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  1. Anyone else have VF-1D's for a "reasonable" price?
  2. Macross IS a bill.
  3. A silhouette you might want to add..........
  4. Its all good. Just saying I haven't had/purchased one of these Valks since the 90's. I sold off most of my old model kits and toys back in the late 90's early 2000's. The quality of this new stuff is legit, I would have pulled triple shifts delivering newspapers on Sundays for this stuff back in the 80's.
  5. Is this what this entire thread is about?! I got my first one of these things since the 90’s......wow, inflation......
  6. So, whats the next big step with the DX line? Release of Roy this fall/winter........and then maybe another model or two announced fall/winter? Where do we go from here besides save for the Roy release?
  7. Random question.......anyone have this image in an HD or higher pixel density? Trying to do a large canvas pic of it but I can’t find a big enough file.
  8. Isn't that nuts.....plastic missiles!! I agree with you guys, I'm thankful I have the coin to pay for a thing or two but its just fascinating and scary at the same time to see how much this stuff goes for. I guess the question is, does Bandai do this as a calculation? Like I mentioned, I feel like its becoming "normalized" to pay twice the price? I'm guilty of it, I purchased a Roy DX at over $300......and I just paused typing that.
  9. I know this is going to sound "old mannish" but has anyone else at one point stood back and said......WTF......$300 for a "coveted statuette".......ummm....toy. I've been a fan of this stuff since 1984 but holy toledo......my 1984 side is looking at this and saying.......ohhhh heeeeeeell no.....you'll never have one of those in your lifetime.....and here I am, one orders. Don't get me wrong I appreciate the stuff that goes into making this stuff but to pay basically twice the price.......seems to be normalized these days. I mean geeez......I don't see any of this stuff at MSRP any more.
  10. Anyone have (good or bad) buying experience from ToysOneJapan?
  11. One question, I noticed the Roy DX has a stand included or at least it was pictured that way in a few places. Does any of the previous DX kits have that?
  12. Yeah, I saw that........and I checked eBay. ughhhhhhh
  13. So, a little late to the game.......anyone know where you can still preorder the VF-1S Roy DX thats not $300?! aghhhhhhh
  14. Maybe I missed something in the last four pages of post but is HLJ the only people getting these new Roy's?? Is Kevin or anybody else getting them later and HLJ getting them first or is this just one of those times some wherehouse has a boat load they didn't know where to sell them??? Just trying to figure out where to send my money?? I was one of those guys who just picked up his first 1/48 a week ago, good price $160 shipped for a Hikaru VF-1S. OK so maybe the price was a little higher but given what they have come to I thought it was good.
  15. Well I do a lot of reading and less posting so what the hell, I have: 1/72=0 1/60=2 1A Hik,1S Roy 1/48=0 But waiting for 1S fast pack versions to come along. Hello and thanks to all for keeping this website and forum so informative and lively
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