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Everything posted by Hereticpoo

  1. Looks like a car in a panel shop....All done with primer waiting for a paint job. Pass. If it was same as the VF-1J 1/48 Stealth I would have bought it without a thought. Oh well, more money for Cannon Fodder's
  2. Fair enough. I wasn't trying to attack anyone and if I have offended anyone please excuse me, that wasn't my intention. I just find it frustrating that there are over 1300 posts (in both threads) all going around the same yamato vs bandai track. Bring on the release date.....
  3. No new pics today? 2 more pages of mindless he said she said. This thread is disgracefull and lame. Shame on the topic starter for encouraging complaints in the title. "Complain about all the latest pics here." This thread was doomed from the start. It could have said "Share your opinions here" Mods may we please have a thread with the pics in it stickied to the Toys forum? Also may we have the thread locked? That way people can look at the images and appreciate Bandai's effort without wading through this vile puke of a thread. This thread is embarrassing to the Macross community. Thanks.
  4. Man, I just come to this thread to find new pictures. You guys still arguing about the toy that hasn't been released? Not even TF fans are that crazy. I think the toy has massive hips that are ugly but if i had the cash I'd still buy it. Haters, it ain't gonna change....stop the hate, somebody somewhere loves you!
  5. The 1/100's are looking like they'll be a good 'bang for your buck' purchase. The quality looks good, and on first glance I honestly can't see the diff between this and the 1/60 VF-25. (except the canopy, but no big deal) I'm looking forward to this line, with VF-0's, VF-171's and 19's etc on the way i think it will be a good collect them all type of line. If they come in at under $50 and if the TF franchise QC stays at the 'McMeal' level then this is one line I will definatley be spending big on.
  6. Yeah good call! But those hips are huge! That thing looks like it can give birth to Ex-Gears
  7. The 1/100 looks good for a small scaled valk. I love the child bearing hips!
  8. First of all, I totally agree. I only discovered Macross this year. I was researching Robotech and found this rich Macross culture by accident. So I read up on toys here at the board and I bought my first Macross Toy. A YAMATO VF-1J Stealth 1/48. My point is that as a 'new' fan I can't understand why Bandai would want to go back to the chunky looks. As a new lover of Macross I can say without bias that the chunkies are freakin ugly! No offence to anyone who likes them, I'm not bagging childhoods etc. But thats a poor justification for Bandai not trying to make the sexiest toy they could out of the VF-25.
  9. Nice, looking forward to this. BTW Ronald McDonald called, he wants his shoes back!
  10. LOL! Why wouldn't a penguin fly? They have wings! Sorry dude not trying to offend just couldn't resist!
  11. Are Valkyries, in particular the VF-1's aeronautically feasible? (Mods, please move if this topic is in the wrong area.) I ask because I was admiring my new 1/48 Stealth with Strike parts and thought, "There's no way with all that weight those tiny wings would produce enough lift to actually fly." So I wanted to put the thought to my fellow Macross fans. In a hypothetical world, would a Valkyrie actually fly? And would it fly with super and strike parts?
  12. Seeing Grace in that Catsuit made me blush! I feel like I need to go to confession. The shame!
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