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Veifwan Es

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Everything posted by Veifwan Es

  1. Here's a tasty one I got a while ago....
  2. You should have shown the management a packaged 1/48 Yamato... I wonder if they would have taken interest/notice since the level of quality between the two is so astounding. (read in: MPC's aren't that great at all as most know.)
  3. Would anyone be willing to post reference pics of Jetfire here? I'm actually very interested in turning my 1s into this old buddy. If anyone has the original sticker sheet they could scan that would rule....
  4. I loved this movie when I saw it. In fact to this day, I still have the soundtrack in regular rotation in my playlist. It is an absolutely fantastic example of surf music from Brian Tyler and the Red Elvises....if you ever hear "On My Way to Vegas", think of me....that song rules! I also strongly suggest this film. Highly original and spattered with truely amazing imagery. No too easy to find someone who has seen it....thanks for posting a topic on it Areaseven!! *Favorite SSS movie quote: Nameless Wasteland Thug: "If I were you, I'd run!" Buddy: "If you were me, you'd be good lookin'...." *pseudo-geek-samurai ass-whoopin' ensues*
  5. Starship Troopers and Alien Ressurection for sure. I love both movies while everyone else around me says they suck
  6. Someone was doing a 1/55 custom referencing this exact frame a couple months ago. Who was that...and did they finish it?
  7. Veifwan Es


    Nice looking, but I will probably not be getting the Q-Rau simply because every picture I have seen of it, it has been propped up with boxes. I don't want something that won't stand up on it's own....no matter how unbelievably cool looking it is. .....man I wish that was 1/48. I don't care how big it would be
  8. I recall Yamato was going to release some stands compatable with both the 1/60 and 1/48 that looks like an upside down launch arm. I've been holding out for these, but it's been so long since I've heard info, that I question my sanity on the matter. Does anyone else remember news on these from the old boards, and is there any further news?
  9. That trailer would be perfect if it didn't sit back so far on the truck. I guess if you angled it for display, you may not notice.
  10. Whether you like it probably depends on how many MMOG (massive multiplayer online game) you have played. If you've played any at all on the PC, you will find Phantasy Star Online to be an extremely limited online title. But if your new to the genre, I guess PSO could be an enjoyable baby-step into the online world of gaming and social interaction. I recall enjoying the game for a few months on the DC, but there's no way I could recommend it with today's superior alternatives.
  11. ???????? Do you work for these guys?!
  12. Happily married for close to 3 years now. No kids planned....we want the luxury of being able to travel!
  13. <_< .............
  14. Elmer's is just a white crafting glue that you should be able to find anywhere (or at least it's equilvalent). It's the glue that a lot of snot-nosed kindergarten age kids think is yummy. I also used it on my single micro missles, and it works great. Heheh. The low vis is from the same mold type as all the other vf's dude....it'll work. This backpack thing seems to be a major issue for people....I don't understand why. I knew instantly how to make this work when I got my 1st set of FP's
  15. Har Har! It's about that easy...but I'd keep the affair thing outta the picture. It's pretty easy for me to get my goodies by me wife....it's just very expensive. For example...that Super VF-1J that cost around $180 with shipping and everything, cost me around $360. Yep, that's right..... whatever money I spend on valks, the wife gets to spend on clothes, cd's ect. It's really not that bad....it keeps my girl happy and unconcerned about my growing mech collection. So I don't want to hear people fussing about the price of 1/48's! They cost me double!
  16. ...See if these are the fast pack upgrades for the 1/60's, I think Yamato messed up. When these were originally announced, I would have snatched up 4 or 5 sets in a heartbeat. As it stands now, I could care less for the 1/60th line and will not purchase any. I wonder how many other people feel the same, and how much potential $ Yamato lost by delaying them until well after the superior 1/48th line launched.
  17. I agree, but it's not just the head....it's the whole body. Wish I had a digital camera
  18. Although both are i n1/60 scale those gundam figures are no where close to the scale of the 1/60 valks. When compared to the Vf-1J Hiraku pilot, those figure's heads are close to half the size of Hiraku. I would say that they are more like really tall skinny 1/72 scale characters. I totally would never pay $15 for these....they're worth more like $.50 a piece and would better fit to scale with a 1/72 model. However if anyone wants mine I'll trade them for anything Macross related!
  19. I for one thought this miniseries was spectacular. I watched the original when I was a child, and I actually like this one much much more. I thought the acting was fine, most of the character choices were good (Starbuck being a woman is fine, but please ditch that actor), and the plot was top notch. For a TV program the production values were through the roof. I honestly can't understand why this show is getting such negative comments. I count it as a blessing that top-tier science fiction shows still come out every once in a while. Thank you Sci Fi Channel, I thoroughly enjoyed that programming! Keep 'em rolling! I'm also pretty suprised about the Dune comment....did you read the books?!! That series was a very good interpretation of them, and I don't see many people being able to handle the content of those books much better. I'm crossing my fingers that they give us at least one more round of the Dune series. God Emporor Leto would be sweet to see on the small screen.
  20. What about Ewoks: The Battle for Endor starring Wilford Brimley?!!!! That gem of the small screen's genius will never be truely realized in our lifetimes... ESB is by far the best, but KOTR beats them all.....too bad it's not a movie and too bad it shows that George Lucas is not the real magic behind Star Wars... the real magic came from the art dept!
  21. Wow...that's the equivilant of digital ballet. Simply amazing.
  22. sigh.....why didn't I order from Kevin like I always do?....grumble grumble. Oh well, for those who ordered from BBTS, I received my shipping confirmation today! Hopefully this bad-daddy is on the way! Geez I remember a year ago I was saying that I would just get one 1/48 as the crowning jewel of my Macross collection...... but I tell you they've all been worth every penny. I can't wait to get the 1J!
  23. I don't think that the Optimus Prime Materpiece is part of the Binaltech/Alternator line....he's just the same scale. I could be wrong...and please correct me if I am, but it sure would be cool if we see another Prime in an updated Binaltech form. On a side note, I just opened my Binaltech Smokescreen #7, and the amount of diecast is amazing! First thing I commented on was why would anybody (who can afford it) skip past the diecast versions of this line....they're brilliant! ....even my wife agrees!
  24. Let's see... Skids-Lincoln Navigator Cliffhanger-updated Volkswagon Beetle Convertable Prowl-Highway Patrol Corvette (but I guess Tracks would be the 'vette) Windcharger-Mustang Saleen Ironhide- Hummer H2
  25. yeah I'm not down with these pearlized and clear plastics they're using... Meh, I guess it's not too bad...I've certainly seen worse. Now I sure hope they do a Binaltech or Masterpiece version of ol' Megs. That should turn out much better.
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