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Everything posted by e_jacob77

  1. Hi all, Something happened to my old password so now I am e_jacob77 again. lol.... So these are only gonna be books??
  2. HI all, Picked Frontier in both categories... Haha, liven up to my name! Course should probably get a vf-27 toy, lol...
  3. HI all, The topic title pretty much asks all info lookin for... Would be awesome if they did, anyone else waiting for one? edit: OOPPs misspelt the name of the valk, DOH! The new Valk from Frontier I mean...
  4. HI all, Had to change my name, was in the hospital for like a month, an forgot my password... IT used to be e_jacob77... Either way, 1st time in this thread, and WOW!!! Thought this was an actual roller coaster or something! Talk about flippin awesome!!! This is gonna be made right? More Macross!!! As long as the shows don't start to suffer from poor writing, then keep 'em coming!
  5. WHEN?????? Can't wait till the NEW Frotnier movie comes out, on DVD!!!!!

  6. Frontier, my personal FAV!!! 3D vector rules, and the rest droolS!!!

  7. HI all, I was once told that on one side of a quarter, 1 persons truth, on the onther, another's. My first response, NO, there is only truth. 2nd interpretation, 2 sides are truth, with white lie in the middle. Tha latter needs defintion. One side, male, the other female. Free-will says were equal. However, in nature were different enuff. Now, Japan, since it's considered that they are the largest leaders in technology, a shame that they place so much emphsis on energy that could harm them yet again WWII. Perhaps, could that white lie, be also a natural phenomenon occuring reminder so that people are remimded, that thru such research in solar energy be better. Japan is a small country amongst others, so solar panels are pretty much out, due to their current size. Why not other attempts at cold fusion? Research should be considered, until it's realized. Or perhaps the following link an inital starting point over the other in use. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thorium
  8. Hi all, Curious what her name would be in Meltrandi??? Anyone off hand, or know of a resource for this language, to english, hehe....???? Thanx all, for your time!!! E.....
  9. Hi all, Has anyone asked if this will also be available in 1/72 Transforming stage yet? Thanx all, Eric......
  10. Hi all, An there is 1 other one too!! Same coloring as the armoured version... If I had to choose, it would be the silver one!!
  11. HI all, She is a Branpresto Encore prize!! I want one sooooo bad!! An the armoured version!! Did you know she existed?? Hmmmm??
  12. HI all, Hmmmm, wonder if it requires any kind of payment, the new site! If not, then yahooooooO!!!! It says it'll open Wizard World in Feb. 2011, but it has not date???? Eric J.......
  13. HI all, Thas cool!! Hope Bandai does a 1/72 kit of it!!
  14. HI all, SOOOO!!! GLAD!!! I ordered a Sheryl before seeing the pic, and hot JEBUS!!! It looks awesome... Lovin this Valk too!!!
  15. HI all, Hey thanx for the thought!!
  16. HI all, Can't figure out how to post pics in a messenger, so I am gonna post a few here for him to possibly buy for me!
  17. HI all, Are u talkin bout the thread about these kits? Or what do u think would be a good header for a search? Macross Frontier 1/72 build ups doesn't werk....
  18. HI all, If u did a buildup in English, then post a link please....
  19. HI all, Will Testors work like taimya paint, I mean my builder prefers this paint, an wants to use the clear coat on both my Sheryll decal Alto's.......... Will the thining be the same?
  20. HI all, Loving this Valk!! Personally, I love the throw back to an earlier era, mixed with the future... Though it isn't too late, I hope, to move the wings a little more forward....... Bandai makes a 1/72 kit, she's mine! Heck, if a 1/60 DX looks good enuff then she will be mine! As of now, I won't buy any of the DX toys, IMO the 1/72 kits have better perportions (?).....
  21. HI all, Just got back from seeing it! Thoght it was really cool actually.. Really glad to see that if you hadn't seen the first movie then u wouldn't be lost within the 2nd... Course now I gotta go watch the original, lol... Never even seen it! Ummm, bout Rinzler
  22. Hi all, Haha, Darabont probably wants more to himself! Hey guys, I wouldn't get too upset jus yet, seeing as he wrote the 1st 2 eps., and cowrote the remaining ones... Yes, alas, this is MW....
  23. HI all, PUHHHlease tell me that their budget is bigger than Zombie makeup??? As i'd hope that the next shows seasons are NOT limited to 6 eps! Though gotta admit, i'm of the same mind of those who think the Zombies have been giving excellent attention!
  24. HI all, Just watched a DVR of last nite's ep., kinda know why noone pmed me about how things went down now... Graham, nvrmind pmming me k..... Human beings can be soooooo lacking in the imagination sometimes! GREAT freakin show though!!!
  25. HI all, Also choose the YF-19.. Call me crazy but I think the already inherent instability with FSW's would make for one amazing ride.. However, I think that 2D vector isn't all its cracked uped to be! Sure the F-22 would fly circles around most other aircraft.... 3D vector is the future! Imagine the 19 with 3D vector, without changing anything else.. Feet like the SV-51/VF-27.... Now That would woop some A$$!!
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