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Everything posted by DARKWIND

  1. I still love my 1/60 19 But it will be nice to see how this will lead to a new bird.
  2. I am a confessed "Yammiehead". And will still buy most of their products. Don't get me wrong I'm thrilled that the team over there even toiled, tooled and designed these things. But it feels like a sort of cop-out on the rest of us the fans/collectors when these companies do this. I know, I know, its for profit and in a way it has to be done. I also think like Jenius if we could get it all locally, it would hurt but it would be a more tolerable hurt. I don't want them to stop making them just keep in mind us out of Japan collectors. We too helped these products sell like gangbusters. Sure we here at MW may represent a small fractiion of the overall fanbase, BUT. There a lot of international fans who lurk and just peek in, but those who know the toys just want to be able to buy period.
  3. I'm with you Snake. 20000/23000 yen and I'll bite.
  4. :o Ok now that's just down right sad. All this time I've been working to get a VF-25 and this happens. All bets are off till we get a V2 that is solid. Its like the list just keeps getting longer on this toy. Too bad cause it is a pretty cool mech in my book. All I can do is hope my 27 doesn't surprise me (or any of us who bought them) with crap like this. Anybody found anything other than the paint chip issues and oily stuff of your 27?
  5. I think judging the reaction from our fellow members here alone it would be a good gamble on Yamato's part. Consider this, the only bad guy mechs really released in 1/60 were the Q-Raus. So just calling it on their not too openly known sales numbers alone does not make it set in stone. But if you really want to play the numbers/bad guy card, look at the VF-27 and the buzz over the green vers. Had Bandai sold them in the opposite order how many do you think fans would've scooped up of the green? I recall the "Purple One" sold out on many e-tailer sites and are still being back ordered. But had the CF/Green sold in conjunction with the Brera release, I think it could've out sold his 2 to 1. Instead it is elevated to the web exclusive status and now fans are saddled with trying to find 3rd & 4th party sellers. (Which in some cases means higher prices and possible scalpers) Only if Bandai had sold them on the norm, we (and the industry) would have a solid base for bad guy mech sales.
  6. I see your point Chronocidal. I do have much love for the VF's fighter modes. But I feel (in my opinion) that the only reason the Q-rau's didn't sell well was the fact that they were main character mech releases. (Also I think there are more fans of the TV show types than DYRL, again I think. Me, I love them both. ) You only need one each of that type for your collection anyway, one red & one blue. But, if they had tried to sell cannon fodders/troopbuilders it may have been a different story. IMHO, in the case of the Destroids, Yamato went to the well once too often (olive drab, weathered, olive-weathered). We didn't need so many variants at one time. Sure, make the main character types but in a set number, then bring on the CF's in a smaller run. Use that to gauge the second run. But when it comes to the Zent mechs they are loved too, and if they give it a shot there's a good chance of success. Then go for the off the wall types in another set number run.
  7. Amen!!!! Hell, they did a bang-up job with the Destroids and they sold like hotcakes!!! And ya know I'd be happy to buy the soldier seperately if need be just make it poseable enough to fit inside the pod. (Can't stress that enough don't skimp on the articulation!) Just that alone is good enough for me to buy 2!!! I'd bite the bullet and tell the wife I'll be on the road for a month or 2 even. Its just hard for me to believe that none of these guys see the time is ripe for real enemy mecha. Especially in a scale that they have (just about, IMO) made the new Mac toy collecting standard.
  8. I know how you feel, they just keep missing the mark. If only they just put it out as a normal release toy I.E. like the other 1/60's it would become an overnight cashcow!!! Just think how many would be sold here on MW alone, how many of us here would buy at least 2-3???? Look at the sales of the Toynami 1/100's. Now I'm no "comic book guy" type of collector but this plan of theirs is kinda lame. Sure I'm glad they took the time to tool, mold and show it but what's the big deal on just making it for your average joes out here. Ya know us "more than casual" (but not quite 'obsessed') hobbist out here all over the globe.
  9. Man I hope they get this out in the normal plastic materials soon. I've never really been a big fan of the resin scene, (horrible flashbacks to SHE kits and the like). Good kits, just not my cup of tea. I guess I just don't have the time like I used to for assembly.
  10. Holy crap!!!! Ok if this thing is really hitting the streets (per se), this will probably cost big green. Its gonna have to wait but its on the radar something fierce.
  11. Great topic! The way I see it, I don't have any remorse for anything current but the 1/72 mac plus birds. Compared to the 1/60s they just seem blaah, but I understand "in order to make an omlet ya gotta break some eggs". Now there are other toys I've purchased over the years and look at now and feel, "Ugh, what was I thinking?" But for the most part my Macross collection is pretty solid in my eyes.
  12. Or in other words, TF's change to disguise or hide in something. VF's change to broaden it's combat abilities. (Just my opinion.) But if Has/Tak and Tomy were to tackle it from that angle, they might come up with a very good product. The only catch I can see is that it should be something other than a VF-1 toy, (just to stir the pot per se). And I know its a snowballs chance that they will get the license for macross anytime soon either. Though I'd like to see them take crack at it, a few test shots and such.
  13. Did ya ever notice how in these threads we kinda seem like new parents (and grandparents) showing off pics of our kids? "Ok here's little Hikky and Maxie in their fastpacks showing off in front of Roy at the rings of Saturn." Or, "Here's little Millia with her superpacks, aww isn't she just adorable, I could just gobble her up!!!" LOL :lol: Don't get me wrong but its one of those silly/cool things we do here. Hell I got no room to talk I'm planning on posting a few more pics later, (if I ever get home that is.)
  14. Yeah the more I look at it Brera's kind of reminds me of a squadron show bird, albeit "a badass operational" squadron show bird. Not just in the hanger for display, but ready to kick ass anytime it wants.
  15. +2 But only time will tell, I just hope I don't have to sell blood to get it.
  16. Yessir that's it in a nutshell but thanks to you both for the info. Now if I can get back home from OTR and place the order, this will make a great Father's Day gift.
  17. That was $75 US after shipping right??? Oh man I think I'm gonna get yelled at, again!!! The only problem is take the asschewing now or later?? I have to sell some toys but the hard part is which ones. . .
  18. Which VF did you buy pondo? Was that the CF or the Max TV version?
  19. Understood, guys again thanks for the insight.
  20. Thanks guys for your help. Also, I spent two years on the USS Independence and two more years at NAF Atsugi helping park birds on deck. Big and small birds, (airshows too) so kinda get where you're coming from on the less is more point. Now about using the pencil technique how do you guys seal it or do you? Future and a q-tip or paint brush and another type of clear coat? And please don't let it end here anyone else care to sound of please do. Any help/suggestions are welcome.


    Don't sell yourself short, I've always liked your work pretty clear and strait forward. A good toy collecting read, IMHO since day one. Also do you have an archive of your masterforce website goods, I thinhk that will really help out BMAX. And it won't hurt to check it out for nastalgia reasons too!
  22. Thanks for the input guys. I was looking to try anything out first on my vers.1 VF-1 Valks first then mover up to the 1/48's later if I liked the results. Any othe techiques guys. Please keep the ideas and suggestions coming.
  23. Same here, now I have to do some shelf clearing and budget shifting. . . (and begging lots and lots of begging)
  24. Panel lines and/or weathering. . . Ok I have been looking around at a lot of you guys pics (over the years) I am as always amazed. But, I have never taken the plunge myself due to the thought of totaly ruining a perfectly beautiful valk. I was wondering if any of the top notch modelers/customizers here would take a crack at doing a tutoral of sorts? Just for those of us that are thinking of giving it a shot. Give a few tips of which pins/pencils to use, which clearcoat to use (if needed or not) and what tried and true methods worked, if possible which birds were tougher than other's. Also how to undo any mistakes that could be made with said methods too. Pics with details or steps would be a great help too. So there you have it, can you the great masters teach us (or me rather) your craft?
  25. I voted yes also, and just like airborne I've got all of the Roy variants/editions. But if they did release one in the vein of eugimon's idea, i'd buy yet another but that one would stay boxed. At least till I got the rest fo the TV versions.
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