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Everything posted by carzooyah

  1. The gerwalk looks totally bad ass!
  2. To have a display piece at one so young, the kid's got class And nice work on the red valk!
  3. Hopefully it'll be ready by November as advertised and not delayed by more than a month or so. I can't wait to get it. Not too optimistic that Bandai will improve the sculpt to look as good as the model though >.>
  4. *Drools* so.... sexy.... I'd get a couple of this, one to display and one to play with
  5. On the hindsight, partsforming could be forgiven if the paint doesn't chip while we're swapping out parts (a very simple example would the the pegged canopies of the Toynami 1/100's. The clear canopy's black edges tend to be scratched away). It depends on the pieces that they chose to swap out though. The pegs coming loose over time from the swap sockets are a concern as well. I'm interested to see how the VF100 is going to tackle this issue.
  6. Pleasure AND business. With valks as a result! Hmmm.... sounds like a win win situation to me
  7. Maybe nonPT means taking out the landing gears only? (is hopeful) edit: Just noticed that the ears in battroid are different from the plane mode. Hmmmm.... swapping ears?
  8. I still don't get how the legs transform into battroid. I can get the gerwalk well enough. Looks like the arms will be swapped out too because I can't see how it transforms without the shoulders getting in the way as it is. The shoulder must be hollow to fit the upper arm mechanism but that's about it.
  9. Eyp! That's quite bad. I feel like holding back from buying one after these horror stories ...but I fell like buying one anyway... ...grrrgghhhh...
  10. Don't worry, valkyrie addict's just messing with ya There's another very well known Graham over here (the website and forum title tells it all!)
  11. I second the MechWarrior movie. Man, that'd be awesome.
  12. 18th? That IS good news indeed Just hope the preorders don't make them sold out
  13. God of War. Made by the guys who did 300. Yeah......
  14. My apologies to cyde01, I didn't know. Yeah, it looks like crap.
  15. I think you meant 1/60 there. Yamato never made a 1/100 zero. I agree on the clunker in terms of shoddy plastic and major QC issues, but by no means was the bird even close to ugly, much less hideous. But back on topic, until the 1/100 hits the online stores and we actually handled one, there's no telling whether it sucks majorly or not. The only thing that's certain is that we've only seen pics of the 25 and some of us quite like it so far despite being non PT.
  16. Will there be any chance that someone here might be crazy enough to mod these into PT?
  17. A non shoulder breaking smaller VF-0 would be very welcomed in my collection
  18. I vaguely remember Krull now except that it the awesome feeling that I felt when I watched it as a kid. Need to see if I can track it down again. This had the same cool factor as all the Conan movies and Red Sonja (of course, those are way cooler than Krull).
  19. The waist turn would be hampered by the wings anyway. Didn't they do that on the v1?
  20. Say what you want, but that weathered 1J looks badass and oh so pretty
  21. Thanks valkyrie addict! That'll be mighty useful
  22. Yep, that certainly looks more like it Good job!
  23. It looks so sexy... oh so sexy....
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