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Everything posted by e_jacob77

  1. Hi all, I am looking for a couple of parts for my Super V-1J Max.... I think the part I need in the leg is part # LL11, but not sure, either way I need the left leg lowest landing gear bay door, as you can see from pic # 1 it got scratched.... Will I have to do surgery to the leg, i.e. take it apart to get the door off and the new one on?? Sorry the pic is blury, if anyone needs a better pic I can take one, and attatch another....... Also I am looking for I am guessing is a vernier thruster, from the second pic you will see the right shoulder of my valk and it is missing one of them black and white disk thingies that fits right in the whole..... It was loose when I bought it, and never got around to glueing it down, now of course it is MIA..... Can anyone help me with my valks issues??
  2. Hi all, Does anyone have any lineart or a full colored pic of a yf-19 next to a vf-1....?? Or maybe a 21/22 next to a vf-1.... We've all seen the pic of the vf-0 next to the vf-1, and I thought it would be cool to see other comparisons.......Battroid, gerwalk, and fighter would be the likes of pics in this thread, "yo"... edit: Sorry about my lack of pics to share but this be a poor macross collector right now, i.e. no design works for me yet.......
  3. Hi all, I know that there are members who could cast and make me a head for the 22, but what about the clear plastic canopy, anyone know of a person on here that could do both or just the canopy?? Thanx Graham, now i'll have to study the canopy of the hase 22 better now! Any ohter hints that would make the valk look better would be cool!! edit: grammar.....
  4. Hi all, So if one used a fast pack 21, cuz of the idea that the gun pods with stow there as designed, work better?? About the canopy I though that buying a hase 1/72 fighter from hlj.com and using that to make the more realistic look of the canopy.... The only thing I am unsure of is the head, I don't think I could make one.....
  5. HI all, In the link below it takes you to the 1/72 customs gallery, and at the bottom of the gallery page there is a yf-21 turned into a vf-22...... Where could one get the kit to turn the this valk into a 22... edit: Forgot to add link.... link: http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/toys/m...customs-172.htm
  6. HI all, I think you maybe right about them being out of print cuz they are VERY hard to find on the net to buy... So they are either origs. that haven't been sold yet, or most likely bootlegs of the origs..... Either way I think I am gonna go with the ones at import anime.....Cuz so far noone has had any problems with them..... I hope!!
  7. Hi all, How was the test flight????? edit: Forgot to ask what scale the Ivanov version is in??
  8. Hi all, Thanx for the replys so far guys, one more question..... I am looking for a good place to buy some FX dvds, namely mac 7.....Since FX is a manufactureer what is their website, anyone know??
  9. Hi all, Are their stuff reputable??
  10. HI all, One last bump, cuz I am hoping that sundevil isn't the only store that sells mac 7 dvd's.......I should have stated this in my first post, I am a newbie with buying anime so i've no clue where to look at all... Though I have been coming here for a long while, yes, I am kicking myself for not getting them from the xchange.... To be honest I just followed the crowd to get mac the original series dvd's and mac zero dvd's.... Course the org. series is the animeigo set....!!
  11. Hi all, I apreciate the posts guys, and I think that i'll go with amazon on mac plus, and mac 2..... Though they are pretty spendy, I am gonna trust that old saying of "You get what you pay for"... Amazon doesn't have any copies of zero in right now, and I think they will in the near future..But does anyone know where one could get mac 7 the complete set?? If sundevildvd sells crap, then I don't want to go with them ya know...Has anyone else had any xperience with them??
  12. Hi all, I am looking to upgrade some video's to dvd and also nab some dvd's that I don't have already.....So any advice on where to find the dvd's would be very helpfull!! Looking for: Mac plus, both the 4 episodes, and the movie..... Mac 7 the complete set, like the one that usta be for sale on the valk exchange.. All 52 episodes and the movie(s)...... Also looking for mac zero 5th episode....... Macross 2 the movie and if possible the episodes, if there are any. CAN you help out a fan??? I know that mac 7 is doesn't get much love but i've never seen it and would like to give it a try still.......
  13. Hi all, Well this is sad news, I was hoping to get the Mac 7 complete set in March or April...... Kevin, if you read this and can help me out pm me please........... I might be able to buy this in Feb........
  14. HI all, A yf-19 1/48 perfect transformation valk.....!! Or larger size if needed, hehe........
  15. Hi all, The paint scheme is Max, so am I right in assuming that max would wear this flight suit??
  16. Hi all, Does this model come with a pilot??
  17. HI all, Thanx for the insights guys!! Sorry there was confusion, just a typo... That's too bad there is no remake, they could profit from it, big time!!......
  18. Hi all, I don't have the link with me, but there is a demo, or trailer of this game for the PS3, I think according to the trailer, that it is a remake of the game with the better graphics, I don't know if the story line has changed at all though......Anyone know anything......??
  19. HI all, Thanx milkman, and cobywan...When I made this thread I had forgotton about the 1/60 custom in the gallery... So no pics neccessary, but thanx anywho!!
  20. HI all, OOOPS, I mean angelbird... I am looking for angelbird battroid pics, were there any ever made?? edit for spelling... [edited title so that it was legible.-MilkManX]
  21. Hi all, Thanx for the pics, they look sweet!! If yamato is only getting better at details with or beloved valkyries what could be next??? Is there any kinda details on when this may be up for sale??
  22. Hi all, IF there are any pics can you upload them??
  23. Hi all, COOL!!!!! So the 22 has also a newer head design too...Here I thought the only differences from a 21 to a 22 was the canopy.....
  24. Hi all, Anyone at all??? I want to see the heat shield if that helps.... Thanx in advance.....
  25. Hi all, What happened to your page?? None of the links work for me....
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