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Everything posted by nanoplasm

  1. She was pulled from the first pack I opened.
  2. Macross F in Taiwan theater release? Not happening. The series doesn't even have an unified official name over there. Some people call it Macross, some call it Space Battleship (with intention to be confused with Yamato) , more people call it SDF, but most people just say "Mugs and Screws*, what's that? never heard of it". But if you want to pick up any Macross toys in Taiwan at a decent price (about 5% higher than Japanese retail), PM me and I can point you in the right direction. One Piece's latest movie will see a theatrical release in Taiwan in Feb if it's any consolation. *What Macross sounds like in Chinese.
  3. The part I found most endearing about the movie was the new sequence of scenes how Ranka went from natto peddler to her first serious gig as promoter for Family Mart (there were so much cross marketing in the movie). The way Ranka broke the good news to Alto was very sweet and well done. Unlike other 1st day showings I've attended in US, there was no clapping nor cheering at the end of the movie. Not sure if that was any sign of the reception of the movie or perhaps audience/fans were more restrained from public display of fandom in Japan.
  4. Only difference I noticed were those batteries in front of its bridge replaced with energy weapons that shoots pretty particles. And the launching of VF-25 with Tornado packs was pretty lack luster, it rode the elevator to the launch deck, retracted its landing gears and blasted off. There were a lot of Valk GERWALK mode combat in the MF environmental dome if that means anything. As Save mentioned the twin cannons on top of Alto's pack can rotate 360, great for shooting down pursuiting varja while GERWALK skimming on water surface. Nothing in the likes of M:Zero though. Regarding the VF-1 making appearance in part 2 trailer, I thought it looked more like a Miriya mayor scheme than the fire valk scheme, but I was very tired at the time and maybe imagining things.
  5. How about an after-6pm showing if that's not too late for you. Please let me know what are the seat numbers once you have it, I will pass it on to someone else who might want to go that night.
  6. Didn't valks made cameo appearance in episode 7, 24 and 25? That's 12% of the screen time, I demand more representation for Valks! Google keyword global volume/popularity (search done in Japanese): Ranka 110,000 Sheryl 165,000 VF-25 49,500 So according to Google, the proper advertisement spread ratio is 1:2:3 (VF-25:Ranka:Sheryl). For completeness sake, Alto's popularity is 4,400, and Klan is 8,100 (her result is muddy because of other definition for Klan).
  7. Waaaay to much emphasis on the Ranka and Sheryl in these ads. Looks cheezy like one of those harem anime.
  8. I went to the OC branch on Sunday. The guy insisted M:TF has not been published yet, and neither has False Diva Guidebook. He said he usually works at the LA store and didn't see any new Macross item worthy of bring down with him to OC. wtb some Macross respect from the OC store employees...
  9. Any idea when Wald 9 is going to update their schedule to cover Nov 21st?
  10. Article title says, "Macross Unofficial X(scrapped) Model (in regards to mechanical things)". Seems like a "What if..." article when mechanical designers gone wild.
  11. You have my thanks.
  12. When I placed my pre-order at Sansaido today, I saw someone already pre-ordered 10 copies of VOL 3. I will know who it is when he/she start posting them here at MW.
  13. Lol I missed it too, thanks for the heads up, even if it's old news. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-nYWKLD0WHA
  14. why does SDFN need to go into battle mode in the first place, couldn't it fire its main gun in cruiser mode? What combat tactical advantage does SDFN have in battle mode than in cruiser mode?
  15. Save, PM sent. Please let me know if everything is still go; pre-order ends in a few days. Thanks.
  16. You mean like the giant embryo that turned into a green goblin as the final boss for Scrambled Valkyrie? Is it really more bizarre than space whale or Vajra?
  17. It's fun to date Mikimoto's work by the style alone. The 2nd picture is drawing during the later days of Gunbuster.
  18. Isn't Ghost (forgot what model) the final boss of VF-X2? It was pretty standard VF vs. Ghost-AI deal.
  19. How many rabid fans draw the line at Loli goods?
  20. http://henkei.jp/contents/wallpaper.html
  21. I agree with Tochiro. Regardless if there was a conditional agreement to promote her original songs at the concert, the original songs shouldn't be part of the concert in the first place. Speaking for myself, I am a "fan" of Minmay songs by the artist Mari Iijima. Either one without the other just doesn't do it for me; Minmay songs by other artists are just novelties. For the her to be upset about being typecast as Minmay, or demand conditional agreement to to promote non-Macross originals at a Macross concert, is fundamentally alienating herself from fans like me. It's not ideal for a singer to be typecast into a single role, but there are MANY other struggling artists not even given the same opportunity. Instead of being annoyed, she should embrace her role as the voice of Minmay and capitalize on this fact. Many artists promote their own originals as track 2 of their anime-related singles, or as bonus tracks of anime albums. The reverse is also done, to include an anime bonus tracks in original albums. Take Megumi for example, she (perhaps her mgr) understood her sudden fame is due to her role as Ranka. To make the most out of this opportunity, she signs her name w/ 'heart' Ranka at the Macross events. She also included Macross bonus track in her original album. Because she accepted the fact that there might never be another success in her career as the role of Ranka. I wish the best for Mari and her non-Macross career, but she should probably focus on feeding the rabid appetite of her loyal Minmay-fan. Fans who has the financial means of splurging on their childhood nostalgic diva/crush/heart-throb.
  22. Any idea on the artist who illustrated the Minmay in this poster?
  23. Pink Monsoon sounds like a Sharon Apple song. It's not a bad thing, just I would rather listen to Sharon Apple if I am in the mood for this kind of music.
  24. Wald 9 in Shinjuku sounds good, easier (and cheaper) access is always a plus. I have only been to the Toho in Roppongi so that's my only point of reference when it come to screen size in Japan; it about the same size as the smaller screens in US cinema-plex.
  25. Although blocked by the SDF-1 toy, you can see the word "Fever" on top of the SDF:M logo in the background poster. Hence it's an ad for the pachinko game.
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