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Everything posted by shinkirou

  1. lolz i really laughed out really hard at that "I am Frontier, BATTLE FRONTIER! The Sword That Cleaves Evil!" <--- very nice one morpheus! XD
  2. we have to wait 2 weeks for the last episode but still am hoping for an AltoXSheryl ending since, even the opening and ending songs are from Sheryl's pov hehehe XD and I am hoping for a reaffirmation of "what really happened" in episode 22+23 regarding the triangle (hoping as early as ep 24 XD).
  3. what an imaginative bunch you are XD
  4. 2 more episodes left and we'll know who alto chose in the end period. XD
  5. yeah more action for that mean-machine vf-171ex XD
  6. @s-girl i agree with you hence, i think this episode is a plot twister depending on how you may interpret the dialogues specially alto and klan's talk in the end. I think that even when the subs come out, the pov of people will still not change - i rewatched that part 5 times now and as I understood, the translations of the people here are correct but regarding on how you may take what the characters in that scene said and their actions, you will get a bowl of confusion since what happened really does not direct towards one side only but directs to both sides. <--- unbiased opinion (tried to see it in both sides of the coin). the actions + dialogues for me in this episode are really carefully crafted so that it could mean not just one thing. this for me is an ART XD kudos to the mf team! XD let's wait the last two epic episodes on how things will finally play out XD
  7. let's wait for the subs XD (in the next episode, alto hehehe XD) peace out! XD
  8. luca was not the one who fired the missiles at ozma and company XD look at the vf-171ex - it has no disc rotating above it XD
  9. @badboy00z model kit - hehe gundam-ish way of mine referring to those models which are snapbuilt by bandai XD
  10. grace is hehe XD
  11. ahh my bad XD yeah ahehehe i thought cheers! and thanks for the correction XD @graham yeah and I really am digging that vf-171ex model kit just right now XD very nice rifle, and has missile pods to boot! XD
  12. @thanks to shan and kronnang dunn although I do not quite comprehend many of the statements, i believe this next three weeks will really be a long wait T_____T waaaaaa!!!! I want to know NOW! hehe XD
  13. @mike_s_6 waaaaaaaaa T______T they're teasing us!!!! more spoiler translations nyahahaha! thanks thanks! XD
  14. Power Valkyrie!!! XD now that would be awesome XDD
  15. why would kawamori not have anything to do in a megaroad project? XD yeah colonial inhabitation of a planet ftw i think we should see this in frontier as they only have 3 months left of supplies so they got to make peace to that triangler/protoculture planet then live in peaceful coexistence XD
  16. @Darial thanks very much! XD now we have to find a translator who we will very much thank in advance! XD
  17. what about translations for the scans? XD thanks to someone who will put that up XD
  18. just read some spoilers in wikipedia for up to episode 25. so who will be
  19. sheryl-sama don't die!!! you have a role to fulfill XD i go for the obvious choice as fans these days expect the unexpected and to make the ending not sound, "I knew it all along... that they'll do the unexpected", they will go for what they have built in the recent episodes so far. XD although sheryl dying is not out of the question. and sheryl being cured is not out of the question as well XD
  20. galaxy will not be showcased since it doesn't appear in the opening or ending sequence hehe XD
  21. I see a macross frontier season 2 featuring the macross galaxy and we'll have a macross to macross fight PURE AWESOMENESS!!! XD they'll only answer some of the big questions and leave many/some others for a season 2 as mf is enjoying a good fanbase XD they could end in a macross zero way and answer the other questions in season 2 for all I care XD just make these points definitive: 1.) end of the triangler (sheryl-alto-ranka) 2.) what is up with that planet in the end of episode 22 3.) some major character deaths and make them real dead 4.) what is it with all these vajra - what are they, what are their purpose, etc then they could just go off to answer the other questions in season 2 with macross galaxy as the enemy - I think galaxy's screentime is really needed and introducing them in these last 3 episodes will really feel rushed.
  22. i think the text message included only that sms was being dissolved to be absorbed to nuns and they may choose to stay or go with the new sms as space pirates. no more need for a leon mishima assassinated the former president message as even ozma pointed out that he just doesn't feel protecting the likes of leon instead of leon cannot be trusted since he killed the former president. i think the series will end like macross zero though hehe XD ranka will take the place of sara nome in birdman ahehehe
  23. after watching gg's subbed version... what can i say... 1.) ozma said that the vf-25 models are better than vf-171ex models (he says to alto and co. prior to the dogfight: "if you think you can beat me with that crudely upgraded aircraft!") so alto was fighting on unequal terms with ozma to begin with (if we base ozma's words to be true). still, alto managed a hit and ozma recognized this feat XD 2.) sheryl is indeed dying and has reached that stage where the v-infection is producing toxins already. upon reaching this stage, she can already produce fold waves as well due to the infection. unless the fold quartz serves as an amplifier for this phenomenon, I am sure sheryl is already at the stage of not being saved. Luca: "but once that point is reached, a new possibilty opens up" Leon: "your voice now produces faint fold waves" ergo... being able to produce faint fold waves = sheryl beyond saving unless her condition was misread due to the fold crystal earing being an amplifier all along... 3.) I agree with the others that I kinda saw dyrl confession scene between hikaru and misa in alto and sheryl's case. however, sheryl's going to die unless "magic" happens or ranka does something about it. heck this is macross, I'm prepared for some magic XD 4.) I could see an alto X no one already as a very big option for the triangler relationship conclusion as well (due to some ranka spoiler on another thread) 5.) the vajra/protoculture(maybe) planet will become mf's new home unless they get destroyed. haha oh what a series that would be lol XD 6.) macross frontier r2 - revenge of the macross galaxy XD 7.) the fight scenes only portrayed luca, alto and ozma to save animation budget and not bother with cannon fodder dogfights haha
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