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Everything posted by DARKWIND

  1. OK!!!! Thanks bro I'm all over them gotta try and get two.
  2. VF-25 alto custom and VF-27 Breara Stern to fly around my room when I get home from being out on the road. And a shot of Thai whiskey to calm me down.
  3. Ok who do you guys suggest i buy from? Or should i go with overdrive's VF-1S Hikaru?
  4. Ok guys whats the final tally on the VFs that have this issue. Which ones and which versoins Cause Im thinking about gettin just one VF-1S and super/strike parts set. And im trying to find the lesser of the evils so to speak.
  5. I agree these are supposed to be combat aircraft, not flight demo birds. So it makes sense to me for the color schemes to be flat and matte. And your usual combat aircraft colors are dulled for to avoid detection in some way shape or form. Sure they are of the giant robot vein (sort of), but I like to think of it as a touch of realisim. Besides if the the designer sanction it the that must be what he intended. Sure I understand the urge for these toys to be in that nice shiny gloss that is easier to clean, but it just would not be the same. Hell I'll take them either way!!
  6. Hard choice, My top three #3 VF-1S Strike #2 YF-19 #1 The Macross Quarter!!! Thats what I call hands on combat

    I'm back...

    By the way lockdown that 1/60 YF-21 you will not be dissapointed!!!!

    I'm back...

    right ring my phone and we'll chat sorry about last night had to make a tru run for christmas looking for Wii goods

    I'm back...

    Dude I'm glad to see you online again keep up the good work and don't let the past get you down. You are one of my best friends and when you get a chance come by and see the fam and collection again. Also shoot me an email with your address so i can ship some more goods to your collection.
  10. I say it just means more time to save up for it, with the gas prices on the rise buying these toys are getting harder. . .
  11. Can't quite say, I have spent entire weekends watching them all back to back. I'm just silly that way, I usually watch them in as close to order as you can get. But off hand I would say 8 times as a whole. But Frontier I've only seen once.
  12. Yeah me too I'm so used to paying through the nose it is almost a relief, almost. . .
  13. If the price is really going to a little above or below $100 I think I can do with buying just the skull squadron all over again. . .
  14. "I got to play it online for a bit....didnt do that well. Gotta admit, I hate ppl who go into circles all the damn time...takes forever to kill someone." Thats the rule in dogfighting, to outmanuver your adversary. But yes sometimes the cheap tricks buy you time. Just think in 3d and it gets easier to score those kills.
  15. Its cool i know how you feel you try to make it deeper than a HALO free for all and people just act like drones. Tell ya what when I get back in town I'll be looking for ya and we can try a couple sortes
  16. I agree I thought it was pretty good, alot better than what it could have been. . .
  17. I wouldn't mind paying for the Minerva as long as the smaller vehicles come with it. And can be stored inside it.
  18. I was thinking the same thing. That and the comedy is still as good as the first season.
  19. Sign me up for the "buying both" camp also. Damn fine desings love to see both in toy form.
  20. Yeah well the armor came after the troops did, so they made due with what they had. . . If I could I would love to find some camo microman figs but everybody is sold out or too expensive.
  21. Here's acouple of cool 'bots too!!
  22. My new Binaltech/Masterpice display. . . The ultimate (TF) mexican standoff! ! ! I've got more but I ran out of room in the case. . . Right now though I wish they would hurry up with that Masterpiece Starscream repaint. . . .
  23. I think HLJ is a very stand-up outfit. I usually order items and get them in about 7-10 days(2 weeks is about the slowest I've seen). I have ordered from them in the past and recieved my shipment sooner than 7 days before also. Also I have yet to recieve any damaged/broken items either. Experiences may vary. . . But my bottomline is this either wait for a toy to from Hong Kong (2-3 weeks) or HLJ (7-10 days).
  24. Those my friend are 1/48s, and they are looking dead sexy. . . .
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