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Everything posted by carzooyah

  1. I just had a thought... maybe if the legs were in the correct position as in the lineart, the toy would flop over? The leg joint seems to be similar to the SV-51. God knows the SV-51 has the habit of keeling over itself on the thigh joints from slightly incorrect posture. Perhaps this is to address the stability issue?
  2. The tarot card is officially my wallpaper
  3. 1/60 YF-19 in video game colours. Oh pretty pretty please.....
  4. I agree. This is certainly a cool lego creation If you ever get a hold of those plans, don't forget to share it with us here!
  5. I'll be tightening my belt to get one of each of these babies. Someone needs to do the dirty job of owning at least each of every one of them I particularly like Michel's VF-25G however.
  6. On the flip side, the SV-51 will really make you think it's money well spent. Oodles of extras and even its own stand! The only thing complex about it in my opinion is the arm/shoulder transformation. It takes a short while to get used to it. It's less scary to transform it than a VF-0, I can tell you that much But if your budget's a bit tight, the VF-1A v2 will be your best bet.
  7. Yeah, near indestructible toys! Now we can actually not live in mortal fear if the toy took an accidental nose dive from a faulty stand I may actually let my nephews play with it if it turns out to be as sturdy as it looks.
  8. I like the Q-Rau and Max VF-1A pose the most It's so eye catching and emotive! Nice pic Mog!
  9. I... kinda like the toy ^.^;;; It looks more durable than a Yamato at first glance. Let's just hope the QC on these babies is top notch.
  10. Finally got the game yesterday! Took me a while to get used to the controls. I find myself liking config B more than config A after fiddling about. Thanks for the translations Sorata! And to wolfx for the game nitty gritty
  11. I'd be a very happy panda if number 3 is a reality. I like the VF-25 so far, even though it's misproportioned and all. I really like the Alto compared to the Ozma now though.
  12. Me too! Finally some Macross live exposure somewhat close to home!
  13. Make that 6 people who thinks RT BG music is cool.
  14. Alfred, Bruce and Dick (Grayson). So I'm unoriginal
  15. Don't know about proper console versions, but in the PSP, it's a boring cutscene, in the DS, you have to play this Force play thingy to redirect the fallen Star Destroyer.
  16. I don't know.... the design DOES fit Prime to an extent. The sculpt of his bot mode is amazing though.
  17. I really like the exposed crystal I've read about the MR FX construction kit and now I'm itching to buy one.
  18. The dark side ending is weak on all platforms I think, seeing as how the storyline's more or less the same >.> I've finished both endings on the DS and PSP. I only play Force Unleashed on the PSP now to unlock characters and historical missions and stuff.
  19. The YF-21 Superman looks more like a Spiderman (sans web) scheme in fighter mode. The most outstanding colour scheme would be the VF-11 Wonder Woman. It actually looks better in fighter mode.
  20. magnuskn, you asked why the last three minutes were bad time and again, and people have responded saying it's fine, or with various other answers they could honestly think of. Time and again everyone has answered as truthfully as they see it yet you still insisted that they didn't give you a straight answer? We see the anime as it is and we're not in privy to the animation studio just like you aren't as well. Really the best people to ask this question would be SK and the MF crew. In the end adrianop's explanation seemed like the most plausible one. It'd explain the little inconsistencies seen throughout the entire series. I think the ending is fine as well.
  21. Urmmm.... Klan and Nanase would most probably just be extra faces in the movie with a couple of lines each. Or both of them cut off altogether. o.o;;;;; *hides from MisaForever and Gubaba*
  22. carzooyah


    I recently got myself the CF, it was a bit floppy, particularly the right wing tab that refuses to sit flush on the right arm slot. But ever since I put it in gerwalk with all the boosters, missiles and whatnot, it looks so awesomely cool that I finally left it in that mode for display. I love what they give for the price tag though. it really felt like money well spent.
  23. I almost spilt my drink after reading this in regards to the gunship I didn't pay it any heed until the blooper was brought up.
  24. Thanks for the gerwalk pics! I'm a big fan of gerwalk mode as well. Too bad the kits are all sold out I hope the reissue comes out soon. There's still a lot more Macross fans deprived of their own VF-25 D:
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