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Everything posted by e_jacob77

  1. HI all, Like what sources, ebay?
  2. Ummm, HI all, PUTS on GIANT flame suit first! I had a Yammie 1/48 Super Max, 1st issue... It was a well made toy, but finally having a VF-1 that was transformable in my hands, the toy actually depressed me... I just don't like the dated look of it... I'm 33 and in the USA, so plenty old enuff to remember JetFire, an Roboflop... But my first Macross viewing was Mac+... The YF-19 will always be my most favorite Valk!! Then came DYRL, which I loved, then the Remastered SDF-1 was released, still have the dvd's, but just didn't like the show atall.. Again, the dated look of everything was a buzz killer... Which is ironic to say the least... Have yet to see Mac 7, but werkin on it... Have Mac Zero, like that, and the toys.. Also have Frontier subbed bootlegs, absolutely LOVED IT!! It was actually the first Macross, Frontier, that I actually identified with and felt more of a connection with the characters.... Please be gentle with me,
  3. HI all, Thanx guys!
  4. HI all, As long as the kit comes sealed, would the decals still yellow inside?
  5. HI all, I don't have any old kits for sale, nor do I plan on building any, as I don't have any kits at all.. My questions are: 1 Do the 1/72 Mac F kits come sealed? If so, what would happen if I were to keep them sealed for a couple years, then build them? Like would they yellow at all? If so, would they yellow quicker? That sorta thing...
  6. HI all, Check these out aswell..... http://www.superherohype.com/news/articles/107008-brief-promos-for-smallvilles-final-season
  7. HI all, All that i've found on the net is the Mattel release of Toys for this film, are there any models, specifically of the Scorpion gunship in a larger size? edit: For the Avatar game, is there a guide?
  8. HI all, Exccccelnt news! Thanx for the link, n pix too!....... Yummy!
  9. HI all, COOL! Thanx for the pic n info... Really hope they make this......
  10. HI all, If this is a repost, mods feel free to delete........ As per title....
  11. HI all, Sorry for posting old news! So thas what I get for being outa touch....... Someone should design a Sheryl set for 1/72's, i'd be down for a couple!! edit to add: Can you still transform the valk with these exclusive decals?
  12. HI all, I came across this sticker sheet at photobucket............. Were these part of some exclusive? WOULD someone be willing to make them for 1/72's???????? Or is this old news?
  13. HI all, I know it's rather late, being as it's been out for well, awhile... I'm still curious if anyone has one, and where one could get one.. Thanx all, e..
  14. HI all, What is this valk?
  15. HI all, OK, stupid question is coming..... Duck, hide or run away now! So I bought the 3 disc version blu-ray thinking that the digital copy, would be able to play on a DVD player..... Guessed wrong! Is there ANY way to play this copy on a dvd player? I am currently downloading all the crap so it'll play on my PC if that helps the question..... I don't own a blu-ray player just yet, ......
  16. HI all, LMAO!!! Cuz I also liked that movie too! Though mine would be Smallville....
  17. HI all, Code Geass, any good? Thanx for your time!
  18. HI all, Cool! Thanx!! Though I have to wonder why noone in the custom world has every tried to do an angel bird yet, sigh...... Perhaps i'll have to get another VF-25G just for this future project....... lol, If I could ever afford to comission one though.....
  19. HI all, Was the VF-25 an SMS valk? Or do we know if NUNS used it too? Kinda curious about a possible VF-25 angel bird, if there is one.....
  20. HI all, Am sure itz been discussed already, but can someone tell me who the silver autobot, corvette concept was?
  21. HI all, Anyone know who's animated avatar that has the yf-19 and yf-21 in flight? The 19 is in the foreground and is kinda bobing up and down........ Mods, I know you'll probably delete this thread, but ima crossing muh fingers........ Thanx all, for your time!!
  22. HI all, As per title... I thought i'd ask, but I bet anyone who has one probably made theirs....... edit: I did find this very cool GIF of the vf-25 transforming, but dunno how to make that a screensaver....Hmmmm..
  23. HI all, After your post, I still have questions, but will take your word for it and play the waiting game!
  24. HI all, I didn't know where to put this, so mods if this kinda thing is unwarrented feel free to delete.... Animedownloads.us is the website where i'd like to become a member, it is a paysite at 4.95 US per month or like 40 US dollas per year.... Has anyone ever used this site? It looks like they have a great selection too....... Mostly wanna use it to get to mac 7 and frontier.... Would be great to hear from other members whom have used this site, or other PAYsites that you've used...... Please do not pm me with you should use torrents or another site that is free, cuz the last thing I want is a law suit!
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