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Everything posted by Tristam

  1. dang.. just watched Lunar's sub... felt a bit teary-eyed back there.... but they did the whole scene nicely...stopping the song when "it" occurs then making the song feel more emotional in the end... his glasses on the floor in the end is a nice touch too... cant wait for the next one... *sniff, sniff*
  2. nice job man!
  3. hahaha... i watched that movie...its made where im from..it was great, i mean for our countries standards.. but live action robotech...make it here in the phils.? i dunno..
  4. uwe boll.. i dunno..he did direct both bloodrayne movies, alone in the dark, In the Name of the King: A Dungeon Siege Tale and the upcoming Far Cry movie.. but i dont think he can go sci-fi...
  5. whoa... and nice touch with the michel [?] figure... i wants one..ehehehe...
  6. lol at the real life mr. satan... and yea, a teaser trailer is all we need to critique the hell out of it..;p
  7. ive always wondered on whats the name of that lizard/fone... pretty handy...
  8. well..i do hope this movie doesnt, pardon the word, really suck... there's alot of negativity floating around regarding it...
  9. nice pics of klan.. and yea, too bad about michel though... why do they kill the snipers lately? [like what they did to another mecha series..]
  10. yeap, ive been with shinsen but they did stop it at ep.11.. thnaks! ;]
  11. didnt marvel already published "manganized" marvel heroes..? LOL at the spidey vid with a robot...
  12. wow... thats a bit far...hopefully, it'll not disappoint...
  13. i dunno if its ok to ask.. ...but... where d'you guys get your episodes? which fansubber is better?
  14. soooo.... any updates on this yet..?
  15. heya! im from the philippines... klan - klan rules! ....although me first crush was lynn minmei...
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