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Everything posted by shinkirou

  1. As somebody pointed out in the mecha thread... a Sheryl 'nose art' emblem on the back of a vf-171 ex XD - HOPE THEY RELEASE THIS DECAL IN THE VF-171EX BANDAI KIT YAY! XD too bad it was the one that got kakizaki-ed T_T hope this does not mean anything in the future haha lol
  2. as for me, the valkyrie scrapping is just good as it makes the unit not having a sense of being overpowered XD
  3. It's Sheryl this time yay!!! XD *screep caps by me again Pink ftw!!! XD ------------------------- Singing again to give Alto strength and Ranka to find her true song XD ------------------------- Kira! XD ------------------------- Almost died T_T ------------------------- Revitalization. After the fold haxx of vajra bacteriophage by Ranka ------------------------- Gotta love her strength XD ------------------------- O_O ------------------------- Vote for me in the upcoming presidential elections! XD ------------------------- and watch my upcoming movie as well where I am the star! nyahahaha! XD (only Sheryl's sketch there XD)
  4. lol at Alto for not having nosebleed or whatever since he really was performing past beyond the limits of human capabilities being able to fight alongside brera which made his helmet's visor go all destroyed and shattered to pieces before handing out the 'final judgement' XD
  5. just thought of posting this haha XD After buying your VF-25 Messiah Alto Custom in 1/72 or 1/60 scale, maybe you'll be needing this little quick tutorial on how to transform your valkyrie vf-25 to battroid mode XD *screen caps by me XD Hi! I am Alto! I will be remote-controlling my valkyrie to show you how XD While flying... then change to gerwalk mode... begin the flip transformation... almost done... and then there we have it! fire away! XD Tune in next time XD yeah watch me in the upcoming MF movie XD
  6. we see the sketch of Sheryl... is that somehow alto in the middle? hehe XD lolz just trolling! XD
  7. I'm sure either at the movie or an ova will definitely finish things that were started in episode 24 XD the triangle is finally reunited and it's about time to finish what alto is about to say to Sheryl in ep 24 - through the ova or a movie for more money and merchandise selling XD
  8. I expect that they finished the seires as a 25-episoder on the 25th of october for the sake of the 25th anniversary but we'll be having a movie and some ovas to cap-off macross frontier XD many mysteries and some new mysteries just popped-out that it's open-ended on many things and very good for ovas and movies or a sequel series if they want one XD
  9. I gave it a 10!!! XD specially when you compare it to the other seies that is about to end *ahem ahem for the sunrise+bandai pollution* sure there were those panty episode and huge 'assets' by many characters but that is the pop colture of anime today. the pop colture of then, 'past' is different from today, so comparing it with older serieses, for me, is somehow not right as they are on different planes. But comparing it to anime of its own genre or even not only in its own genre but in its own timeline (now, year 2008) I firmly hold a VERY BIG #1 FAN placard to support this series XD (shifted my fanboysim from the other series *cough cough CG* to here - MF!!!XD)
  10. It's official! I'm gonna have all those blu-rays of Macross Frontier really ended WITH A VERY BIG BANG!!!! Sure, not all loose ends were tied up but they already announced a movie at the end of the episode so might as well believe the LOVE STORY ended there and not the HAREM version of ep 25 hahahaha! XD Besides, Alto did the salute gesture to Sheryl while in the side of Battle Frontier bridge like Hikaru to Misa in the old days hehehe XD NO TIMEFRAME IS WASTED EVEN FOR AN OPENING OR ENDING VID!!! EPISODE WAS VERY EPIC!!! wahhh.. the long wait for the movie begins XD <---- SO EXCITED!!!! THANK YOU SK!!! XD
  11. has the episode aired already in Japan??? wahhhh can't wait!!! XD I have high bets on LION being the victory song hehehe XD
  12. yeah looks like from gundam core fighter design hehe XD but in fairness, the transformation action is somehow still the same - flip down of the plane mode to battroid mode XD
  13. yeah that's why i put the statement: "exact words by my manager in our office hehe" anyways, i think death only awaits either leon or race or both of them and I can see a happy ending in this series hehe XD
  14. never assume because when you assume, you put an ASS between U and ME <--- exact words by my manager in our office hehe XD making this a quote for the day hehe XD
  15. don't be late by May'n XD + Northern Cross + Lion + Infinity + What 'bout My Star XD
  16. i can see it now... Sheryl and Ranka will be singing Lion on Battle 25! XD hehe just my prediction and after watching the subbed gg version of episode 24, the Triangle has already ended in this episode even without the full dialogue. it was already a confession but didn't got an answer right away. peace out! XD
  17. hehehe and we'll get ala-"Wall-e" movie then XD
  18. haha just watched episode 24 XD haha loser me - very busy from work schedule HELL YEAHH!!!! THIS EPISODE TOTALLY ROCKS!!!! You know what, they should make it that SMS quarter will come and save the day, Capt Wilder taking command of Battle Frontier (Commodore(?) Perry(?) is ok as well to command the BF though XD) and Leon is imprisoned or shot to death through mutiny (although he is very much a villain and a 2nd rate at that since he is a pawn of a greater villain). But case in point, his strategy regarding the gamble with island-1 is very good as well XD I don't want the people of the Frontier to die... T_T I hope that we may see a planet colonization sequence XD and very good tactic there by Alto. Yes, SK and company have a very good reason and plausible explanation how Alto may be alive as there was the scene where his vf-171ex went behind a wrecked ship while being covered by Klan (the vf-171ex is highly in autopilot when it got shot down). Unlike in CG where we really see the nuke's (FLEIA) lights enveloping the characters and still manage to be alive and kicking again by episode 23 <--- you know what I mean haha. the explanation of there was a decoy ship was really not plausible. poor Taniguchi manipulated by Sunrise and Bandai T_T I hope SK will not succumb to their influences haha and keep on making stories these great! XD and to those berating Sheryl for screaming out Alto's name with tears when she saw the footage of his valkyrie blown to pieces, that was all for drama effect and nice closure to the episode. and give the girl a break! she saw her beloved's ride blown to pieces! isn't she entitled to scream in horror and agony for what she witnessed? At least she didn't fell down and then became some sort of human-vegetable drowned in helplessness after seeing that scene! XD peace out <--- long post haha I just can't contain all these emotions of greatness and double thumbs up on this episode! XD
  19. or it could be just trip = with the pic of her in the zentradi farmlands during her and alto's star date XD or it is just an sfx "riip"
  20. lolz I was smiling a lot while reading the posts by you guys regarding paper airplanes XD complete with analysis and trial runs as well XD well, back to topic, 3 more days till episode 24 thr triangle will most likely have a conclusion here hehehe <--- this is just my prediction waaaaaahhhhhh!!!! itching for the next eps and new songs by May'n as Sheryl Nome!!!! XD
  21. wow! O_O mystery solved XD I am a believer of your reasoning mike_s_6 since you also want your ways to do an analysis XD technology nowadays... so great that it produces believable counterfeits XD
  22. what eye-catch? is it the magazine scan? XD well, klan confessed in some sorts and michel answered it back with his life so it's a bittersweet love angle XD
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