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Everything posted by timmystyle

  1. I've heard more than a few complaints about the consistency for the animation, but it really didn't bother me; then again, I don't watch as much anime as I used to, and some of my favorite anime series, Initial D and Evangelion, are a bit on and off as well. There's more than enough people with beef against Alto, but I think he was a winner as far as character design was concerned. To paraphrase someone from another forum, "he is so beautiful and yet we don't hate him for it." This was of course thanks to it being a bit of a comedy relief setup; how we laughed when that man tried to sell him a dress Mecha/starship porn... Enough to satisfy me! When I watched Macross Plus more than ten years ago I wanted to see more of the opening scene(of the OVA, the asteroid battle) in that beautiful animation. Frontier filled that need(a decade later, lol) Yeah, I think it was wrapped up hastily. I'm going to wait on the movie now before I call it fully.
  2. Possibly the VF-27, with even greater power available, uses some of that power to charge the quantum beam cannon.
  3. I wait for the subs, but I've gotten into a bad habit since joining this board of reviewing Azrael's caps as they're posted. Must. Have. Discipline.
  4. Yeah, less a bridge and more a CIC. Makes sense; especially since capital ship bridges in Macross are combination of both. Someone's probably already delved into this, but the multi-platform layout, often with two platforms adjacent to one another and a third one above them gives the impression of CIC(for offensive fire control, PD coordination, sensors etc), a Flight Ops, and the top platform being a command level that oversees both of them.
  5. The final minutes of Ep 24 have certainly set this up, and it would be pretty awesome. But this series has kept me guessing the whole way along, so for me, all bets are off.
  6. Hell, it'd probably take a full day just to get a message to them.
  7. I weighed in for Sheryl. I'm with her for the long haul
  8. I nominate anyone standing/sitting on the shore of Lake Global for Sharon Apple's armistace gig. Surely someone would have been swamped and drowned when the SDF-1 came thundering back down.
  9. Everyone that's saber rattling at Kawamori: admit it, he did it beautifully. There doesn't appear to be many people who saw the episode that didn't, at the least, choke up. But face the facts, as Lindem posted already; he was already mortally wounded, and being blown into space not only removed any doubt but robbed Alto of any possibility of saving him, wrenching our hearts again. Kawamori is a genius.
  10. Should there be a seperate thread for least manly death? If not, I nominate Leon and his stupid haircut, screaming when Klan eats him.
  11. Fantastic. In that case, if no-one else is using it, may I have an animation of the closing two shots from MF ep01? You know the ones; homage GERWALK shot with cannon blazing; Alto's face full of The Rage?
  12. So... Are noobs allowed to request anigifs, or should I get some history down first?
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