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Everything posted by shinkirou

  1. ohhhh i see hehe I have never been to those sites but I wiki-ed them earlier and found out how the system there works... XD Maybe some sane people who post spoilers with believable backing - maybe from mag scans or they worked for mf story/line-art and heard some "things" XD oh well, those forums being supportive of complete anonimity, it will be hard to screen truths anyways... XD
  2. parallelism unintended as candles in memorials often go with glasses anyways Sheryl will have her happy ending since many of the opening and ending songs point to her POV XD episode 24 will end the triangle hehehe <--- i can see it clearly now... btw, if you see again the northern cross ending sequence, there is a line art that is even animated when Sheryl and Alto were kissing. Sheryl's clothes in that line-art are different from the other kissing scenes... ^___^ sk wouldn't want his alto to be a jerk and breaker of promises won't he? hehehe <--- unless this is alto's 'intended character development' right? XD
  3. leak the spoilers no matter how ridiculous they are nyahaha! XD besides, this is a spoiler thread anyways XD EDIT: maybe let's stick to some spoilers that have somehow some "believable backing" hehehe XD
  4. preparation for a happy ending for Sheryl... *hopes high!* XD
  5. lol wedding in the bridge then suddenly everything blows up/sucked in XD
  6. i think it's just the cockpit system XD well, im at the office now so I can't confirm this XD and @ reference to Gin's post, yeah it's not that he can't remove his helmet while flying a valk right? XD
  7. I wouldn't suggest this anime to be watched by my friends as it is a complete utter waste of time then XD
  8. and they say this is a supergalactic love story... XD
  9. he has no helmet and has no spacesuit being a cyborg and all XD
  10. definite bs on this one hehe this is anime - it's some sort of storytelling (a CREATE-ive form) but yeah, even in the movies, someone still lives at the end even if its a villain right? if it ever becomes that way, sk will be a legend for this one hahahaha XD
  11. why pull a Mao when Ranka already confessed hehe XD
  12. It's all to tease the audience and make it anyone's game (for alto's lovers) until the very end of the episode or for me as I speculate, by ep 24 XD
  13. Grace is standing straight and is not in sitting mode like in flying valks XD It's the same image we see when she is in her ala-matrix control room XD
  14. why? it makes the flow interesting hehehehe XD <--- at least for me XD
  15. I believe this scene in episode 24 will put the period in the triangle. just you wait... Sheryl will win hehe XD *hopes high* the magnificent vf-27 XD *hopes high for a new song from May'n next episode* ^____^
  16. hmmmm this led me to that scene in ep 15 when grace was being revived (memory information defolding from somewhere) XD
  17. need more seeds!!! nyahahaha!!! XD download gg's subbed version XD
  18. some screen caps i want to share are you hurt? let me heal you winner! what food is this? candle-lit dinner ftw! XD carry me don't leave me or else... Isamu about to enter the house errr... Brera Sterne hehe XD darth vader eyes X_X Alto will have this too by next ep XD chibi-brera to top it all XD <-- obvious Sheryl fan hehe XD
  19. more effective stress-reliever after receiving a slap across the face after seeing a pair of 'hopes and dreams' XD
  20. so the triangle will really have a definitive/implied end by episode 25 of macross frontier where he chooses someone <--- this is what you're implying right? XD
  21. so are you implying that maybe alto have already fired mde bombs to the carrier where ranka is? ahehe XD
  22. imagine grace drinking motor oil as well hehehehe XD
  23. lol at cardboard boxes XD hence, more pairing for AltoXSheryl haha peace out! XD
  24. I agree with you junior... i couldn't agree more XD let's just wait out the final two episodes before... whatever... haha XD
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