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Everything posted by DARKWIND

  1. Agreed, get it right, then get it on the streets. But for now at least let us see some proto pics. . .
  2. Thanks for the correction guys. . . My point being. . . Since he is there and can get one in hand minus S+H. He should do himself a favor and go buy it now. At 12,400Y it is still cheaper than buying it off the net. Let's see, (curently) 12,400Y=$102.46=Good Deal!!! If there is one cheaper after S&H for US buyers have at it. . . But if he wants to come all the way back from Japan, then pony up the cash via paypal, and wait give or take week. . . Now about the reissue, that is another story. If it happened and I didn't notice that's cool beans, but I bought mine when it first released. It probably rereleased when I was in the gulf, so no big woop. . .
  3. Its like this, I haven't seen on ebay or any E-tailers selling it. And I've been looking for a friend of mine who missed out on the TRU Japan set also.
  4. Damn! ! ! ! (Insert DR. Claw voice) I'll get you next time Graham, NEXT TIME!!!!!!!!!! Well it was nice to be first if only for just a week. Do you have yours yet G-man?. . .
  5. HELL YES GET IT! ! ! ! I don't think you can beat that deal. . . If it is the Red Stripe Hikaru VF-1S grab it man those are very rare! ! ! Yamato hasn't even done a re-issue of that valk (yet)! ! ! And for that small a price it is a deal you won't see even on ebay. Check Hobby Link Japan, the price you found even beats them and they are still on back order.
  6. So I take it, (as usual) The Dark Lord of the Yamato Sith is holding info about the YF-21? How can you sleep at night knowing all these dark secrets? ? ?
  7. What's the big deal with the box art ? I think it looks good, if you want better box art it might run you more cash. And as much as I like Yamato (they've already got me up to my eyebrows in preorders), I don't want to shell out money for a fancy box. (Did that with Toynami 3x's but the 4th \Voltron/ was a charm.) All in all IMHO Yamato's boxes are outstanding!!! (ducking rocks, flames, flaming rocks and catapulted boulders, etc, etc. . .) The pics on the box show the toy off beautifully, it even has a flap on the front to show the toy in the box. What more could you ask for? But with all that aside. . . . YES I agree the box is huge, but it is also sturdy and stable for shipping. To me that is its real purpose, sure they could fill the box with styrefoam; but all that squeaking when you pull the toy out is like nails on a chalkboard. . . And to answer your Q about the Ghost's weight, It is pretty light yet sturdy. . .
  8. Don't press, it will only fuel his fire. I do feel the same way you do, but the flames must be extinguished. . .
  9. HA!!! I finally got a toy before The Mighty Graham HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! Anyway, he's right those landing gear are a biotch to lower. But when you get em' down it is so worth it. . . . It looks nice sitting next to the to the 1/60 VFs
  10. Okay how do you get the new shoulders from Yamato USA?
  11. Yeah I saw the set on sale at HLJ And had to make the move. . . Now I'm so glad I did. . .
  12. Yeah, but I was hoping to get those little figures that came with it but no deal. . .
  13. Just a few pics. . . These are waiting for the rest of the unpacking. . . [attachmentid=42582] Side one of the case. . . [attachmentid=42583]
  14. Nope it was in there the whole time. I think I bought the "Real Color" vers.
  15. This seemed to work. . .
  16. I have a few more pics after the move. Just gotta get size right so I can post them. And since I have the room now I will be doing even more pics. I havent unpacked my micromen yet but wait till they see the armor I shipped out for them. . .
  17. True but what's the story on this one any body got info on it? http://www.hlj.com/product/FEW96107 Hlj say's it releases this month but I have sen on info on it anywhere else. . .
  18. True, no matter how much he spews, he is entitled to do so. So if he goes off predictably like ole' faithful let him. . . If he refuses to buy anymore Yamatos its his loss. . . When they do get it right, and "if" he misses out it'll be karma. . . Hell many vets here could tell you how I used to go off like a blast furnace over Ebay. But after the "Buy it now" option went up I changed my tune, (a little) ! ! !

    VF mode

    To me its the ability to pull of all three that drew me in, so I voted for all three.
  20. True but has anyone found a place that sells or has it up for preorder yet?
  21. Where did you get that current case you have. Trust me guys I've got a ton of goods that need a solid case to hold them. . .
  22. I love the show, I saw it while I lived in Japan!!!! One of those cool ass shows that just go down smoother in Japanese. Where can I find those ships and vehicles?
  23. I should be able to in the few days. . .
  24. Just got mine this morning, will give a review later. . .
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