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Everything posted by Mr.Sci-Fi

  1. I have all of the systems and I like each one for it's differences but when I buy a game that's on multi systems I always buy the xbox version first because of quality. On this game cube price drop I believe the same as posted above, the cube has been at $100 all summer with the game giveaway. Now instead of choosing one of six games your going to pick whatever one you want. I think Nintendo is doing a bold move and trying to get a good jump on the competittion, though a price drop in games would be a better move then hardware.
  2. A buddy did that. Orson has came back and said he will still be around but through more official channels, he said he still try and answers questions for people he'd just be slower doing it through the new channel.
  3. And back to the topic check out this color version This toy is sweet sweet love in these colors.
  4. Flying around in a Zeta or the Super Gundam with ZOE's controls... ::drools:: Is the Ball in it? EiS has TWO Balls. (That didn't come out good, did it?) The regular kind from the TV series, and then the one from the beginning of the 08th MS Team. AEUG vs. Titans doesn't have any Balls. well it just ain't right if it only has one.
  5. G1 stopped with headmasters and target masters, action masters and the mini 5 packs started the next incarnation. In the cartoon it means all the way up to the episode rebirth with the head masters. This robot mode Galvatron is definetly G1 based.
  6. you like the G1 version of galvy over this? G1 galvy wasn't even close to the cartoon in any mode, this atleast looks like him in robot mode.
  7. I agree he's not " The God" of animation, but in the style he uses he is a GOD. Some people just out right hate the style. The Sharpness is the whole style of that type of animation, you can't have the style without the sharpness can you?
  8. Energon is part 2 of armada, SPOILER ALERT In the end of armada unicron is partially defeated. The premiss of energon is that in his weakened state, unicron power upgrades the decepticons ,in return they will hunt down the energy that unicron needs to make a full comeback. This repaint of unicron is suppose to represent him in a weakened level like he's powered down. The universe story is a whole different story, not even related to armada or energon I beleive, kind of a ulternate universe thing.
  9. I don't follow gundam but I beleive I played this game in aug at Otakon in baltimore Maryland. Bandai had a large convention display area with videos, toys and some games. I liked the game, the graphics seemed to be descent and the controls were easy to learn and use. I didn't get a whole bunch of time on it but I will probably buy it when it comes out.
  10. that's what this is for "Babelfish"
  11. The German auction I won Now I hope he'll ship to me and it won't be too much.
  12. actually that can be fixed easily, the 1/48 would even be easier
  13. I think alot of people have probably came up with the ideal of repainting macross toys into jetfires by themselves. It's actually doing it and making it look good that is the hurdle.
  14. Mr.Sci-Fi

    Your Valks

    Yeah if your wanting alot of them you could bulk rate from the manufacturer.
  15. I have an extra joke machine maybe I should paint him up.
  16. action masters customs
  17. Kid Korupt's skyfire The skyfire in the first post is better but I have never seen it transformered(it might not beable to), so I reserve my right to change my opinion.
  18. I just changed the color of the lights, both the fist and eyes already lit up. The original toy had red LEDs and I wanted a movie accurate green (atleast the green eyes are movie accurate, his hand didn;t illuminate in the movie.) No I don't usually modify my TFs, unless there's something just wrong on them. I'll probably paint the inside of the head black and then a coat of silver, maybe it will help reflect some light back out where it's suppose to be. Thanks for the welcome guys, I'm really no stranger to macross world, I just took my time signing up on this new version of the board. My handle was "unicrons" on the old board.
  19. I picked up an assortment of LEDs at radioshack for $2.49. As soon as I got home I got the sodering iron and soder out and the surgery begun. Within ten minutes the Dark God had recovered form his surgery and was ready to test his cool new color. I have to admit Green looks so much better, just not in his eyes but on his hand too. For anyone wanting to do this, make sure when you go to radio shack that the LED assortment pack you buy has a small green LED for the eyes and a large led for the hand. You could have bought them seperately a year ago but radioshack seems to be selling assortment packs only now. I guess having all those individual small electronic parts was taking up too much space for a retail store. If you get the appropriate LEDs they're just as bright. My friend tried adding two LEDs, one in each eye, and it didn't work as good, too much draw on the battries. Unscrew some screws, remove the existing leds with the sodering iron and soder the new leds in. It's pretty simple to do, you just need to know how to soder. If you haven't sodered anything before, just take a couple minutes getting using the sodering iron by test sodering some stuff. Sodering isn't hard. One tip though before connecting two items, soder them idividualy first then connect them and soder them together. A simple sodering iron can be bought for under $10 at most hardware stores. Soder it self is a couple of bucks for a little spool. I'm going to need to take uni''s head of again so I can paint the interrior to stop the light wash through his face. I'm surprised hasbro didn't do it in the first place since the toy suffers form it originally. I'll probably do this when I repaint his outside.
  20. sorry no, good thing is that you can find most of them on ebay for cheap, even carded ones. Bandai decided to go with a totally new MR robots series, some of the old series but totally revamped.
  21. yamato 1/48s all the way, nut'n else touches them.
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