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Everything posted by Rune

  1. Still a child and now am more then ever have to stay that way for my sons sake......*55 years from now* " Dad?....." "Yes son" "Don't you think that you should change your daiper before you go outside to have mock battles with your toys?" How ironic. <_<
  2. Looks nice but I think I might pass on them. Although if someone happens to recast the tomahawk and GBP then maybe..I don't have series one so I don't know how they are built.
  3. Oh yeah, me want the minmei as well!!
  4. Alright!! Can't wait for the finished version.Put me down for alot!
  5. Not to mentiion a couple years ago we would have died for ONE valk with a ton of yellowing and gaps and problems with no complaints.
  6. Great work Kishimoto!!
  7. From what I understand he still is making them.For those who are not aware Rhoby has recast the JM and they are to a T perfect! When I can afford more I plan to buy them.
  8. Beautiful collection CID. Welcome to MW. Man that is one bad@$$ collection
  9. That makes three of us.
  10. I noticed the same and also other model sites are back on the "preorder" for some of his models to be restocked. http://www.e2046.com/article/product_whatsnew/6/3 It takes awhile to load these pages but you'll get the gist. I'm just tired of being insulted by people who have the audacity to think that we are ^%$#@!$%& chumps! GIVE us our cash back or I for one vote very positively for the recasting of these models for sale to fellow members that missed out.PERIOD
  11. I hate to play devils advocate but I have yet to recieve one of my models ( SD VF-11) and really have givin up on Tanman. And in response I woulld be willing to donate the ones I do have for the cause. Say hateful things to me if you disagree but after a total sum of 1000.00 dollers stolen from bunk members that had no intention of making good with thier end( I do not fully think Tanman is in that boat) I have very little faith in many sale transactions with anyone other then the OGs of MW
  12. I have a few of Rhoby JM recasts and would love some DYRL stickers. 5 sets at least
  13. Rune

    New here!

    I feel ya there, I also collect the trans reissues as well.
  14. OH man Anasazi37 , I have been salivating over these for awhile. Now I have to figure a way to afford another 1/48. I have an extra 1/60 VF-1J Hikaru that I took the armor and put to the VF-1D so I'll use that for the 1/60 version...Let us know when your ready for the preorders...
  15. Nice display cabinet Phatslappy. Are you also a collector of Air Jordons? Just curious because I have a friend that is and I was not aware that those shoes can fetch a couple hundred dollers per pair for the older versiions.
  16. Thanks Jesse
  17. Rune

    New here!

    Welcome to the coolest thing since bottled squeeze cheese KYQ!! I'm sure your financial life will NEVER be the same from here on out.
  18. Hey Jesse Do you have the list from the old forum that had who got what model? The reason I asked is I was waiting to get the SD VF-11 before I sent you the payment for shipping and realize I might not get it and can't remember all the models that I had gotten other then that one. I tried to go to the old forum to no avail. <_<
  19. Rune

    MAXL girl

    Right on Bake art!! Great work, and thanks for sharing. Any plans of a colored version?
  20. Bionic six and Jase and the wheeled warriors Good times indeed!
  21. Rune

    Latest 1/48

    Bout time. Looks good ,and have had a few weeks to save for it.
  22. Rune

    VF 1J GBP release

    Anyone know if they plan to sell just the armor alone?
  23. I just picked up the most recent Xbox mag and saw a preview for it. Looks pretty neat, but the release is still to be determined. Jsut wondering what others thoughts are on it or if anyone else has any ore info on it.
  24. Rune


    Great work ZeBi! 3D and photographs as well. Anyone willing to make that scan of the Minmai Gaurd into decals?
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