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Everything posted by Mr.Sci-Fi

  1. god no. its mario gundam and his mushroom-ish gundam suits. Um it's called SD gundam.
  2. I'd leave a present for them, a bag of chips or cookies.
  3. Nothing that has huge transforming weapons is to that point either.
  4. Oh the sweetness called prime.
  5. We have the sweetest looking jet fighter! it looks like it's right out of some scifi novel.
  6. Sure it can fly, don't you see it fly in the show? If it existed in the real world it probably would have a real world solution for control. Let's put it this way, have you ever seen a segway? It looks like a fantasy on paper but when someone cruises by you on one the reality is near shocking.
  7. Binaltech japan=diecast Alternators American version= plastic your choice
  8. That might have been tru for the original series and that's why they stopped but since RID (about a 1&1/2 years ago) the cars have been licensed for use. Viper, Lamborghini diablo and others were in that line. The newest line Alternators also have fully licensed cars. No the beast wars thing is due to dinosaurs being in the light of popularity again, at the time jurassic park and power rangers were big. Armada is reminiscent of late G1, post movie molds. You should really take a look at the alternator line and 20th optimus, I think they might spark your intrest.
  9. heh heh, that was me who shot you the link about the discussion. I didn't realise that it was you who had already posted your costum here on this board before. I know there are a lot of neon color lovers out there, I'm not one. It's amazing how hasbro can feed most of the fans crap and they like the taste. I'm a tf traditionalist, almost anyhting past g2 I hate but I still can't stop loving the transformer name. Stuff like the alternators and 20th prime are my salvation from all the kiddie stuff. Strange thing is my taste never changed from when I was kid till now. Even as a kid I kinda liked colors that matched, alternate modes that were semirealistic and no over gimmicked pieces of plastic. If hasbro gave that stuff a chance in the regular kid aimed line I think they would be surprised by the kids and what they really want.
  10. Wa ha ha! my robotic army can now become reality...
  11. This guy is up to suggestions, this is only a prototype it's not even painted yet. One difference is that this is a hover car version and not a wheel car version.
  12. Picture Album creator speaks about limited run
  13. Batltlestar Galactica had an intresting end.
  14. The jury is still out on exactly what country will be getting what.
  15. Robotech: Battlecry Cheat mode: Enter the "New Game" or "Load Game" screen. Hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 and press Left, Up, Down, X, Right, Triangle, Start to display the code entry screen. Enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function. Information in this section was contributed by John Gnat. Invincibility: Enter SUPERMECH as a code. Information in this section was contributed by John Gnat. All models and awards: Enter WHERESMAX as a code. Information in this section was contributed by John Gnat. Level select: Enter WEWILLWIN as a code. All multi-player levels: Enter MULTIMAYHEM as a code. Gunpod ammunition refilled faster: Enter SPACEFOLD as a code. Missiles refilled faster: Enter MARSBASE as a code. Gunpod and missiles refilled faster: Enter MIRIYA as a code. Information in this section was contributed by John Gnat. One shot kills: Enter BACKSTABBER as a code. Information in this section was contributed by John Gnat. One shot kills in sniper mode: Enter SNIPER as a code. Alternate paint schemes: Enter MISSMACROSS as a code. Information in this section was contributed by John Gnat. Upside down mode: Enter FLIPSIDE as a code. Disable active codes: Enter CLEAR as a code. Invincibility: Select training mode. Enter jet fighter training, destroy only the first two targets, then exit. Enter story mode and you will be invincible. Information in this section was contributed by Kevin Kiyohara. Bronze Cross medal: Destroy 50 Battle Pods. Distinguished Service medal: Complete the Enemy Within mission. Note: This also unlocks the Rick mech colors. Gold Cross medal: Complete the Silver Cross medal set and destroy 100 Battle Pods. Gold Nova medal: Complete the Vengeance mission three times. Jolly Roger medal: Complete the Party Crashers mission three times. This also unlocks the Skull Leader mech colors. Master Airman medal: Destroy 100 Fighter Pods. Meritorious Service medal: Complete the Force of Arms mission. Note: This also unlocks the Izzy mech colors. R.D.F. Flying Ace medal: Complete the Master Airman medal set. Note: This also unlocks Debris Field versus mode level and Max mech colors. R.D.F. Starburst medal: Complete all Boss missions two times. Note: This also unlocks the Flood City versus mode level. R.D.F. Supernova medal: Complete Gold Nova medal set. Note: This also unlocks the City In Space versus mode level and the Patriot mech colors. Robotech Marksman medal: Kill 50 Nousjadel-Ger in Sniper Mode. Note: This also unlocks the Stealth mech colors. Silver Cross medal: Complete the Bronze Cross medal set and destroy 75 Battle Pods. Silver Shield medal: Use the VF-1A to complete the Graveyard mission. Note: This also unlocks the Graveyard versus mode level and Miriya mech colors. Southern Cross medal: Complete the Gold Cross medal set. Note: This also unlocks the Factory versus mode level and the Armored Valkerie in versus mode. Superior Defense medal: Complete the Attrition mission. Note: This also unlocks the Graystone versus mode level. Titanium Medal of Valor medal: Complete the Knife's Edge mission. Note: This also unlocks the VF-1J in story and versus modes. Tuna Head medal: Kill 50 Del Regults. Note: This also unlocks Queadluun-Rau in versus mode. Wolf Leader medal: Complete the To The Death mission. This also unlocks the VF-1R in story and versus modes and the Wolf mech colors. Hint: Fully charged in sniper mode: Enter sniper mode, then hold Fire to charge. Once fully charged, exit sniper mode while holding Fire. The next time you want to go into sniper mode, hold Fire as you change to that view. You will now have a fully charged weapon the moment you change into sniper mode. Hint: Using missiles on the fly: Most of the time using the battloid mode is useful for counter-missile efforts. However, with some practice you can learn to switch to jet or guardian (works either way), immediately fire a volley of missiles, then switch back to battleoid. This allows you to launch a strong assault while keeping missiles off your back. Hint: Quicker missile targeting: Missiles do not take that many shots to detonate. A useful trick is to use short bursts of fire (releasing and pressing Secondary Fire rapidly and quickly). This gives you more of a chance to eliminate a lot of missile volleys in a much shorter time. Hint: Knifes Edge: To complete this level easy, get directly under Sckarred's feet and keep shooting. Information in this section was contributed by bobby stiles. Glitch: Use The Super Veritech armor anywhere: It is possible to use the Super Veritech Armor during ground combat. First, successfully complete any space mission with the Super Veritech Armor. Then, choose "Continue" when the level is complete. Since it is not possible to change armors this way, the armor remains Super Veritech. Note: This can only be used for the next level that has not yet been completed. Information in this section was contributed by Jeff Sima. Glitch: Floating Veritech: In the Train Depot versus level, have one player stand on one of the smoke columns. Then, have the other player shoot it out from under them in sniper mode. The column will collapse, and the player standing on it will float in midair. Do not shoot the player on top. Information in this section was contributed by Wolf inc. Robotech Battlecry (M) Must Be On 0E3C7DF21853E59E EE94391EBCD18422 Have Medals Meritorious Service Distinguished Service Master Airman RDF Flying Ace RDF Starburst Titanium Medal Of Valor Bronze Cross Silver Cross Gold Cross Southern Cross Silver Shield Superior Defense Gold Nova RDF Supernova Robotech Marksman Wolf Leader Tuna Head Jolly Roger CEA94A02BCA99E86 CEA94A0CBCA99E86 CEA94A0EBCA99E86 CEA94A08BCA99E86 CEA94A0ABCA99E86 CEA94A14BCA99E86 CEA94A16BCA99E86 CEA94A10BCA99E86 CEA94A12BCA99E86 CEA94A1CBCA99E86 CEA94A1EBCA99E86 CEA94A18BCA99E86 CEA94A1ABCA99E86 CEA94A24BCA99E86 CEA94A26BCA99E86 CEA94A20BCA99E86 CEA94A22BCA99E86 CEA94A2CBCA99E86 Have All Medals DEA94A02BFAC9E86 DEA94A0EBFAC9E86 DEA94A0ABFAC9E86 DEA94A16BFAC9E86 DEA94A12BFAC9E86 DEA94A1EBFAC9E86 DEA94A1ABFAC9E86 DEA94A1ABFAC9E86 DEA94A26BFAC9E86 DEA94A22BFAC9E86 Have Designs Have Izzy Have Rick Have Max Have Miriya Have Patriot Have Stealth Have Wolf Have Skull One DEA94A3EBCA99B84 DEA94A3ABCA99B84 DEA94AC6BCA99B84 DEA94AC2BCA99B84 DEA94ACEBCA99B84 DEA94ACABCA99B84 DEA94AD6BCA99B84 DEA94AD2BCA99B84 CHAPTER 1 COMPLETE CODES Boobytrap Countdown Bursting Point Force Of Arms FE9357F6BCA99B84 DE935642BCA99B84 FE93561EBCA99B84 FE935546BCA99B84 CHAPTER 2 COMPLETE CODES Ambush Hills Trouble In Graystone Special Delivery Destroids In Danger Unwanted Guests Dark Skies Flood City Knife's Edge FE9355EEBCA99B84 FE9354BABCA99B84 FE935416BCA99B84 FE9354E2BCA99B84 FE934BBEBCA99B84 FE934B0ABCA99B84 FE934A0EBCA99B84 FE934ADABCA99B84 CHAPTER 3 COMPLETE CODES Rebel Revenge Sabotage Call To Arms Power Struggle Cat Scan Trial By Fire Hostage Crisis Daring Rescue Party Crashers The Road To Ruin Deadly Storm Graveyard Little Mesa Massacre The Enemy Within FE9349B6BCA99B84 FE934902BCA99B84 FE9349DEBCA99B84 FE9348AABCA99B84 FE934806BCA99B84 FE9348D2BCA99B84 FE934FAEBCA99B84 FE934F7ABCA99B84 FE934FD6BCA99B84 FE934EA2BCA99B84 FE934E7EBCA99B84 FE934ECABCA99B84 FE934DA6BCA99B84 FE934D72BCA99B84 CHAPTER 4 COMPLETE CODES Goodbye Greystone Narrow Escape Burning Bridges Double Agent Hidden Agenda Mutiny Backlash Lightning Strike None Shall Pass Vengeance Cat And Mouse Stormy Friendship Defiance Attrition FE934DCEBCA99B84 FE934C9ABCA99B84 FE934C76BCA99B84 FE934CC2BCA99B84 FE93439EBCA99B84 FE93436ABCA99B84 FE9343C6BCA99B84 FE934292BCA99B84 FE93426EBCA99B84 FE93423ABCA99B84 FE934196BCA99B84 FE934162BCA99B84 FE93413EBCA99B84 FE93408ABCA99B84 CHAPTER 5 COMPLETE CODES Besieged Showdown No Escape Warpath Welcome To Zen City To The Death FE934066BCA99B84 FE934032BCA99B84 FE93478EBCA99B84 FE93475ABCA99B84 FE934736BCA99B84 FE934682BCA99B84
  16. www.code3.com I beleive is the maker of the falcon. It's an american company that has made it's mark in diecast emergency vehicle models. You can get it for $60 a monthe for 5 months.
  17. Here's two classic colors by furious george of the allspak
  18. I like Gi joe but this was just horrid.
  19. Vectrex!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Vecter graphics rule..
  20. I got my first ones in the eighties at TRU and ever since then I have loved them. There's actually three scales, two of them have removable armor and the third are almost pure diecast.
  21. Well I put down my $5 reserve and got the promotional disc. The disc has the following on it, playble level of rebel strike, I believe the full version of the Atari StarWars arcade, Rebel strike bonus pics/video and a trailer for Gladius. The playable demo level is on hoth. It contains 4 different types of play. The first is that of luke running around right after his snowspeeder crashes. This requires you to run underneath two at-ats and take them down with your harpoon , saber, and gernades while doging blaster shots from snowtroopers. This play is difficult to control , your controlling luke from a 1/4 down view perspective whi;e shooting snowtroopers. It's akward and there's now real skill except running up to a target while taking hits and firing back. The second task is to find a taun-taun and make it back to the rebel base. A character on another taun-taun leads you through several waves of snowtroopers and around falling at-ats. The view of this action is a chase view, behind luke on his taun-taun, thou easier than the first because of the view it's basicly the same. The third view starts out right when you make it to the base, you dismount and man a heavy tripoded blaster. This is your generic shoot'em up action, your at a fixed point and shoot anything coming towards you. After defeating the couple of waves of fighters and ground forces you are wisked away to your xwing in the fourth action play. This level is a near copy of the hoth scene on the rogue leader, you need to defend several transports from ties and tie bombers. The play takes place with the transports in the air, no defence of them on the ground like in rogue leader. This level has waves and waves of ties, more than usual but not as much a the rouge leader rotj level. All in all the play was ok for the ground and the usual greatness for the sky fights. I'm not sure how much Rebel Strike will have in the way of ground pounding with a blaster but by the trailer it wil be alot. I hope they tweek it a little better for the main release. The menu screens are almost an exact copy of the previous titles with little difference. The cutscenes this time include movie cuts unlike the cg game cuts in rogue leader. B on this game, A if they tweek the ground pounding.
  22. The preorder disc is SWEET, it has the original atari game on it plus some of the RS3s playable levels.
  23. Army of Darkness The day the Earth stood still.
  24. Numbers to big for me
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