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Everything posted by Rune

  1. And at this rate I'll have to invest in another job.
  2. 4 is enough for me!
  3. Rune

    Japan TRU 1/48 Sale

    Thanks for the response and effort though. We are all trying to find a good deal considering Ebay has been killing people on the fees and from the other heads that want to pay alot for them. No biggie!
  4. NO NO NO!! My wife does NOT tell me to get rid of my toys. Get more, MORE. It is simple first they change you then hate the changes that they helped make. Tell her that this is what makes you, you (which is true) and that helps you maintain your identity, which helps for a healthy relationship!
  5. Rune

    Japan TRU 1/48 Sale

    Yeah 1 X Super Hikaru and 1 X Super Max If you are up for it.
  6. Rune

    Japan TRU 1/48 Sale

    Oh Man if that is the case please hit me up as well. Icould give whoever some commission for the mission! Super Max/Hiki and Millia!
  7. Better yet a whole battalion! Thanks for the picts Graham!
  8. I think the paper is there so you can see the designs better... The aburd thing is the price! $90 for a bunch of glasses!? 322369[/snapback] DOH! I'm stupid.
  9. Is it me or does'nt it seem that these are just glasses with printed paper roled up in them? http://cgi.ebay.com/Robotech-Macross-Argen...1QQcmdZViewItem
  10. Yeah got my 1S Hikkie for $100 shipped exacly one year ago. Even got the Max for for $90 less then a year ago from Neova. Anyone remember that, Neova had a ton selling at $90 a pop here at MW. 8 months later, they are selling for more then double that. wow. 321324[/snapback] I got a few from him on that deal and am very glad I did. What I don't understand is that they(the non super/strike) used to start selling for around 100.00 dollars. hats up with the 150.00 for the VF-1A CF's?
  11. Hey a buddy of mine that used to come to this site has one (VF-1J Max) That he wants to sell for 1500.00. He paid 3000.00 for it I think like 3 years ago.
  12. A JOKE MACHINE!!?? NO... It's THE joke machine. PM Rohby if you want to be added to thew waiting list. Where'd this one come from? Is it a joke machine? 316225[/snapback]
  13. Me likey! Great work Greyson.
  14. "Back Blast area all clear!" They do pack a kick.
  15. Rune


    Maybe they plan to reissue the J because of the GBP-1 armor.
  16. Yep.....One more Roy and 3 more sets of fast packs to outfit the CFs that are coming out. What would we do without Yamato?
  17. I wonder why they keep rereleasing the Roy and not the others? Babelfished (H-bar removed lol) 312122[/snapback]
  18. Your right! It's not a toy, it's a work of art!
  19. Very very cool. I want one. How have I missed this thread till now? Has anything been said about price yet? Either way, if someone sees the official release thread and I haven't posted there yet, please PM me. It's hard to find the time to keep up thease days. Great work, Carl 310710[/snapback] $115.00-130.00 Is what Rhoby said.
  20. Is it really sturdy and some some heft..to it? The quesion is for me as well as anyone that may not have delt with rhoby before. 310628[/snapback] Well, I didn't go pawing at it. Rohby brought it to MWCon5, and I got some up close pics, and a very good look at it from a few inches away. As to dealing with Rohby, never fear, everything I have EVER gotten from Rohby has been 100% top notch quality. When you get stuff from him, you will think it came from a factory, seriously. 310633[/snapback] Everything I have gotten from him has been no doubt the best. It was more for reassurences for anyone who has not. I bought a few of the first batch of JM's and am very pleased with the relult.
  21. Is it really sturdy and some some heft..to it? The quesion is for me as well as anyone that may not have delt with rhoby before.
  22. 310463[/snapback] OH YES!! For sure sign me up for 1 when the time is up. If they are 115-130. I'll only be able to afford one which is enough for me. Dude...Your skill is amazing! Thank you, and that I am sure comes from all of us.
  23. Rhoby... Are you saying that you are moldong them already in the colors they should be in? Just trying to clarify. Great picts.Please put me down for 1 as well, maybe 2
  24. Is'nt there going to be both released like the 1/60 versions were they have either the armor with the VF-1J and just the armor?
  25. Mwuahahaha.... I'm gonna be running with a set to Rohbys as soon as I get the GBP. I want all my DYRL valks to be sporting those. 310029[/snapback] YES!
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