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Everything posted by josue

  1. Actually totsuzen 突然 means suddenly not nature.
  2. Anybody going to Akihabara this Sunday...? I'll try to go and see whatever I can (even if i don't have any tickets)
  3. It made laugh
  4. Err I don't have my copy at hand now but I seem to remember that the punchline is a little different.
  5. They have cellphones now.
  6. You would think that being published by the same company would make it easier for them to check facts between publications... but noooo they have to do a half a..ed fact check.
  7. Actually I was reorganized from United Nations Goverment into the New United Nations Goverment. UNS to NUNS (United Nations Spacy to New United Nations Spacy) As Macross II was set in 2090 it stands to reason that it changed too. Leaving that aside we can say that maybe there's an error in continuity (not the first) and if you see the "Super Dimensional History Account" in the Macross Ace magazine (pages 6,7) it seems that the Macross II plot has been finally included in the cannon timeline (well, that's what I speculate with this). But in the end... who knows?
  8. Hmm... He was talking about drawing not on paper but on the computer. Then talking about the characters and how they will be a little modified from the TV original series. He said that back on '82 he went with someone to Shibuya to take pictures of the girls there so he could draw the clothes and stuff but doing that now would get him arrested. This project was proposed to him 5 years ago or so by a variety of people but he just thought that there wasn't any point on rehashing everything again, then Frontier came up, taking a lot of points from the original series, so seeing the new fans that it gathered he decided to tell the story again. This will take a few years it seems.
  9. I grabbed my copy yesterday. ¥480... I just can say... I love it. It took me like 4 hours to read it all (except the novelization part). Macross the First has changed a lot of little details but it just add to the whole. The thing I liked more is that in the intro panels you can really feel how big is the SDF-1. We always talk about a 1200 m. ship but can you really imagine it? The interviews with Mikimoto and Miyatake are good and the Frontier gag manga is really funny. We'll have to wait till June for the next number...
  10. Thank you azrael. I sort of knew what it means but not the exact wording. And i know how much people in this boards like exact wording. And about the EX-gear system it is a powered armor that helps the pilots when its connected to the ISC system. In japanese was written as innertial capacitor.
  11. It also talks about how the VF-25 was developed jointly between Shinsei Industries and LAI. Based on the data of the YF-24 Evolution that was a project of earth NUNS to replace the VF-171 currently in use. Then it talks about the EX (Extender) Gear being part of the new cockpit system, this coupled with the ISC system that i wrote above enables the pilot to endure the high Gs.
  12. live in shonan area. work in tokyo
  13. Would it be new information the fact of the PPB knife? it says is coated in PPB and is attached to the shield in the left arm. The shield of course is coated with PPB too. then the fact of the EX-Gear coupled with something called ISC (Inertia Capacitor) helps protect the pilot of the high Gs. reading the specifications of the VF-25s it can produce a maximum of 27.5Gs.
  14. The Nyan Tora soundtrack debuted #1 at the oricon daily charts.
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