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Everything posted by e_jacob77

  1. Hi all, Notion seconed........
  2. Hi all, Yeah, I once thought that it could be connecting points, but it still leaves the mystery of how the 19 receives forward momentum while in gerwalk...... That is the real question.... LOL, I've seen that lineart pic about a dozen times, and I still have never seen the backpack thrusters till you pointed them out.....Am I gettin old or what......
  3. Hi all, HAHA!! I knew I wasn't crazy, now the only things left are: 1. Are these "vents" where the forward thrust comes for gerwalk....? 2. If so, will there be any on the sculpt? It would be a shame not to have them really, I mean a fine looking bird like this deserves all the detailing that the 1/48's share!........ Or could I be trying to delay the release date, as I don't have the cash for release 1, well if my car sells or my max 1j sells, then I could.... edit: Just jokin about that last part....hehe...
  4. Hi all, Actually, technically you or I am right..lol.... In one lineart drawing of the 19 in gerwalk mode, facing the opposite direction then the pic, or to the right, there were vents in the area I am talking about, I just thought that those vents were the forward thrusters....... So I guess it's up in the air, LOL...
  5. Hi all, What I meant by, is this a finished valk, was that something is missing for gerwalk mode.... I can't find the site with the lineart of said missing thing, but I can try and take the pic to paint and then upload it there.... HAHA!! I've been dying to know if they would have this in the sculpt or not actually......Stay tuned.... edit: I meant upload it here..... edit # 2...... In the following pic, the little red line points to part of the rear end of gerwalk mode.. Where there is the crappy scribblely line that should have made a circle, well that is where the 19's forward thrusters are for gerwalk mode...... I asked along time ago where the forward thrust came from on the 19, buried somehwheres in the old forum, but noone could tell me where they were located...... Then I seen the lineart pic, wished I woulda saved it now...... DOH!!!
  6. HI all, I wonder if the painted pics are actually finished..... edit: a finished valk, ready for shipping.......
  7. Hi all, Does this mean that ep. 7 is out on DVD?
  8. Hi all, I hereby retract any and ALL negs. on this bad baby!! GOD IS SHE GORGEEEEEOUS!!! edit: Does anyone else get the feeling that the photographer is teasing us as well??
  9. Hi all, You're as cruel as graham!! ANY PICS will do of this beauty!!
  10. Hi all, I second this notion....!
  11. HI all, Bump......
  12. Hi all, It says something to the efect of having one at a hobby show on the 19th, booth open from 10 am to 5 pm... And I don't even read Japanese... Over in the covention/gatherings section there is a post on upcoming events this month and there is one on the 19th and wonderfest on the 20th.......
  13. HI all, Graham?? Are you up this early?
  14. Hi all, Forgive me for sounding dumb, but where are you guys getting your anime from?? I tried bakakozou.com, but don't really see a link for a store..... edit: I would rather not download, if that is how it's out right now.....
  15. Hi all, I know that some of you guys have done customs for others, or had to move from one place to another.... Well here's your chance to help out some others! I am about to commission a hasegawa yf-19 fighter model, and the person who is doing all the work, , and I as well, have no idea how to package the fighter when complete........So, how could it be done guys?? The person who is doing the work thinks he needs a pretty tight box so the aircraft doesn't move, but I am thinking that we need it to be a little loose to allow give with handling abuse...... How have you guys done this?? Thanx to all who reply, I also appreciate your time!!!
  16. HI all, I have sat in silence too long! I am gonna agree with everyone else, in so saying that the wings just look too small on this sculpt! Although it may be the camera angles that play with your head too.... Look at the pic where fighter mode is facing towards you kinda, the wings look too small.... The other 2 pics I think the wing looks much better, with improvement needed..... Next to the vf-1, I also think that the 19 is thee most loved valk of all...... I know that there are alot of you who grew up watching Macross, but I didn't, macross with me started with mac +, around 98 or 99... I was old enough to watch macross back in the day, but IIRC it was on cable and we didn't have that yet..... Back on topic; So me personally, the first valk I ever loved was/is the 19! edit: The pics of this fantastic bird, she is in a resin sculpt right? Cuz Da$% it just doesn't do justice to the pretty girl!!
  17. HI all, Check your PM's, $$220 shipped to your friends door!
  18. HI all, Valk 1j, where did you get these photos?
  19. HI all, Anyone wanna bet that the "pelican gut" thingy will be removable for transformation?
  20. Tho Im 100% satisfied with what Yamato have so far, Id be 150% even more satisfied if they can adjust the design with what Crazu Canuck susggested....daymn that looks so much better eventho the current design is good enuff...why didnt they just do it in 1/48 scale? before anyone else jumps in and say "you know how big 1/48 YF-19 is?", Yes, I do know how big they are and I absolutely dont mind bigger scale valks with bigger boxes...and bigger guns, bigger pilots, bigger this bigger that.........I want big toyss 410926[/snapback] Hi all, I agree with you on the 1/48 scale, heck, I even posted this much about the new 19.... Though after some thought I think that yamato wants the 1/48 scale to be excluded only to the vf-1, as it is yamato's prize winning valk to date in terms of anime accuracy..... Though I could be wrong.....
  21. Hi all, NOW I know what I've been saving these pics for!!! WOOOOOOT!! Yaaaaahoooooo!! Looks like I may have to get more than 1 of these myself, cuz can you say CUSTOM?? YEAAAAAAHHHH BABY!!
  22. Hi all, While I don't have any pics from the movie, that underneath bulge is supposed to be there! In the movie there is a shot of the 19 taking on a higher alltitude from the front, and you see that the whole buldge area kinda curves downward... Remember the 1/72's "crotch area" ( <-- too funny) when in fighter mode..... That solves it! Though if we wanna nitpick something, then this is 1 toy that shoulda been in 1/48th scale.... I think that with the buldging area and the length of the forward fuselage (sp) would look tons better cuz the curve wouldn't have to be as dramatic........ edit: I just checked the compedium... The length of the fighter is like 18.92 m I believe, well 18. somthing anyways.... The only thing is though, it didn't state the height of the battroid, cuz I think the cad drawings are a lil off.... The battroid looks too short compared to the fighter mode..... Or is that me, at 1:30 am with tired eyes....
  23. Hi all, Graham, can you answer ANY questions about the 19? Cuz I was wondering if the legs are gonna be fully articulated like a 1/48.....? edit: OOoops, I almost forgot to add, while in battroid mode.....
  24. Hi all, I don't think this was mentioned, but Graham is there any talk about this in any of the mags you post in the mags section? The article had to come from somewheres?? hehe......
  25. Hi all, Haterist, that sounds awesome man!! Are they recasted parts or from an issued valk? Either way I believe I will take them!!
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