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Everything posted by Amped

  1. Avoid the 'new' Bourne Identity DVD! the film itself is awesome, IMO. However, the powers that be jetisoned the DTS soundtrack from the first release in order to fit in a bunch of pappy-crap extras. Plus the 'alternate' begining & end ought to have remained n the cutting room floor (thankfully they are optional viewing). They would've totally crapped up the film had they stuck with them... thankfully they didn't... besides they're very low quality video/ film stock. If you're so inclined, just buy the original widescren release & ignore this bit of sequel-hype marketing junk.
  2. Check out the final trailer here... http://www.capedwonder.com/Collora.htm http://theforce.net/theater/nonsw/worldsfinest/ ...not bad!!!
  3. Any more fun concept pix??? We can argue about the pros/cons of GL & the raping of our collective childhoods.... but personally I prefer to side-step the whole circular 'debate' and focus on the eye-candy this time around, as that seems to be the only thing from the SW franchise that is capable of eliciting joy in me any more... Soooooo... any more pretty pictures that were scammed before this latest round were suppresed?!?
  4. ...and lest ya'll think it's only gonna have heroes... Lex Luthor too!!!
  5. Well, coming hot on the heels of the Robin short...this one looks to be more than what the average 'fan' has coin to produce. WORLD’S FINEST is also produced by Sandy Collora, who brought us the Batman: Dead End short. http://www.superherohype.com/superman/index.php?id=1769 http://www.jimbowers.biz/Collora_WF.htm Keep in mind these guys are professionals in the industry. These amount to fairly decent-budgeted self-promo pieces. Nonetheless, should be interesting to see the final product!
  6. I agree that the new fighter looks like too much of a compromise design... and R2's underside must be danglin'! I'm curious to see some of the other images, as I prefer the overall batch of designs I've seen thus far for EIII. Still think the film itself is gonna be poo, tho. Too many dingly danglys to wrap up by the end for it to be a smooth transition from 3 to 4. Then again the new TV series could fill in the blanks...
  7. Sweet! I love papercraft models... It'll be swell to se a Legioss done up papercraft-style! Lookin' nice so far... Good luck!
  8. Like a moth drawn to a flame, I'm drawn to discussion threads about power armour, et al... When lo & behold look what I should find via a good ol' Google search for Uchuu no Senshi... Holee F'N SHEEEAT!!! Somebody FINALLY did it!!! ORDER HERE: http://www.trooperpx.com/ForSale.html I'm a big fan of Ma.K./SF3D and power suits in general, and got the super-rare Nutrocker video from TROOPERPX some time ago offa eBay. It was an A+, stabilized transfer from VHS to DVD-R... I can only imagine what a great transfer these'd be comin' right off of a Laser Disc source!!! Well, I'm off to order these badboys!!!
  9. Ummm, this movie kinda scares me, with it's reliance on almost enirely CG-created environments. It has so many elements that are cool, and that I personally like... like I dig the whole Rocketeer/ Iron Giant vibe goin' on, but... we'll just haveta see wether or not it all 'works'. Lucas pretty much showed us with the past 2 SW flix how hard it is for actors to put forth believable performances in front of largely blue/ green screen sets. The biggest red flag for me, however: despite her CFM lips, I hold no hope that any film that Angelina Joli is in will be worth a damn.
  10. Man, Tour of Duty... now that was a pretty decent 'Nam series. Pretty raw & graphic for TV, IIRC. There was one episode I recall where this dude gets blown in half by a mine & begs his buddy to shoot him to put him outta his misery. All these years later... remembering that scene still creeps me out. Gads, all those other shows you guys have mentioned... I forgot how much crap TV I must've watched as a kid! I'm all over that Wonder Woman set, tho!!!
  11. Nice semi-obscure reference!!! Yune's style just doesn't do it for me. While it is polished & professional... it just looks too much like fan art... albeit nicely done fan art. Maybe it's cause I don't like how he beefs the characters up & takes liberties with facial characteristics/ proportions. The thing about all the orginal character designs is that they generally all had a rather slim, graceful quality... but Yune's renditions all look like Iowa-bred/ corn-fed American beefcakes. Pass...
  12. Woah!!! Ikaruga on the GameCube for only 4.99?!? Those who own the GC... go forth & buy now for one of the best shooters evaaaaah!!!
  13. Amped

    SD VF-4 toys...

    Weeell... Graham is not entirely correct. There was never a SD toy made like, say one of the Joke Machines or SD kits, however... ...there was an SD capsule 'toy' made of the VF-4, about the size of a quarter. I've got all of 'em, but I'll haveta dig out my collection & snap a better pic of the VF-4.
  14. Adding the disk makes no sense to me! It makes the design look like a gag... 'OK, first we take the Yaamto... then we gene-splice in the Enterprise... and then... WINGS, it must have WINGS!!! Yesssss...' Yuck.
  15. No worries about my sale thread guys! The deal is pending.. if it doesn't pan out I'll just update the thread accordingly. Having said that, however... lately it seems folks on MW do tend to kinda follow a winding 'stream of conciousness' when replying to threads. It'd probably help if everyone made more of an effort to stay on topic. Self-policing is still the best policy, with gentle moderator reminders helping to keep foks on track. Also, I do agree with those folks who point out that you shouldn't be posting in a sale thread unless your interested in the item...or know for a fact that something stinky is going down!
  16. Just got in from seeing Spidey 2... and WOW!!! Now that was a piece of damn fine cinmatic cuisine. Great story. Great characters. Great action, etc, etc. I Liked Spidey I... but this one took all the good stuff, made it bettter... & threw in a bunch more great stuff. Bravo to Sam Rami & the cast & crew! And yeah, there were way more nods in this one to Evil Dead...
  17. That's like th elil' brother of the Beowulf .50!!! ...from http://www.armedforcesjournal.com/blackwater/blackwater.html More info here... http://www.gunblast.com/50Beowulf.htm As the saying goes: "If you are going to make a hole, make it as big as possible"
  18. WOW, beautiful work throughout this thread. You all rock!
  19. Those SOP Yamatos are pretty sweet! It has lottsa cool little gimmicks - lights, sounds, opening hatches, etc. - and very well-detailed, excellent weathering, etc. It was disappointing to me tho, when I bought one (when they first came out) and it had so little die-cast content. The sculpt is beautiful. However, the lack of metal content (or maybe just the type of plastic used) just made it feel kinda cheap-o... thus I sold mine last year for a tasty profit.
  20. The Last Unicorn was cool... tho a teensy bit cheesy IMO... maybe its just my allergy to unicorns, tho. And honestly, The Hobbit & LOTR aren't nearly as bad as some folks make them out to be. They were decent for their time. I actually like some of the stylized design elements from both. The Hobbit in particular has some absolutly fantastic watercolour backgrounds by Minoru Nishida. The animated version of Return of the King, however... now that one is pretty much past redemption...
  21. More of 'that German mama'! This time as Oneesan from Battle Royal...
  22. From what ya can tell, this girl seems cute enough... but the costume definitly deserves notice!
  23. Now, less tha sistas feel they ain't be represented... a fan of Austin Powers 3: Goldmember... Foxxy Cleopatra!!!
  24. wow, now I don't know if that's a cosplayer or a porn star! FYI, she's a German cosplayer.
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