - all useless info not even the name of the person who established contact is written XD resolution preset, window shape, recent scene file haha XD **edited first pic i posted was small ahehe XD
  3. i share the same sentiments as you XD mecha shows this year often pulled that trick and I say to MF: DO NOT FOLLOW THE BANDWAGON!!! XD let the heroes rest for they have done enough
  4. for me, id rather have michel dead and forever immortalized by his great sacrifice XD
  5. hehe and luca gets to have a harem O_o
  6. a little OT: to pay homage to the AWESOME that is episode 22 of MF, I'm listening to Northern Cross right now by May'n XD
  7. maybe you're right that the iff signals are tied to their ex-gear XD maybe Ranka will transform to an alien queen herself just like the one that produces eggs haha joke! (very Alien series scene on that episode where we see the queen and all the eggs - even the design hehe) XD what does LAI mean haha Luca Angellioni International? and what is the parallelism to GSD? ultimately, maybe Alto outright saying and acting (by acting, I mean siding/hugging/etc) which one of the two does he really have feelings for - Sheryl or Ranka - will be his final character development hehe <--- real blockhead hehe
  8. yep experienced that as well - database error XD
  9. and... IF... I don't want the two serieses(?) I'm watching to end both in tears as CG, for me, is headed already to a sad ending T_T
  10. peace out! XD censor me censor me lol XD
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